Liquid Shake
just like cars chances of getting hired
#firecara #hiregregmiller
Dear Greg,
Giant Bomb are not hiring you, sorry.

just like cars chances of getting hired
#firecara #hiregregmiller
That's fair. I'll tone it down for awhile. #NoHiresJesus like I know this whole hire ___ thing is ya'll's thing but can you give it a rest already? You're going to find out soon.
Sorry to be that guy but gosh is it ever irksome.
i didn't talk about new hires for like three weeks so i can carry the torch for a bit
That's fair. I'll tone it down for awhile. #NoHires
I want the new hire to be some random, no body who happened to intern at Whiskey media or something.
stop that daydream
yeah not really feeling the edit chat stuff
feels like something gamefaqs would do if they had the chance
also welcome back daydreaming
There's already one Dan, so why not two?
Serious question.
Does Jeff Green have a actual job?
I walked away from it with like 15 blood vials left, the guy throwing magic got a few cheap shots in. I just circle-strafed around them and they almost never hit me. it was piss easy.
Rom killed me like 15 times
When was the last time DOTA was played on the site?
More edit shaming.yeah not really feeling the edit chat stuff
feels like something gamefaqs would do if they had the chance
FFFFFFFUUUUUUUUUUUUHUU.....anjin should have patented it, he'd be doing this right now:
That was a good video. One of my favorite things about the various Souls series videos is that they engender great conversations.Jeff playing and seemingly enjoying Bloodborne warms the cockles.
I would 100 support the Bomb crew rebroadcasting that video as MPP9 as a troll. Before playing it for real, of course.
Forgot about that intern Pat
Forgot about that intern Pat
How that about fortune street?
Anyone have issues with older videos refusing to load sometimes? Been trying to watch some stuff I've not seen (Load Our Last Souls, Deadly Premonition ER) and after clicking play the video will just stay black. Sometimes have to reload 4-5 times to get it to play or just try again at a different time.
It's like Mario Party but good!
.Its only been three years but its so weird seeing 2012 Brad to 2015 Brad
Also it has Vinny and Ryan!
I wonder if they will do a 24 / 7 extra live stream again with the full crew.
Seems like a great / terrible way to really run through a few Mario Party games.
Could do 2 or 3 in one day if they put some long buffers in between to cool down and prevent anything too dark going down.
I wonder if they will do a 24 / 7 extra live stream again with the full crew.
Seems like a great / terrible way to really run through a few Mario Party games.
Could do 2 or 3 in one day if they put some long buffers in between to cool down and prevent anything too dark going down.
And the old Whiskey set, which I totally forgot was so cool! Their new set is really awesome and has kickass lighting, but there's something about that brick wall...
I would donate a thousand dollars for a 24 hour Mario Party marathon with Jeff, Dan, Drew, and Brad. DO YOU HEAR ME DAN MAKE IT HAPPEN
He didn't say 24 hour podcast. You gotta read what he wrote.that is a great way to make sure Brad falls asleep
that is a great way to make sure Brad falls asleep
How that about fortune street?
Its pretty much the best. I might have to watch that again soon
How that about fortune street?
I hope Jeff continues this bloodborne check-in at least longer than the other check-in's lasted.
I thought it was a simulator for oppressing minorities and dialing USA's societal progress back to the 19th century.
I laughed and now feel terrible.
I want the new hire to be some random, no body who happened to intern at Whiskey media or something.
I laughed and now feel terrible.