I thought the site's quality declined greatly after Dave left, then Ryan's untimely death, and then Patrick's departure to Kotaku. I don't know another way of putting it. In fact, I mentioned that I always though GB would get absorbed into GameSpot prior to all of this in my original post. Dave's departure, Ryan's death, and Patrick's leaving were huge. I don't know how else to phrase it without sounding negative (which I was at the time and how I feel now) and not sound disingenuous. The site changed greatly, and in my mind for the worse, after those three were no longer involved. All of this is which is why I went from a heavy poster in the GB threads to my rarely occasional posts.
But, I said something negative about GB in this thread and I know how that usually goes.
Anyway, I said all I've meant to say. People should go back and watch the Whiskey Media and previous stuff.
I'm regretting I posted a positive "old days" post. Oh well. Ignore, I guess. Unsubscribe from threads.