Twin Tails
Taco bell food really is tiny.
Give Zenmate a try?
Austin's got a really quick wit. He was such a great hire.
it works and the stream seems to be stable, yay!
i'm disguised as american now
Nobody wants kotaku.CBSi should buy Kotaku and give GB Jason and Patrick to fill out GB News.
My favorite part of this stream so far has been when everybody confirmed that Splatoon was the top of their GOTY lists and then they redecorated the office in a Splatoon theme. Sleeping's not back yet, right?
so 90s it hurtsYou know you want to watch it
I'm totally not Googleing LeBron James' penis right now...
Because we (the GB audience) are largely 20-something Jurassic Park kids.Wait, why did people vote that they play a fucking Lego game?
Wait, why did people vote that they play a fucking Lego game?
ugh, I had blocked Jeff's MMX hate out of my memory
MMX 1-3 are in the top 5 best Mega Man games ever
Yeah, there will definitely be no more of those kinds of sites.Sure is gonna be sad when Hulk Hogan gives Gawker the big boot and we don't have sites to archive accidental celebrity genitalia.
Taco bell food really is tiny.
Grilled Stufft Nacho is great. They're $1.50 so you can get like 3 or 4 at a time.
Q: Dan, I haven't been to a Taco Bell since 2010, what should I get today?
A: Chicken quesadilla, Grilled Stuft Nacho, Double Decker taco with nacho cheese, and a triple layer nacho.
Q: Fun fact: that Taco Bell order you just suggested to that guy is just shy of 2,000 calories. Is that your standard order these days?
A: Yeah. When you go to Taco Bell, you have to just throw out any thoughts of calories or health or eating like a sane person. You just have to jump into the deep end and wade around in the cheese and fire sauce without thinking of the consequences. Its better this way.
Because we (the GB audience) are largely 20-something Jurassic Park kids.
Sure is gonna be sad when Hulk Hogan gives Gawker the big boot and we don't have sites to archive accidental celebrity genitalia.
Hold up, he recommends ALL that for one meal? Thought he was just recommending stuff that he liked.
I love Mega Man X, but Jeff is right. Look at how childishly cartoony regular Mega Man is. Mega Man X is totally 90s edgy anime Mega Man.
Man, people were right. The Wii U emulation looks bad.