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Giant Bomb #14 | I'll Never Forget This!

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Baldur's Gate 2 since it's my favourite game. Still need to figure how to show a game like that though, the Random PC Game of that game was pretty bad.
Probably endurance run .

I do hope they do an endurance run again. The daily content plus them being forced to play a game was great.


I think it's impossible for any adult new to wrestling to get deep into it, given the quality of the current product. Indies might be good enough for a non-fan to have fun, but I doubt it'd be good enough to turn anyone into a diehard fan, and anyone watching the WWE for the first time right now is sure to be disgusted at the crap that takes up 80% of the show.

Even Dan would probably hate or be indifferent to the idea of wrestling if he had never seen wrestling before and you sat him in front of a random modern day WWE PPV.

I'm positive the vast majority of current wrestling fans are kids that don't know any better, and wrestling fans who became fans 15 years ago and are continuing just on the momentum of being a "wrestling fan".

Yeah you are a probably right. I think you could maybe turn someone who liked sports into a fan of New Japan or someone who liked more craziness onto Lucha Underground but WWE is probably impossible due to terrible writing and the fact Raw is 3 freaking hours every week.




Why do people act like wrestling is incredibly bad these days, lol.

WWE's honestly alright at the moment. The main event stuff's a bit uninspiring storyline-wise, building things around Korporate Kane in his accountant attire is a bit odd, but the rest of the storylines are alright, there's lots of entertaining characters on the roster and the quality of the wrestling is generally really good across the board. I watched Smackdown for the first time in ages the other week, it was great.

Also like half of the Videogamer team has suddenly started watching wrestling recently and they're all 20-30 year olds. They seem to like it. Who wouldn't like Neville doing all his flips.

Now 2005, that was some shit.

Anjin M

Fairway Solitaire is the best solitaire game.
I know it's seven hours late, but is still want to high five you for this post. I played Fairway to completion. I think it was Tycho from PA who got me to try it.

Hey guys, I'm listening to Lana Del Rey - Born To Die again.

I'm starting to think it's the best album of the 2010s.
It has its ups and downs, but it has a lot of ups.


And they'd be absolutely wrong, pro wrestling is one of the greatest things.

watching this Breaking Brad is reminding me how much more I like Demon's Souls than any of the other games.

some of the later ones definitely improved on certain aspects, but there's something about the relative simplicity here that gives it a focus that I really appreciate. and world 4 is still my favorite looking section in any of them.

Anjin M

The way people talk about wrestling reminds me of how my mother-in-law talks about her soap operas. The day to day episodes are rarely worth watching, but the story shifts over time are what keep her watching.


The actual quality of matches in modern WWE (not even counting NXT) is exponentially better than it perhaps has ever been. Especially the Attitude Era. In-ring product week-to-week was abysmal compared to today.


So why was the Attitude era so lauded then?

It was exciting they had guys leaving one promotion to join another. The attitude era also fit in with other popular shows of the time such as the Jerry Springer show, South Park and Jackass with highly violent and sexual content.
So why was the Attitude era so lauded then?

almost certainly the best build up/pay off loop the company has ever pulled off

the weekly stuff was basically only there to build up the tension and set up the PPVs. the PPVs of that era were some of the best entertainment that WWE has ever provided.

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
So why was the Attitude era so lauded then?

They had characters. That's pretty much all they had, but that's all you need in mainstream American wrestling. Wrestling was also 'cool' again thanks to the NWO and WCW and WWF was piggybacking off that with DX(no matter how much they try to say they weren't.) Attitude Era is pretty garbage to look back on aside from 2 or 3 wrestlers, but it fit the era perfectly.

Why do you think Hulk Hogan was so popular?


almost certainly the best build up/pay off loop the company has ever pulled off

the weekly stuff was basically only there to build up the tension and set up the PPVs. the PPVs of that era were some of the best entertainment that WWE has ever provided.

I thought that Raw was much stronger than the PPVs back then especially in 1999 it got better once they got Benoit, Guerrero etc but those 99 PPVs are pretty rough.

Look at some of these cards I would take most recent PPVs over these.

King of the Ring '99
Fully Loaded '99
Unforgiven '99


I got re-interested in wrestling for a while when the Powerbombcast started but the production is so bad, it seems like there's no actual enthusiasm or creativity going into it especially on the writing side. I think all of the anime I'm watching this season have better writing than the WWE over this past year, even the one about a kid who goes Super Saiyan when he gets nosebleeds
, though that is from the writer of 999/VLR so that isn't totally fair.
So why was the Attitude era so lauded then?
Story lines and characters were leagues better then today. That guy is also exaggerating how bad the in ring stuff was. They allowed for much more variation back then. Current WWE is missing interesting components like the Cruiserweight and Hardcore divisions. And for years they had a terrible tag team division, but I think in recent years they've improved in that department.

I haven't watched wrestling regularly in a while, but listening to Jeff talk about it tells me that I'm not missing anything by staying away the way he complains about them not giving a shit about storyline continuity.
Picked up Pac Man CE DX+ on steam and when you get a decent train of ghosts going and them get a power pellet its like 5 seconds of the purest video game pleasure you can have.

