That channel is fucking legit. I'm always blown away by the breadth of content that is on it. I was looking for an unarchived tnt from like 5-6 years ago and lo and behold it was there. Pretty impressive!
So! I'm wondering if there's any other GB videos similar to the MPP or other 'don't miss' videos that you guys know of that I should really, really watch? Thanks!
Looking forward to the ep of MGS4 where they sit down and watch a cutscene without saying anything for 70 minutes.
Okay, so I watched (nearly) all E3's presentations with GB's commentary this year. Made the whole thing a lot more enjoyable for me. Think I'll do the same next year.
Never really watched Giant Bomb videos before, so afterwards I checked out a "highlights" edited video of their Mario Party party (both first and sequel). Great, great stuff.
So! I'm wondering if there's any other GB videos similar to the MPP or other 'don't miss' videos that you guys know of that I should really, really watch? Thanks!
That is a legit issue. There will be episodes without a minute of gameplay.
Nope, but if there's enough quality material on there I might jump on.Do you have GB premium?
Also incoming Myggen post with all the must watches.
Alright, thanks!Well, if you decided to buy a premium membership at some point, I made a list of some of the best premium content. Other than that, this list of good Quick Looks is really solid. Can't go wrong if you just start from the top.
Nope, but if there's enough quality material on there I might jump on.
Alright, thanks!
Nope, but if there's enough quality material on there I might jump on.
Daniel is testing my patience with his periscopes. I wish there was a way to straight rip them, instead of capturing. My computer was unusable for 20+ minutes watching Dan's oven cooking pizza rolls.Sounds legit.
Fake edit: Props to Zaph, Alr1ght and whoever else is running the GB Unarchived channel. You're doing God's work.
Sounds like the first 10 episodes of P4 ER
Nope, but if there's enough quality material on there I might jump on.
I want to replay MGS4 before Drew plays it and my fucking PS3 doesn't read dual layered blu-rays anymore. New PS3s are still $200+ 8 years after release. Ridic. I guess I could buy some dodgy laser replacement on ebay, though.
Forgot to mention, if you want some "best of" videos, this guy has made a ton of those.
I want to replay MGS4 before Drew plays it and my fucking PS3 doesn't read dual layered blu-rays anymore. New PS3s are still $200+ 8 years after release. Ridic. I guess I could buy some dodgy laser replacement on ebay, though.
Yeah, actually, cinematic only episodes aren't an issue, they have the most potential for the best reactions from Drew and Dan. I look forward to them trying to piece it all together at the end, especially after the ending cinematic. I hated the prominence of the Johnny subplot when I played it but I think I'm going to love that aspect of MGScanlon more than anything so far. I want them to really dig into that relationship and how it wraps up. ha ha
While searching for some videographic evidence of Jeff shouting "Fuck Shenmue" at PAX, I stumbled upon this hilarious clip instead:
Jeff Gerstmann vs. The Birds
Seriously, Jeff is right, I wish Far Cry 4 had a bird toggle in the options
Today is a good day to watch GB's Quick Look Throwback of Shenmue.
"I thought it would be fun..."
Which UPF was the one where they watched some sony trailer stuff? It had people screaming from some reaction vid and I think the first gameplay demo for MGSV with all the box tech.
Which UPF was the one where they watched some sony trailer stuff? It had people screaming from some reaction vid and I think the first gameplay demo for MGSV with all the box tech.
Won't the pizza shell be a blackened husk by the time those things heat all the way through?
That could only be topped if he was wrapping taco bell into the crust.
Fuck that sounds good.
Honestly though, still child's play compared to pizza hut.
Yes, it's a meat pie stuffed crust. With ketchup on the meat pies.
So I just watched the quick look throwback of Shenmue. This is my first experience with anything related to Shenmue.
Boy I don't know about Shenmue you guys
The biggest secret wasn't that Shenmue 3 was coming, it was that Shenmue actually sucks.
The biggest secret wasn't that Shenmue 3 was coming, it was that Shenmue actually sucks.