Yeah, pass on this. It looks like more, largely unchanged Batman with required tank segments.
I've lost most hope of us getting any edited E3 floor video/montages this year, kind of a bummer
Wait a windjammin' second.
About a minute into that Batman QL, Brad says "It was me, Batman!"
That couldn't possibly be a higher power reference from Brad, could it? Could it?
No damn way.
I totally agree with Jeff on the Joker. Every scene has him in it for no good reason.
So where is the Batman quicklook? The site says it was supposed to be up an hour ago.
I mean, it's not really no reason. The Joker is the only Batman villain 90% of people care about.
Jeff is fucking crazy, this Joker trolling is great.
Not when it's around every corner like that.
But I do love me some Hamill hamming it up.
So do you have to do this car stuff because it just looks like a huge chore so far
That red Batman suit looks fucking awesome!
That said, I think I'm done with the Batman games. For as awesome as this looks visually, franchise fatigue set in real quick for me with these games for some reason. Adding a tank/car doesn't do it for me.
i absolutely loved arkham asylum
played through it over three times
got the platinum
it was amazing
i played 30 minutes of arkham city and shut it off and never picked it up again
this quick look is not convincing me to get back into the series
A good Metroidvania is always going to beat a decent open world game for me
Graphically, Arkham Knight looks damn good.
I liked Asylum City and even Origins so this game is probably for me. And now that night-wing is involved in the story it makes me happy.
I've always liked Dick Grayson for some odd reason.
Because he's rad
Fuck... the Jokers in Arkham Knight? them spoilers yo
No, not really.
Okay cool, that would have sucked having the Joker as the antagonist... again.
Killing Joke moment in that Arkham Knight QL. Pretty cool.
I'm... I'm so convinced that somehow he's going to be. I don't know how that would be possible since they're really driving in the whole hallucination thing, but fuck man.
Joker's body was cremated but his consciousness was transferred into The Arkham Knights robot suit using magic/science and Batman has to rekill him. Boom. Still not even in the top 100 dumb comic book resurrections.
So, I'm still catching up on the GB @ E3 thread when I come upon this GIF. No I'm not reposting it because I'm not some kind of monster. You know, the kind of monster that daydream is.
Yo, daydream, what the effing eff?!?
so is Hamill adding some extra gruff to his Joker voice or is his voice just that fucked up now lol
I mean he said he was retiring from that voice because it was wrecking his vocal cords so I'm not even sure why came back
so is Hamill adding some extra gruff to his Joker voice or is his voice just that fucked up now lol