What is the best footage of Jason being silly on camera (preferably besides the saluting from that recent UPF)?
I need more Jason footage. For reasons.
I need more Jason footage. For reasons.
was gilgamesh there
was gilgamesh there
Holy shit, this reminded me that Just Cause 3 is (hopefully) coming out this year.
Fuck the haters, JC2 was amazing.
I thought Witcher 3 was pretty good looking but nothing that blew my mind. Then I got toSkellige
Probably one of my favourite regions of all time.
I just love the look, the music and the atmosphere.
I was just told that I have about 7 story missions left, and I already dread the moment I finish the game cause I still want more.
I was just told that I have about 7 story missions left, and I already dread the moment I finish the game cause I still want more.
Yakuza has always seemed vague-ly shenmue esque. Am I wrong for assuming that?
Sounds like CDPR will be supporting W3 for a long time, so don't worry.
Sounds like CDPR will be supporting W3 for a long time, so don't worry.
Probably one of my favourite regions of all time.
I just love the look, the music and the atmosphere.
I was just told that I have about 7 story missions left, and I already dread the moment I finish the game cause I still want more.
Quick question: Are you two referring to Austin, or the writer of that Polygon piece?
Yeah, they've said that even though the game is out the next two years will be "all about the Witcher". Which suggests that we probably wont get a good look at Cyberpunk until 2017.
Last time I bought a season pass it was for Bioshock Infinite, and while I loved 2/3 of the pieces of content, the season pass was on sale for like 50% off before the second one even came out.
I fucking love Witcher 3, but I'll hold off for now.
[EDIT] I just checked the DLC page for Witcher 3, and where did all these Free things come from? Should I download them?
DONT DOWNLOAD BEARD Set, it stops in-game growth.
Wow, Shane Bettenhausen. Haven't thought about that guy in a long, long time. I wish I had been on GAF back then, I'll bet some people fucking hated him with a white-hot rage.
There are 16 free piece of DLC that will be available.
DONT DOWNLOAD BEARD Set, it stops in-game growth.
It just sank in with me that Adam Boyes, John Drake, Matt Kessler, and Shane Bettenhausen all work for the same company. Possibly interacting with each other.
I don't know how I feel about that.
I downloaded it. My beard, unfortunately, still grows.
How could they let this happen.
I downloaded it. My beard, unfortunately, still grows.
Wow, Shane Bettenhausen. Haven't thought about that guy in a long, long time. I wish I had been on GAF back then, I'll bet some people fucking hated him with a white-hot rage.
He was mostly revered as "Man God," though there were quite a few who liked to poke fun at his... enthusiasm for Sony products, whether it was vague teases about upcoming secret PS3 games or declaring that the new Dual Shock 3 must have some kind of super 3D haptic feedback
He was mostly revered as "Man God," though there were quite a few who liked to poke fun at his... enthusiasm for Sony products, whether it was vague teases about upcoming secret PS3 games or declaring that the new Dual Shock 3 must have some kind of super 3D haptic feedback
It just sank in with me that Adam Boyes, John Drake, Matt Kessler, and Shane Bettenhausen all work for the same company. Possibly interacting with each other.
I don't know how I feel about that.
I don't think Vinny will ever finish Witcher 3, Brad either for that matter. It is so utterly huge, even avoiding a good amount of the unnecessary side stuff, it's the kind of game he talks about not having time to play. It would be a shame if he drops it, though. He would absolutely love it. I just reached the second major land massafter 75 hours and it's way bigger than I anticipated. I've been skipping the majority of ? style filler quests and some bigger side quests just because there is just so damn much and the quest design surprisingly has held up all this time.Skellige Isles
Your beard still grows if you select clean shaven.
It only stops growing if you select one of the DLC beard options.
At least that is my understanding. Now that I think about it I am not sure the beard has grown since I downloaded that DLC and messed around with it. Ill have to go check.
I've gotten to the point in Witcher where all the quests I can do are too high level and it's kinda losing me because of it. Am I moving through towns too fast or something? I feel like I'm finding a decent number of side quests but most are just too hard for my character.
I've gotten to the point in Witcher where all the quests I can do are too high level and it's kinda losing me because of it. Am I moving through towns too fast or something? I feel like I'm finding a decent number of side quests but most are just too hard for my character.
Yeah, don't think I'm that crazy.I see people in the OT talking about multiple playthroughs, and I'm just like 'dude what.' I've been playing it pretty much daily when I'm not at work and even then I feel like I'm nowhere close to done. I can't even imagine playing it a second time.
hehecool that you were watching dan's girl for most of hoodslam
cool that you were watching dan's girl for most of hoodslam
Yeah that's not creepy or anything.
lolSO: I originally made this post in the forums but the spam-bot saw all my damned links and automatically banned me, which I think disappeared the blog post from the forums, too?
Austin put up an awesome piece on race, video games, and The Witcher 3: http://www.giantbomb.com/profile/au...e-the-witcher-and-how-to-move-forward/110183/
Austin put up an awesome piece on race, video games, and The Witcher 3: http://www.giantbomb.com/profile/au...e-the-witcher-and-how-to-move-forward/110183/