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Giant Bomb #14 | I'll Never Forget This!

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Well who is supposed to QA in this circumstance? Iron Galaxy, Rocksteady or WB?

if they're burying IG's involvement, then I'd think Rocksteady would ultimately take the brunt of it, until they pull a Gearbox and say "oh no, it was these guys that we hired, we're totally going to sue them"
I want to say "of course they'll shift the blame" but that might actually be the case here. I don't know, it would be weird to see them put out such a turd so close to KI coming to PC.

IG has been brought in to work on many an UE3 game and are really familiar with the tech. I can see a scenario where they got the "final" build of the game really close to launch and are now working OT to get it back into shape.

I mean, these folks somehow got Borderlands 2 working on a Vita, i trust that they can have the bats running competently within a week of release. Just sucks if youre a huge Bats fan and want to jump in now.
Jeff tripling down on his distaste for the Batmobile sections. Based on the quick look, it seems like he's totally right. Those parts of the game look like such a chore.


I dunno I've just started playing and the bat mobile is pretty awesome. Yet to get into the puzzles though so they might suck but the car by itself is badass.
Jeff tripling down on his distaste for the Batmobile sections. Based on the quick look, it seems like he's totally right. Those parts of the game look like such a chore.

they just look so boring. what's the point of having a badass car if

- the detective vision only sees 5 feet in front of you so you have to crawl along
- the combat is a slow slog of dodge/shoot/dodge/shoot

that QL made me even less interested than I was before, although I will say the art direction is pretty solid


The Batmobile sections look boring. None of the combat in it looks compelling at all, it just looks rather simple and dull. What a contrast to the hand to hand sections.
The Batmobile sections look boring. None of the combat in it looks compelling at all, it just looks rather simple and dull. What a contrast to the hand to hand sections.

It's made me glad I didn't buy this to be honest. I could have picked up a code for £15 but from what I have seen of the game, I know I would have been bored after a few hours.


I'm still playing Witcher 3, so I didn't pick up Batman. Now I probably won't until it's like $10 and fixed.

Yeah I'm gonna redo some of my late game choices in that and do a 2nd Life is Strange play through.

I wanna play games where me making poor choices and being fucked over is intentional.


The Batmobile sections look boring. None of the combat in it looks compelling at all, it just looks rather simple and dull. What a contrast to the hand to hand sections.

Yeah...the game looks interesting, except the whole 'Batman get to your batmobile to do this or that!' for half the QL is uh.....why


The ending where
Ciri becomes Empress is pretty hard to take too. You basically watch Geralt break after he thinks everything is fine.

Doesn't Geralt live with the sorceress he loves though? Mine didn't because I misread the situation and I sent Triss away :(


Well who is supposed to QA in this circumstance? Iron Galaxy, Rocksteady or WB?

Who is doing the QA is irrelevant.

I can 100% guarantee you that the QA knew about the PC issues.

QA is there to report issues, not fix them.

If you want to blame somebody about it blame WB and Iron Galaxy. They're the one making the port and the one deciding when to release the game.

They could have delayed the PC version to fix the issues specific to it but they decided that marketing was more important.
yeah look buddy, I know you can fly, but I'm gonna need you to go down and drive where all those cars with guns are

"Hey batman, go to the clocktower. But instead of utilizing your grapple and cape, I need you to pick up Gordon. Yeah, yeah, make him wear his seatbelt. Now go to the clocktower. Good, good.....oh, you're done there? Great now take your batmobile to the bridge. What's that, Bridge closed? Well go activate the button so you can use your batmobile...despite you know, being able to get around just fine. Oh, use your batmobiles detective mode...yeah, do it...even though you could use your own detective mode and not deal with any crap on buildings...."

that was the whole quick look


Drunky McMurder
When Brad estimated a third of mission time as requiring the Batmobile I just stopped watching the video. I got it with my video card upgrade and now I'm just regretting that I didn't make some money back selling the key instead. It was certainly unexpected to waking up and seeing the PC gaming world throwing all the shit at this game though.
Who is doing the QA is irrelevant.

I can 100% guarantee you that the QA knew about the PC issues.

QA is there to report issues, not fix them.

If you want to blame somebody about it blame WB and Iron Galaxy. They're the one making the port and the one deciding when to release the game.

They could have delayed the PC version to fix the issues specific to it but they decided that marketing was more important.

Ehh, we don't know what the circumstances were in which IG was working with. How late they got the final build, how long they had to test it, and how willing WB was to release the game on time or willing to wait so that the PC version lands better.

i give IG the benefit of the doubt unlike when High Voltage released MKX. MKX was broken at launch, this game just performs like ass but still works.
When Brad estimated a third of mission time as requiring the Batmobile I just stopped watching the video. I got it with my video card upgrade and now I'm just regretting that I didn't make some money back selling the key instead. It was certainly unexpected to waking up and seeing the PC gaming world throwing all the shit at this game though.

I've been lurking the PC thread and it seems like just a bad port job. Which I mean, I guess WB is becoming the new baseline for shitty quality....


Drunky McMurder
I've been lurking the PC thread and it seems like just a bad port job. Which I mean, I guess WB is becoming the new baseline for shitty quality....

Yeah sounds like the port is terrible. And when I saw who handled it, the first thing I thought was "I really hope Lang got his new phone number already, because the internet can get real stupid real quick over things like this"
Bad PC ports are such a bummer, I thought we were mostly past it. I hope situations like this push publishers to give more attention to PC versions, and doesn't drive them away from the PC entirely.
Never blame QA for shit they don't have control over.

