For some reason I'm watching this "unknown" guy Laugh while murdering people.
I think his name is Kleptok or something.
For some reason I'm watching this "unknown" guy Laugh while murdering people.
I think his name is Kleptok or something.
Looks like Jeff beat Shadow of Yharnam. Wonder if he met that NPC while he was in the forest.
The people that needs to be grossing people out is the part where one of the mod developers admitted to taking a free mod and using it in his own paid mod. And that Valve apparently told him it was ok to jack other mods to fit into his own because they were on Steamworks and free.
That is like... some of the most disgusting shit I've ever read related to video games.
Of course they did. Otherwise it'd And Valve didn't want something hard, they wanted a way to make money without actually doing anything.
It'll be nice and easy when Fallout 4 launches with only Steam Workshop support, DRM with your mods, and Valve legally strongarms the Nexus into shutting down.
The future of PC gaming!
Of course they did. Otherwise it'd And Valve didn't want something hard, they wanted a way to make money without actually doing anything.
It'll be even nicer when Fallout 4 is even more fucking broken than the rest of the shit Bethesda throws up for sale and then they get more money off of people fixing their shortcomings.
Giantbomb fan or dude name Brad?![]()
Did anyone buy that Saints Row 4 collection for new consoles? Do you need a leveled up character to play Saints Christmas DLC etc or can you just go in cold? Thx
Wait, does saint row do character leveling? Don't remember that in 3 at all.
Hmm. Brad is the Raleigh area of NC, right? So, maybe a fan or even a family member. Or just a coincidence.
You earn Respect points that you spend in your phone menu thing. Some upgrades are locked until you reach a certain Respect Level.
that Crypt of the Necrodancer was weird, it's like they were trying to sell the game, i don't know, it rubbed me the wrong way
I think it's time for a new Breaking Brad: Brad vs. Jeff in Blitz '99 until he wins a game. Dan can watch and talk shit the whole time.
I think Dan vs Jason in anything could be good.
I'm with Dan, Necrodancer just looks stressful having to stay on beat the whole time.
I'm a white guy, staying on beat is no easy feat for me.
fuckin Dan playing Killing Floor 2 with a gamepad
The hashtag makes me think it is a coincidence.
Bad/Brad is not much of a pun and there is another Breaking Brad series on youtube about bad movies I believe.
Premium series idea: Brad plays through Crypt of the Necrodancer with only a dance pad.
Premium series idea: Brad plays through Crypt of the Necrodancer with only a dance pad.
fuckin Dan playing Killing Floor 2 with a gamepad
The land of getting destroyed in every shooter.Join us, Salsa, in the land of forgotten keyboards and mice, where all PC games allow for Xinput support and button prompts rule the galaxy.
The land of getting destroyed in every shooter.
The land of getting destroyed in every shooter.
The land of letting down your teammates?Oh no! Destroyed in a co-op shooter! What ever will I do with myself while I'm comfortable and using a device actually created for the task at hand.
The land of letting down your teammates?
Man, I can't wait to hear about this Steam paid mod situation on the Bombcast next week.
Doesn't seem like the kind of game that requires a lot of twitch gameplay. It's not Counter Strike.
Yo guys, The Avengers was good but Dolby Atmos was a disappointment. I should have D-Boxed it.
(Actually one D-BOXing is enough).
In every M+KB vs. gamepad debate someone forgets that there is always someone a lot better than you with a gamepad, even if you're pretty good with a M+KB. It's not as simple as 'I have more points of articulation, therefore I am better' there are tons of other factors involved.
Even beyond generalities, Dan was doing just fine in that video.
Why does Europe get to see a movie with a guy with America in his name before America?