New PowerBomb Cast in the near future?
John Cena put someone of note and promise over, so hope is alive again.
All will be normal and terrible again in a month.
New PowerBomb Cast in the near future?
New PowerBomb Cast in the near future?
Only need to watch one match, really. The rest of it's been forgettable besides a few Cesaro moments.What!? Never expected to see that from Jeff.
Yeah I need to go watch Elimination Chamber right now I guess.
What if that's just an ARG for the new Sonic All Stars Racing game?
edit: Speaking of people who are probably Sonic fans, new premium members should check out Vinny's adventures as apathy420 in Second Life . Old premium members should rewatch it.
New PowerBomb Cast in the near future?
I feel like they did a ton of powerbombcasts when people were generally down on wrestling.
And now that we have had a couple of fun months. nope nothing. But it makes me wonder if they even think/understand that there is cool stuff happening that is worth talking about
Aww yeah, Jeff will be happy.
I have liked Ghost in the Shell: Stand Alone Complex and Macross Frontier, and very little else since Comboy Bebop.NONONONONONONONONONONONONONONONO
How about in American this time?Urotsukidouji
I have liked Ghost in the Shell: Stand Alone Complex and Macross Frontier, and very little else since Comboy Bebop.
Ain't enough moe in Galactic Heroes to make it real anime anyway.
Obviously we need an anime podcast now.
Aww yeah, Jeff will be happy.
Not on crunchyrollKatanagatari.
It's my own fault for trusting you.Urotsukidouji
Do they still do that - one eye at a time stuff, so that they can patch one and you can still see out of the other - or is that old tech? anyone know? thx
Not on crunchyrollBret said crunchyroll had unlimtied anime. BRET LIED!
It's my own fault for trusting you.
Anime is dead to me.
Not on crunchyrollBret said crunchyroll had unlimtied anime. BRET LIED!
It's my own fault for trusting you.
Anime is dead to me.
Not on crunchyrollBret said crunchyroll had unlimtied anime. BRET LIED!
It's my own fault for trusting you.
Anime is dead to me.
Crunchyroll has the anime with the toothbrush though.
I wonder how long this rivalry thing is going to play out.
Hopefully not too long!
I wonder how long this rivalry thing is going to play out.
Hopefully not too long!
The only time I've seen a meme stamped out on this thread is when EmCee uses his dad voice. Until then, you should probably get used to it or ignore it. Hell, that stupid name misspelling thing still happens and it is beyond dumb. But that's the price I pay for sticking around.
Unless of course you're talking about outside of the thread, in which case I have no idea.
I'm all for that. The welcome thread on the Gaming side already got weird. I would prefer that not happen here.It just turns into that usual pissing match between which giantbomb member is better which usually leads to really weird insults and insinuations, like what we've seen whenever we get a new guy. People are free to say it, but I guess I'm trying to nip that stuff in the bud before it goes too far. Like it usually does.
let me be the first at this juncture to say 'patrick klepek', and also be the person who responds and says 'who', and then funny joke ensues
Not on crunchyrollBret said crunchyroll had unlimtied anime. BRET LIED!
It's my own fault for trusting you.
Anime is dead to me.
You should watch YuYu Hakusho. It's an anime about a bunch of cool guys who punch each other and fight ghosts n' shit.
Watch Persona 4 The Golden anime because Marie is the best character of Persona 4 amirite guys?
Do not watch persona 4 the golden anime.
Not on Crunchyroll anime is still dead.
When said even in jest, it hurts my souls. Please desist forevermore.