A half hour into the podcast and nothing but hilarious banter and not a word of game talk. Man, I really missed Vinny on the Bombcast.
Has there been anything not archived other than personal streams? Seems like a weird thing to worry about.
Edit:Speaking of Bombcast, please tell me we get Vinny/Jeff/Brad BB talk.
There is but not as much as previous weeks.Edit:Speaking of Bombcast, please tell me we get Vinny/Jeff/Brad BB talk.
Previous BLLSs?
Jeff remembering that telltale was working on a minecraft game and his subsequent reaction was perfect.
There is but not as much as previous weeks.
Previous BLLSs?
He hasn't played it since the test stream so I guess he doesn't really have much to say on it.Bummer, was hoping there would be more with Vinny.
He hasn't played it since the test stream so I guess he doesn't really have much to say on it.
I don't check the website for that stuff, I download the podcast onto my phone using an app and just hit play. He didn't even throw a spoiler alert before it, it seemed like he wasn't going to say anything and then went all in.
Least a brah can do is throw a damn alert and given me a chance to jump 15 seconds ahead.
Considering how green the SF production team is to BLLSL's I'm going to assume we'll see a lot of on the couch and gaming segments tomorrow. That said, I wouldn't be surprised for some avant-garde shit considering how much time there was between conception and production of this particular Big Live Live Show Live.
Only Jason is green. That said, without tested or cv, I suspect it will be mostly on the main couch set.
Has there been anything not archived other than personal streams? Seems like a weird thing to worry about.
Maybe my hopes are too high, but with how much time they have seemed to be planning and with the new hires I get the impression they might have a good amount of small segment ideas that they didn't know how to make into it's own series. I'm at least in store for some funny surprises.
Second and third one are archived on YT, only the first one is MIA, I think. That was probably lost before the big archiving effort from the community happened.
Man you guys really don't like kinda funny huh? Next to giantbomb they are one of the only gaming peeps I like. Kinda weird they are teaming up with Gamespot though.
so on the recommendation of the giant bombcast crew, I have tried some crystal meth
not recommended
That would be cool. Hopefully it would be an even spread among the staff and not just 100 nacho cheese and oreos segments.
Man you guys really don't like kinda funny huh? Next to giantbomb they are one of the only gaming peeps I like. Kinda weird they are teaming up with Gamespot though.
I just noticed that this game is weird on metacritic, because each act has reviews, there is a "complete edition" and also just a plain "Broken Age" thing.77 PC score.
The Big Live Live Show: Live + Block Party from 2010, don't think yous guys got dis archived have you?
Is it the first one? If so you should upload it to YT, it's nowhere to be found!
I was totally going to buy my mom flowers using proflowers but WTF
I was totally going to buy my mom flowers using proflowers but WTF
If i remember correctly, the first bllsl was uploaded to unarchived, but was flagged with tone of copyright issues and was taken down .
Oh yeah, that's right. Probably not possible then.
Remember the last Big Live Live Show: Live... where they began the show by showing a trailer for FUSE (by Insomniac Games), and Bryan Intihar tried (badly) to convince everyone watching it was still great after they changed the look of the game from cartoon to realistic. That was goddamn terrible and forced.
Let this be a reminder to all that you will not enjoy everything that airs on the Big Live Live Show: Live today.
I really watch it expecting the Big Live Live Shit Show Live, so my expectations are rock bottom low. Anything that's mildly amusing I consider a triumph of the wills of manyRemember the last Big Live Live Show: Live... where they began the show by showing a trailer for FUSE (by Insomniac Games), and Bryan Intihar tried (badly) to convince everyone watching it was still great after they changed the look of the game from cartoon to realistic. That was goddamn terrible and forced.
Let this be a reminder to all that you will not enjoy everything that airs on the Big Live Live Show: Live today.
If i remember correctly, the first bllsl was uploaded to unarchived, but was flagged with tone of copyright issues and was taken down .
Wait, were they usually bad? Because that's not what I remember.I really watch it expecting the Big Live Live Shit Show Live, so my expectations are rock bottom low. Anything that's mildly amusing I consider a triumph of the wills of many
drew almost got fired for using his bow and arrow #BLLSLmemories
Wait, were they usually bad? Because that's not what I remember.
Wait, were they usually bad? Because that's not what I remember.