I played through all of Saint's Row 2/3/4 with a blue-haired anime looking chick with the male cockney voice
I will go ahead and say that those games probably have my favorite character creation systems as a result
Some rumors hyped me up quite a bit, I wasn't ready for that.ive been watching old press conference and E3 podcast highlights all morning.
im in full on e3 hype mode you guys
It's a pretty good podcast.Everyone seems so eager to talk on the Beastcast, and they're only 3 people. It's certainly a striking difference to the SF cast.
Let's discuss Bombcast vs. Beastcast again.
What do you think the Giant Bomb GOTY will be Myggen?
Let's discuss Bombcast vs. Beastcast again.
The Beastcast can be great if they never have that cnet guy on ever again.
I mean, Austin in two weeks is already more of a legitimate contribution to the Beastcast than Dan has been to the Bombcast in nearly a year.
The Beastcast can be great if they never have that cnet guy on ever again.
Jeff Bakalar was great! He graced us with his Australian accent.
Eh, not sure I agree with you there.
(2 hours pass with the Jeff and Brad show in full force)
It all feels like a desire for the good old days, where thingsrace, countries, gameswere simpler. But there were no good old days. There were just days before we knew better.
Don't get me wrong, I love Dan and him and Jason being brought on made the site the best it has ever been, but on the bombcast it's almost always:
"Well, Dan, how was your weekend?"
(20 minutes pass)
"Well Dan, what've you been playing?"
(2 hours pass with the Jeff and Brad show in full force)
"Dan, someone emailed in to ask you this..."
And that's basically it. Dan's an entertaining personality but on the bombcast all he brings to the table are wacky stories.
I would say that Dan almost talked as much as Brad and Jeff on this week's Bombcast (which I actually kept an eye on because of all the complaints about Dan not being active enough etc.). Which is more than usual, but I feel like you're exaggerating so much that it's difficult to respond.
That said, I would always like Dan to be more active on the Bombcast! But I think he's been getting a lot better.
Let's discuss Bombcast vs. Beastcast again.
everyone stop talking about giant bomb right now!
I haven't watched the QL yet, but You Must Build a Boat is a lot of fun
not real hard, but satisfying
I haven't watched the QL yet, but You Must Build a Boat is a lot of fun
not real hard, but satisfying
Best story is bound to be an interesting discussion, because it'll inevitably come down to Witcher vs. MGSV. And if Dan was willing to dig his heels in and argue for Ground Zeroes, he'll surely do the same for MGSV, assuming the game is of at least some level of quality.
It looks cool but I can't decide if I want to buy it on Steam or on my iPhone.
I mean Dan didn't exactly change anyone's mind during the Ground Zeroes debate.
What's your GOTY predictions, and what if Jeff ends up blocking Witcher 3 from winning?
I've played it for 5 or so hours today.
Can Jeff block a GOTY? There's a few Giant Bomb #1 GOTYs that Jeff actively hates.
Bombcast gave Splatoon more universal praise than Witcher. Everyone will fall off Witcher and it'll be like 7th place for 'doing something cool but not really having enough time to see more of it and deal with its controls.'
If you're lucky it can be 2016's 2015 GOTY.
Sure, but the option's there to explore it further if they wanted to. I do however feel that Witcher 3 isn't a very good game to have discussion around both because of the cultural context and because of the source material being very, very white. There's plenty of gender and race problems in games, but I honestly can't fault the devs of Witcher 3 too much.
Remember when people in this thread thought I was crazy to think they might like Witcher 3?Witcher 3.
Remember when people in this thread thought I was crazy to think they might like Witcher 3?
Also I can't wait for Jeff to try and argue there was no game of the year.
The Fallout versus Witcher fight would be legendary if it happens.
Speaking of I wonder how much the Deus Ex guys are looking at Fallout right now hoping it doesnt launch right next to their planned release.
I think the Beastcast will be the Game of the Year, the Bombcast will be number 7 at best.
I think the Beastcast will be the Game of the Year, the Bombcast will be number 7 at best.
Bloodborne is the best game of the year, but they're probably gonna give it to Witcher 3.
I think the Beastcast will be the Game of the Year, the Bombcast will be number 7 at best.