i would expect HTC to hold and event to talk about vive
You'll see. YOU'LL ALL SEE.
I just doubled my donation to spite you.
Is the Kickstarter running badly or what's the problem right now?
Think of all the Yakzua translations 10m could buy.
Meanwhile the Perception Kickstarter hasn't even met its goal because there's no justice in this world.
Is the Kickstarter running badly or what's the problem right now?
Think of all the Yakzua translations 10m could buy.
are these the same ex bioshock devs who did the other kickstarter ?
Uhhh I dunno? There was another ex-Bioshock dev Kickstarter?
well nagoshis birthday just happened so i guess he is busy at the moment
Meanwhile the Perception Kickstarter hasn't even met its goal because there's no justice in this world.
Every time I look at that game I just can't get over the fact that she won't shut up, but her voice has no effect on the "every sound creates a visual" world.
It's, like, internal monologue or something... except when she's talking to the other person. In which case, uh... yeah I dunno I just like what the game's going for. It's sort of like the spooky Gone Home I actually wanted.
fucking kickstarter has developed a new breed of obnoxious back-seat developers
Without veto power or any tangible sense of accountabilityThing is that the consumer shoulders the risk now, instead of the publishers.
Never simulate a forklift with your asshole.
never stimulate your asshole with a forklift
I was expecting a way different movie regarding "Germans" "Forklift" and "Asshole".
700 people watching Dan walk to and order at Taco Bell. Truly the King of Periscope.
Fuck Shenmue where's the Yakuza Kenzan Kickstarter? We might have to Kickstart Yakuza 5 at this rate as well.
ehhh at this point you might as well just skip Kenzan. at least Ishin and 0 are cross-gen and potentially open to a bigger market
I suppose you're right it would just be nice to play Kenzan without a tablet on my lap for a change. I'm going to pick up Ishin and 0 when I'm in Tokyo next week, everything I've read about 0 sounds fun. I really don't expect either of them to get English releases before the PlayStation 5 comes out.
Where is that Jeff in a penguin suit gif from btw? I'm looking for stuff to put on my nexus to watch on the plane.
It's from the 10/31 Halloween episode of UPF
Also features Mary Kish in a zero suit
Lightning is the main protagonist this time.
3) E3 2020: "If they don't show the FF7 Remake this year, it's probably dead"As I said, I can't wait for:
1) TLG continues to be essentially vaporware.
2) Shenmue is a poor to meh game.
3) The FF7 remake misses all the marks that made FF7 good. Alternatively, Lightning is the main protagonist this time.
Now that's a Final Fantasy I'd play.
3) E3 2020: "If they don't show the FF7 Remake this year, it's probably dead"