Felix Lighter
What, this stream is blocked in Germany?
What, this stream is blocked in Germany?
Mir geht es genau so!
Youtube livestreams almost never work in Germany, they are in a fucking stupid dispute with GEMA for years now.What, this stream is blocked in Germany?
livestreamer https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_KKzX5sX-X8 720p
Dan decided to grant your wish.
That 'splat roller' or whatever it is seems overpowered
it's not, it actually requires a lot of skill to even keep up with the rest of the weapons
Lego games on stream.
They are going to lose bad, there's so much unpainted ground near their base.
I cannot imagine a worse time to recommend Hola.
Jesus fuck, dont use Hola
They're playing ranked. Which I believe, only takes into consideration the small area outlined on the map.
Nope, doesn't workBratwurst-GAF, I'm pretty sure Livestreamer gets around your issues.
Download it and type this into terminal/command prompt:
Code:livestreamer https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_KKzX5sX-X8 720p
Livestreamer is like the best thing for watching twitch/youtube streams without using awful web players.
error: No streams found on this URL: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_KKzX5sX-X8Lame. Does it throw up a readable error? Or just nothing?
zaph, when i open the livestreamer command window, i just see a bunch of text scrolling by and then the window closes itself
livestreamer https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_KKzX5sX-X8 720p
Lame. Does it throw up a readable error? Or just nothing?Nope, doesn't work
Ok guys I gotta drive home so pause the stream for like 30 minutes so I can watch it with you all when I get home.
You probably typed livestreamer without any options. copy/paste the entire line:
Code:livestreamer https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_KKzX5sX-X8 720p
zaph, when i open the livestreamer command window, i just see a bunch of text scrolling by and then the window closes itself
nah i can't type anything, the text just scrolls by as soon as i open it and then the window closes
anyway, seems like it's not gonna work. thanks, though!
C:\Users\daydream>livestreamer https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_KKzX5sX-X8 720p
[cli][info] Found matching plugin youtube for URL https://www.youtube.com/watch?
error: No streams found on this URL: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_KKzX5sX-X8
From the fiiiiiiiiiiiiiine makers ofJeff does not like the taste of that Pussy.
thanks guys, i was being dumb
here's the error message
fuck gemaCode:C:\Users\daydream>livestreamer https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_KKzX5sX-X8 720p [cli][info] Found matching plugin youtube for URL https://www.youtube.com/watch? v=_KKzX5sX-X8 error: No streams found on this URL: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_KKzX5sX-X8