Just going to quote myself from the Gaf thread.
Press O to Poop is this year's paying respects.
Press O to Poop is this year's paying respects.
GOTY material?
It was me, Austin
@alex_navarro Oh Wattam day, Wattam lovely day
I really like that no one has any fucking clue what the game is actually going to be, but we're all excited as hell for it.
Man this is even better than Carmageddon: Reincarnation.
I think I'll be able to tell Austin and Jeff B apart the more I hear them. I remember having trouble differentiating Dan and Jason but now I can easily tell apart their different levels of raspiness.
So is today the E3 drive?
no, I get them mixed up all of the time too. Austin has a really small lisp which helps to pick him out but you don't really hear it unless he goes off for a length of time.
Man this is even better than Carmageddon: Reincarnation.
I think it would be solved if there was more live content from the beast side and I could really learn the group.
On the GOG note, I'm mad at myself for how many games I'm buying when I have an impossible backlog. I got Luftrausers and Paranautical Activity because they were so cheap, and now Mitsurugi Kamui Hikae is two dollars and Valdis Story is four. I really like Galaxy's set up even if it's just in Beta-- having the thing that says "never been played' motivates me to try it at least once.
I still don't know the names of most of my coworkers...
I'm not surprised by those kill screens. Jaffe seems to be going for a very 90s, early 00s "this is what teens thought were edgy" feel with that game. I'm sure the bad writing is at least somewhat intentional.
I won't touch that game because it does nothing for me, but I can kinda see what he's going for.
well the terrible writing in Hatred is intentional, too.
Doesn't make it any less awful.
The sad thing about this game is that in a post-hatred world people are going to keep comparing it to that game, especially with shit like BUTT-FUCK YOU ANYWAY.
I mean if you want to see stupid writing that's enjoyable there are the last two saints rown games i suppose.
Were the terrible writing and dumb characters in God of War and Twisted Metal also "intentional"? How many games does David Jaffe have to make before people accept this is just David Jaffe?
well, it's the combo of teenage level writing combine with a self serious tone. God of War is actually a well told tale whereas who cares what excuse you need to have cars blow each other up?
the difference is that the writing in those games isn't trying to shock you or get a reaction out of you like this terrible shit is.
I'd have to disagree on all fronts. This looks like exactly the sort of thing that I'd expect the person behind God of War to think is cool.
The core gameplay in God of War is good, everything else about it has always been juvenile bullshit.
The core gameplay in God of War is good, everything else about it has always been juvenile bullshit.
Oddworld: Stranger's Wrath is $2.49 on steam for the next hour or so
thank you bombcast for reminding me it even existed
but brah god of war is actually kinda cool, or at least was back when it came out. why you hating?
I'm not surprised by those kill screens. Jaffe seems to be going for a very 90s, early 00s "this is what teens thought were edgy" feel with that game. I'm sure the bad writing is at least somewhat intentional.
I won't touch that game because it does nothing for me, but I can kinda see what he's going for.
duck game seems rad.
I get what he is going for as well, but it just comes off as awkward and not good. I will probably still play it because I expect it to be a fun MP time just like Twisted metal was. I like some of his design sensibilities in that regard.