Crap! Beat me to it!
I knew it!
Crap! Beat me to it!
Crap! Beat me to it!
hey vinny, is the no-go-show dead or is it just taking a content nap
hey vinny, is the no-go-show dead or is it just taking a content nap
I think they said it's just been busy as hell with E3.
They talked about it on last week's beastcast. No time.
They talked about it on the last Beastcast. It's not dead but it doesn't have the highest of priorities, because it's about, well, games that weren't worth a whole QL.hey vinny, is the no-go-show dead or is it just taking a content nap
dang, this is the moment where i admit that i haven't had time to listen to beastcast yet
the jig is up!
enjoy your weekend, vinny!
Crap! Beat me to it!
Alex's gradual raise in anger over the Hearthstone change is hilarious.
Alex adopted a lot of Jeff traits. His lil trailer rant was great.
Better than the LeBron stuff, I guess?
Except the Steam controller is a pretty unique controller. Of course they're going to show how to use it when preorders go up.
I wasn't trying to say that. It just wasn't an entertaining QL. I was trying to blame the EastCoast more than Brad Muir.
Probably not great releasing so close to Invisible, Inc. Not the exact same type of game, but one definitely outshines the other IMO.
Mary realising she's creating a cougar who breeds nothing but asthmatics was pretty good.
Huh. It's been almost 2 weeks now, I guess I expected Jason and Jeff to do a Unfinished for USF4 on PS4. Guess not.
hey vinny, is the no-go-show dead or is it just taking a content nap
I think massive chalice is a pretty ok game at a pretty ok price and have no major problems with it ¯\_(ツ_/¯
Not dead! Just been locked up with other stuff. Need to find the new groove with content (Podcast, QLs, Premium, Other) now that we actually have a podcast and Austin is here.
Not dead! Just been locked up with other stuff. Need to find the new groove with content (Podcast, QLs, Premium, Other) now that we actually have a podcast and Austin is here.
Not dead! Just been locked up with other stuff. Need to find the new groove with content (Podcast, QLs, Premium, Other) now that we actually have a podcast and Austin is here.
i don't think Watch Dogs is a "downgrade"
what do you mean? it was one of the worst offenders of that
that's cool man, thanks for taking the time to stop by! you guys have been absolutely killing it.![]()
Austin called the Watch Dogs quote unquote downgrade and the Witcher quote unquote downgrade on the Beastcast.
There's no quote unquote about the Watch Dogs downgrade.
Not dead! Just been locked up with other stuff. Need to find the new groove with content (Podcast, QLs, Premium, Other) now that we actually have a podcast and Austin is here.
You haven't even listened to the Beastcast! Time to turn in your fan card, daydream.
It's core gameplay seems way too similar to XCOM to me.
A question for the veterans: Any idea what the 'The 7th Annual E3 Banner Contest' on the schedule means?
It's just a silly little contest they do each year. Some good stuff has come out of it.
Not dead! Just been locked up with other stuff. Need to find the new groove with content (Podcast, QLs, Premium, Other) now that we actually have a podcast and Austin is here.
DeNiro.gifHuh. It's been almost 2 weeks now, I guess I expected Jason and Jeff to do a Unfinished for USF4 on PS4. Guess not.
bard for senran ql on ps4 pls
oh edf is nice also......