This is entirely on the developers/porters, and for right now I'm assuming that's Rock Steady until someone beats the game and sees the credits roll.
That's actually one thing that makes me excited for VR games, because PC will be the lead platform for developers instead of being just barely above previous-gen consoles on their list of priorities.
one thing that AK does that is truly impressive: Its transitions. Like going indoors from the outdoors and there being 0 load screens when that happens. Or whenever the scarecrow visions kick in and the environment keeps shifting. I can't imagine that either effect is easily done and that when it happens it's so natural that you don't really get a chance to marvel in the seamlessness of it all.

Really, when Brad went inside the building and the Barbara/Joker scene plays out and there's 0 loading, not even using a FMV to hide a load screen, man, i was legit impressed.


Man people really aren't happy with Criterion passing up on the F Zero game for Wii U.

I guarantee you that game wouldn't have come close to selling enough on Wii U to cover costs.
People just want a new F-Zero.

As it stands, I'm just happy to get games announced for the Wii U as they're generally really good. I can wait until the NX for whatever newness they want to do.


Well I got a refund on the PC version of AK and traded a bunch of PS3 games in and got the PS4 copy. Steam refunds, best thing ever.

Those shorts will probably be the best thing to come out of genesis. That and Triple H's batshit entrance at Wrestlemania..
Man people really aren't happy with Criterion passing up on the F Zero game for Wii U.

I guarantee you that game wouldn't have come close to selling enough on Wii U to cover costs.

I'm going to be honest: I've never been one to say "oh i almost wish i didn't know about this!!!" whenever a story about a failed project or partnership comes out, but I almost understand the feeling with this story
I know people are down on the Batmobile but when you're doing just Batman stuff, it's still a great game. The combat is better, traversing throughout the city while never touching the ground is still fun, and there's a lot to do. Even when it comes to the Batmobile I think they made the best of a poor decision when it comes to controlling it mechanically. It drives fine and the combat is perfectly functional. That doesn't wind up being balls-out exciting but if I can ride that shitty Witcher horse around for hours when I can't even use it in combat because it's so bad and be alright, I can drive this. The issue is they put too much of it at the beginning, especially, and it's a requirement, not just a "cool" option. Doing that first Riddler challenge with it was a big woof moment. Like yeah I can drive this thing around but don't make me be precise with it because it's just not fun in that case.
I know people are down on the Batmobile but when you're doing just Batman stuff, it's still a great game. The combat is better, traversing throughout the city while never touching the ground is still fun, and there's a lot to do. Even when it comes to the Batmobile I think they made the best of a poor decision when it comes to controlling it mechanically. It drives fine and the combat is perfectly functional. That doesn't wind up being balls-out exciting but if I can ride that shitty Witcher horse around for hours when I can't even use it in combat because it's so bad and be alright, I can drive this. The issue is they put too much of it at the beginning, especially, and it's a requirement, not just a "cool" option. Doing that first Riddler challenge with it was a big woof moment. Like yeah I can drive this thing around but don't make me be precise with it because it's just not fun in that case.

Saying essentially, "it's a great game if you ignore when it's not a great game," isn't really the best approach at convincing people otherwise.

When I can actually play it I'll decide for myself, but I'm likely to side with Jeff on this one.


The Beastie Boys are the first hip hop group in years to have something to say
Witcher combat on horseback is great as long as you're moving. Pretty overpowered too, as you can just keep circling/figure-8ing around a high level monster and swiping them on each pass.
Saying essentially, "it's a great game if you ignore when it's not a great game," isn't really the best approach at convincing people otherwise.

When I can actually play it I'll decide for myself, but I'm likely to side with Jeff on this one.

But I don't care about convincing people of anything. I also don't care that Jeff is down on it, because it just doesn't matter to me. Jeff is more often right than wrong but it doesn't really form my opinion on things.

It's a fun game and batmobile stuff is fine but not ideal. When you're driving around the city it's cool, but when you're using it for platforming you're wondering why didn't they go with less is more. Who wants to do platforming with a car? Like you said, it's a great game if you ignore when it's not a great game. What kind of person would sit there dwelling on the negatives when they enjoy the other parts more?


The Batmobile is just such a downer. Every time the game has any kind of momentum, I run into a brick wall and have to go into the menus, call up the remote, awkwardly maneuver this silly tank into position, hit a button, pull back on the left stick for 5 seconds, and then switch back to Batman to move forward ten feet. Everything else in the game is so polished and well-considered, from the art direction to the voice acting to the combat, that's it's just so baffling.


The Beastie Boys are the first hip hop group in years to have something to say
Except that any slight deviation in the terrain brings Roach to a complete stop.

Sure, that does happen a lot and it sucks. Quickly hit run again to get moving, and if you have your sword raised you get some slo mo breathing room if the enemy is close. Definitely not in "so bad I don't even use it" territory for me.
Sure, that does happen a lot and it sucks. Quickly hit run again to get moving, and if you have your sword raised you get some slo mo breathing room if the enemy is close. Definitely not in "so bad I don't even use it" territory for me.

Yeah, most of the outside encounters are fine on horseback. Really dense forest areas are places I jump off and fight on foot though.

I think my bigger issue is some of the monster contract jobs where you have to fight in tiny confined caves and are expected to dodge attacks. Like, you do all this preparation and put down lures to give yourself the biggest advantage in a fight, and then the location Geralt chooses is this tiny-ass cave where you can't see shit.
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