Sonic Boom QL is a thing of beauty!I just rewatched the Sonic Boom QL and noticed for the first time how they just used the fucking MS Word special font for "Yesterday" at the beginning.
Yes, this is my contribution to this thread.
Sonic Boom QL is a thing of beauty!I just rewatched the Sonic Boom QL and noticed for the first time how they just used the fucking MS Word special font for "Yesterday" at the beginning.
Yes, this is my contribution to this thread.
Tony Hawk 5!
I can hear Jeff's desperate sigh even here in Austria
I have an english degree and this is how I have understood its use.
also I'm not at all rich and I still have unfulfilled ambitions but I wouldn't consider myself unsuccessful.
whatever. least it isn't a mobile game, right?
It looks like it started as least it isn't a mobile game, right?
Is that your only degree?
I wonder if Tony Hawk himself had any say on the matter
I wonder if Tony Hawk himself had any say on the matter
Old Blood is 15th in europe? THE. FUCK ?!?!?!?!?
My Grand Pappy didn't (personally) fight Hitler so I could get fucked over like this. I feel like Poland right about now.
Old Blood is 15th in europe? THE. FUCK ?!?!?!?!?
My Grand Pappy didn't (personally) fight Hitler so I could get fucked over like this. I feel like Poland right about now.
Thanks for that, by the way. Been listening to it, but sadly, the sound quality is terrrrrible.Dunno if this has been mentioned already but what the hey:
The very excellent podcast Designer Notes is a Brad Muir edition this bimonth. Three hours of Soren Johnson talking to Muir about his career and thoughts on game design.
I think everyone here knows that, we're merely discussing the uses beyond the obvious.
that one time keyser posted the entire destiny OT in a GB thread was pretty ok
Well that new THPS sure looks like hot garbage.
Old Blood is 15th in europe? THE. FUCK ?!?!?!?!?
My Grand Pappy didn't (personally) fight Hitler so I could get fucked over like this. I feel like Poland right about now.
Too bad they probably recorded the podcast already. Tuesday curse strikes again.
Tony Hawk is going to be the new Sonic isn't it.
My heart...
my heart
Do you guys think Brad is going to wait until after his DOTA match to post the podcast
Tony Hawk is going to be the new Sonic isn't it.
My heart...
my heart
But there have been good Tony Hawk games in the last 15 years
But there have been good Tony Hawk games in the last 15 years
I think it's kinda crazy that Brad might have played Dotato 2 with the future Spiderman.
to be fair to sonic, Generations was actually alright and Sonic Racing Transformed is better than most of the Mario Kart games.
huh. guess I missed that with my immediate reaction to dota content being to close the tab.
kid was pretty good in Ender's Game (despite the movie being underwhelming), I'd be ok with this.
KInda looking forward to some DOTA content. I have not played since the last TI and not really kept up with the developments. I am interested.
You missed so much that almost everything you missed will be completely ignored because the newer patch came out.
I'm hoping for one too, tweeted at him to do an unfinished when I saw the announcement. It seems promising from what I've heard.DirtRally Drew. Do it.
Only if you buy that hippster "on disc" edition.
That's what you get for going physical, HAHA!
shit, DOTA is back in this thread. I thought it was over.