well my nexus tablet just bricked itself. Farewell tablet, i watched a lot of gb content on you over the years
Did you
well my nexus tablet just bricked itself. Farewell tablet, i watched a lot of gb content on you over the years
What/When was Dave Lang's first appearance on Bomb content?
What/When was Dave Lang's first appearance on Bomb content?
His first appearance was actually during the Giant Bomb Farewell Party in 2019. Dave Lang experiences time differently than us, and he is working his way backwards through the timeline - from our point of view - appearing in random content. This is proven by the fact that Dave Lang shrinks slightly with each piece of content he appears on. He is actually not shrinking, but infact getting younger.
His first appearance was actually during the Giant Bomb Farewell Party in 2019. Dave Lang experiences time differently than us, and he is working his way backwards through the timeline - from our point of view - appearing in random content. This is proven by the fact that Dave Lang shrinks slightly with each piece of content he appears on. He is actually not shrinking, but infact getting younger.
What/When was Dave Lang's first appearance on Bomb content?
Giant Bomb's quality video player really likes to just stop in the middle of videos and reset every time for me. It's really a ton of fun and quality.
According to this Reddit post, Lang's first appearance was on a Bombcast with Boyes and Johnny V.
Weird, that has never happened to me. Considered making a post in the Bug Reporting forum on the site or something?
Giant Bomb's quality video player really likes to just stop in the middle of videos and reset every time for me. It's really a ton of fun and quality.
Last. This is his last.
I've had the issue on and off for years. I doubt a bug report would do much good.
Did youclicktap the wrong download link?
I plugged in the charge cable and put it down and the screen went completely nutz for about a minute and shut down (like weird retro glitch aesthetic crazy). Now it won't boot.
I don't think I can deal with a hatless Dave Lang.
Had the sub stream on in the background all day.
Did anyone catch that bit between Samantha and Drake? Sounded like Samantha is working on a game involving maybe wrestling or something and the Sony people are involved? Scoops!
I always thought the hat was Dave Lang?
I love that Wreckateer's poor sales is still something Lang brings up as a joke. His whole "I know no one of you bought Wreckateer, and I never ask you of anything..." speech during last year's GDC panel(?) was hilarious.
I'm going to interpret this as a Dota reference instead of a Zelda one.dave lang is like agahnim that way
Best One-Shot GB Character
This may be David Lang's first appearance. He seems really quiet and his mic is broken. Vinny!
After Brad talked about it on the podcast a little while ago I decided to watch the whole Broken Age documentary over the week-end. Really great stuff. I'm not really interested in the game itself but the film was good.
After Brad talked about it on the podcast a little while ago I decided to watch the whole Broken Age documentary over the week-end. Really great stuff. I'm not really interested in the game itself but the film was good.
that's public now right? also I should probably get around to watching the Massive Chalice videos at some point seeing as how i paid for that tier
Who would be the longest running Giant Bomb recurring guest?
I guess maybe Harmonix people? Would have to go back and see who was demoing Rock Band 1 back during the Gamespot days to them and see if Pope or Drake was there.
Alex was.