That whole thing was cringeworthy.
It can't be the Joker again, they've gone to that well 3 times already. At least in Blackgate he wasn't the main baddie
Also if Arkham Knight's big reveal is IT WAS THE JOKER ALL ALONG i'm going to be right pissed at the series.
It can't be the Joker again, they've gone to that well 3 times already. At least in Blackgate he wasn't the main baddie
I still really, really dislike Quiet's design.
does anyone have an archive of last nights show?
this is probably a super stupid question but im guessing theres no UPF tonight right?
What whole thing?
The tweeting the phone #, the reaction, all of it. Cringe.
The tweeting the phone #, the reaction, all of it. Cringe.
Now that E3 is behind us, and a weekend looms, I'd like to remind people that Austin has a really great tabletop roleplaying podcast with about 51 hours of content done so far. Here's a link to me posting about it before:
I'm not one of the people on it, nor do I know any of them, I just think that it's super cool and want them to keep doing it, so I'm spreading the word.
Now that E3 is behind us, and a weekend looms, I'd like to remind people that Austin has a really great tabletop roleplaying podcast with about 51 hours of content done so far. Here's a link to me posting about it before:
I'm not one of the people on it, nor do I know any of them, I just think that it's super cool and want them to keep doing it, so I'm spreading the word.
Any interesting segments in last night's show other than the last segment? I wish GB was a little more detailed about the segments.
Thanks for the heads up, I downloaded the first few episodes to check it out, just haven't gotten around to checking them out yet.
Wait, is that 40 minute video of Phantom Pain?
Any interesting segments in last night's show other than the last segment? I wish GB was a little more detailed about the segments.
Any interesting segments in last night's show other than the last segment? I wish GB was a little more detailed about the segments.
Alright, dudes screaming as they're launched skyward by balloons... I might be in on MGSV.
Have you played peace walker?
that is one of my fave things to do in that game
YES! And I want more!!
Ugh, just came across a video of the GT freakouts over Shenmue and FF7 as opposed to GB's reaction, presenting it as the duders being nothing but boring cynics. I don't why that shit bugs me so much, but it does. Like, is GT what people these days want their games media to be? Cheerleaders? God forbid Giant Bomb take a more honest and measured approach to it, especially with how lazy and sleazy those two announcements seemed.
Still catching up on day 3 but man, Lorne Lanning is probably my favorite guest of theirs so far. What a smart dude!
please lets not do this again. The GB E3 thread was a hot flaming pile of garbage whenever GT's reaction was brought up.
Lorne Lanning is spitting mad truth about VR on Day 3 E3 stuff, I would really love to hear him on the Bomb/Beastcast to talk more in depth about stuff.
So did we get the Dan Ryckert x John Drake E3 story at this E3?
Lorne Lanning is great when it comes to talking truths. Dude is one honest mother fucker.
(except when to comes to talking about why Oddworld became exclusive to the first xbox.)
Ugh, just came across a video of the GT freakouts over Shenmue and FF7 as opposed to GB's reaction, presenting it as the duders being nothing but boring cynics. I don't why that shit bugs me so much, but it does. Like, is GT what people these days want their games media to be? Cheerleaders? God forbid Giant Bomb take a more honest and measured approach to it, especially with how lazy and sleazy those two announcements seemed.
Pix the Cat is going for $1 right now
get on that shit, the game is basically the next best thing after PAC-MAN CE-DX+