Anjin M

Picked up Pac Man CE DX+ on steam and when you get a decent train of ghosts going and them get a power pellet its like 5 seconds of the purest video game pleasure you can have.
This reminds me that I need to watch the quick look again. Ryan was so enthusiastic about that same thing. Such a good game.

Damn that mobile gaming thread is a graveyard.

EDIT: Oh it's 2 days old.
Yeah, it's a blood bath. I thought about joining the discussion, but I'm much to timid to risk a ban.
Story lines and characters were leagues better then today. That guy is also exaggerating how bad the in ring stuff was. They allowed for much more variation back then. Current WWE is missing interesting components like the Cruiserweight and Hardcore divisions. And for years they had a terrible tag team division, but I think in recent years they've improved in that department.

I haven't watched wrestling regularly in a while, but listening to Jeff talk about it tells me that I'm not missing anything by staying away the way he complains about them not giving a shit about storyline continuity.

Eh, even though some of the story lines and characters were better, a lot of it is frankly, there's nothing new. An anti-hero fighting his boss was cool the first time around. But, this is the 89th time they've done it. Fueding tag partners is cool the first time. Not the 36th time. But, along with the good storylines in the WWE, you have the things the nostalgia goggles forget about, like the random switching of the I-C and Hardcore titles for no good reason a week before Wrestlemania, every tag team not getting along, and so on, and so forth.

As for the in-ring, anything before 2000 in WWE is kind of bad outside of the main event. Even the guys who could wrestle in the midcard were stuck with 3-minute matches ending in schmozzes. But frankly, the end of the Cruiser division is a good thing. I have my issues with the homogenized WWE style, but the Cruiser division was just a way both WCW and WWF could not push small guys (see, we have a whole division of them) and 99% of WWF-style hardcore matches were two guys walking around hitting each other with random crap.

As for caring about storyline continuity, again, outside of the 2000-01 era with Kreski as head writer, the WWF has never cared about this stuff. Rikishi as the guy who ran over Austin? McMahon as the higher power? Every non-sensical Russo-ish turn in the 90's?

Yeah, the current product has it's issues. But, aside from the fact that many of the issues have it's roots in the Attitude Era, at least we don't have the blatant misogony, homophobia, and the like from the audiences and promotion we used too (aside from when edgy smart fans chant 'you suck John' or 'you suck Bryan' at the Bella's), so that's a positive.

A lot of the Attitude Era was great. OTOH, a lot of it was pretty horrible. It's just the nWo/Attitude era has the side effect of having fans of the Rock 'n' Wrestling era becoming young adults and getting interested in wrestling again, just as Hogan turned heel, and 2 of the most charismatic stars in wrestling history rising to the top. A lot of it, was frankly, blind luck. If Hogan had refused to turn heel, or Triple H had won King of the Ring in 1996, or a ton of other things, maybe the Attitude Era never hits in the same way.


JesseEwiak pretty much nailed it.

WWE has a lot of problems still but a lot of the current roster plus some of the NXT guys have all the potential in the world. Creative just has to luck into it and quit sabatoging things that work.

The Attitude Era came from desperation and rode the wave that WCW created with the NWO type stuff (and all of the stuff stolen from ECW). That was what the majority of people wanted before they really knew they wanted it at that specific time.

WWE isn't desperate to survive right now. They have no competition. On top of that they show that they are very badly out of touch a lot of the time. They can't catch that lightning in a bottle again going this way.

Either way, we've had some of the best actual wrestling matches come out of WWE shows in a long time. The John Cena US title stuff on Raw has been some of his best work in forever. NXT specials are popping off every time (Sasha Banks is already one of the best wrestlers in the world). WWE PPV's have delivered at least two good matches per show for the most part. 2015 has been a great year for wrestling if you look at everything and not just WWE although it did contribute.

Main roster storylines are pretty much still crap and the commentary team ruins everything for me but I'm pretty content with things right now. Elimination Chamber is exciting (Owens vs Cena especially). The U.S. title means something. The tag division seems like it actually exists for once. Rollins is doing extremely well as a weasel heel champion. Neville is exciting to watch. I just wish Daniel Bryan was around doing wonders with that damned intercontinental belt.


So why was the Attitude era so lauded then?

Same reason Jerry Springer, Jackass, CKY and shit were so beloved back then. Trash TV. People lapped that stuff up.

Hell, one of the most beloved segments that WWE loves to bring back up and show is a segment were DX literally did blackface to mock the Nation of Domination. And they still play it up like, "Oh, those loveable scamps in DX! Aren't they wacky?"
I think the perfect thing to tell someone who wants Sony, Nintendo, or Microsoft to fail is to look at how great the WWE got after the WCW failed and they ended up being them.

(and by "great" I mean "so bad I stopped paying attention for about 15 years")

It's weird. My experience with watching wrestling informed my outlook on the "console war," in that it made me realize that once there's no competition, things are going to suck

Well, that and my experience with shitty cable companies, but that didn't really come until later.
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