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Giant Bomb #14 | I'll Never Forget This!

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I mean, I burned through Peace Walker, it's okay, but nothing really that memorable or life changing. Just get through 4, screw PW. I feel like Ground Zeroes sets it up well enough in the aftermath of Snake Eater - Big Boss going off and setting up his own thing after getting burned by FOXHOUND.

I agree in terms of story and for the purpose of MG Scanlon, yeah skip Peace Walker and just read the briefing files in GZ (unless Dan and Drew some co-op)
Gameplay wise, however if you didn't like the gotta catch 'em all base building aspect of PW...you're probably gonna dislike MGS V.
For this reason as well, I dont think MGS V will fit the format of MGScanlon. So, MGS 4 will be the last MGScanlon (just like Kojima, hehe)

edit: New page. I always wondered what this would be like!


I doubt he would have recognized the significance of it and has probably totally forgotten, especially in the aftermath of Snake Eater. It would be a pretty damn rad reveal.

I dunno. It's weird because I have a lot of nostalgia for the marketing campaigns leading up to 2 through 4 and I feel like unlike any other game they were really a core part of the experience, I mean just look at this:


Like the very first trailer for 4 was a straight up FPS, what even was that. AND THEN IT CUTS TO OLD FUCKING MAN SNAKE, LIKE WHAT THE SHIT.

I always loved how Snake handles his guns in that game. I remember freaking out over the scene where he basically breakdown an AK or when you first get the pistol.


Neo Member
Peace Walker would only be interesting if they talk the rest of the crew into going full multiplayer with it. Otherwise, I can't think of anything story-wise that's actually vital to the overall lore. Even the new characters could be re-introduced with a mere few lines of dialogue for how vital they were (I've not actually played Ground Zeroes yet).
Peace Walker would only be interesting if they talk the rest of the crew into going full multiplayer with it. Otherwise, I can't think of anything story-wise that's actually vital to the overall lore. Even the new characters could be re-introduced with a mere few lines of dialogue for how vital they were (I've not actually played Ground Zeroes yet).

Eh not really. The tapes in PW were pretty great for connecting with the characters, and they kind of matter a lot in GZ, especially when you listen to the tapes in GZ.



E3 of a decade past

Ryan reppin that Incredible Crisis poster

edit: oh god Alex what are you doing


edit edit: Del Taco segment @ 11m30s

Oh wow, I actually bought this dvd set. It's probably still somewhere at my mum's house.

I remember there being forum drama (drama on a forum, shocking right?) over how long it took them to master and ship the dvd's.


Playstation Vue doing Jeff some favours:

Jeff Gerstmann ‏@jeffgerstmann 37m37 minutes ago
Hmm. All my attempts to record WWE shows on PlayStation Vue pull the short replay edits instead of the live show from USA. Weird.
Playstation Vue doing Jeff some favours:

I assume that falls under the same exclusive broadcasting rights for USA that seems pretty rock solid- Hulu and even the WWE's very own Network are unable to show the full broadcast.

But yeah, Vue is doing massive favours for Jeff!


Jeez at the Batman PC stuff. Maybe I'll play it in like 6+ months but damn I was looking forward to it.

Hoping for some discussions about it on the beastcast or next weeks bombcast.


I've never been fazed by framerate issues, so I'm finding AK really playable on my rather modest laptop. It's a really solid game, looks gorgeous. Story seems interesting. Although, a lot like AssCreed games as well as City and Origins, I'm just plowing through the story and avoiding most side stuff. Batmobile feels really forced in.

Joker being Batman's Tyler Durden is pretty hilarious to me.


They were keeping things mostly tight until the two turds that are MKX and AK slipped out of the loose sphincter that is their PC port process this year. Shadow of Mordor, Dying Light, all them Lego games, etc.
Sure they've published some good games but a lot of those games are surrounded by excessive pre order DLC, microtransactions and now bad PC support.


I think the best course of action for PC gamers is to pressure Nvidia/AMD to be more selective with who they partner with. All this 'How it's meant to be played' co-marketing is nonsense if the base port is terrible (it actually goes beyond nonsense and into misleading territory when videos like the 60fps trailer are released and the game doesn't even officially support it).

Given the tone deaf statement WB put out, it's obvious the publisher is just trying to maximise revenue by spending the least possible on the port. If they don't care, that's fine, but Nvidia/AMD have a vested interest to care, and they're the ones who look stupid when they hitch their wagon to a product that doesn't take them seriously.


Sure they've published some good games but a lot of those games are surrounded by excessive pre order DLC, microtransactions and now bad PC support.

Par for the course really. You sort of expect the first two from publishers, but it seemed like we'd turned a corner on the third. At least, nobody expected this.

I think the best course of action for PC gamers is to pressure Nvidia/AMD to be more selective with who they partner with. All this 'How it's meant to be played' co-marketing is nonsense if the base port is terrible (it actually goes beyond nonsense and into misleading territory when videos like the 60fps trailer are released and the game doesn't even officially support it).

Given the tone deaf statement WB put out, it's obvious the publisher is just trying to maximise revenue by spending the least possible on the port. If they don't care, that's fine, but Nvidia/AMD have a vested interest to care, and they're the ones who look stupid when they hitch their wagon to a product that doesn't take them seriously.

I'm betting Valve will have some unkind words for them as well.


if you guys think drew will beat mgs4 before mgs5 comes out (he wont), he'll probably be burnt out on MGS and not even care about 5, thus no backing of mgs5 during GOTY

Sure they've published some good games but a lot of those games are surrounded by excessive pre order DLC, microtransactions and now bad PC support.

Yup. Their marketing has been insanely forceful for many years now. Their Preorder Bonus -> Paid DLC -> Game of the Year cycles make me wait for a cheaper "complete" version to eventually come out.
Players who pre-order Rocksteady's latest Batman adventure have so many pre-order options that the company had to post an online guide to sort it all out.

The complete Game of the Year Edition came out around seven months later with that horrible boxart.
Shadow of Mordor: Game of the Year Edition came out almost two months ago. I feel bad for people who bought it at launch and got the expansion at full price for this to come out so quickly.


the holder of the trombone
Eh, honestly though, I find that kind of stuff pretty easy to ignore as long as the base game doesn't feel content starved.
Eh, honestly though, I find that kind of stuff pretty easy to ignore as long as the base game doesn't feel content starved.

True enough. For Destiny it's the opposite, it's so damn content starved that you see a big smoke cloud churning up because of the shenanigans bungie is trying to pull.


The siphoning of extra costumes to DLC is the only thing that bums me out these days. I remember playing Spider-man games when I was young and collecting hidden comic book pages to unlock shit like a Ben Reilly costume or Armor Spidey from Clone Saga. Now everything is a preorder bonus tied to specific retailers or they release costume packs for £3.99.


In the bombcast Horizon talk El Jeffe refers to a popular book about the post-post-apocalyptic, reclaimed by nature setting. Anyone know which he was talking about?



I kind of wish this Destiny Red Bull thing happened before E3, so Jeff could have needled Luke Smith about it.
At this point I just expect Luke Smith to shrug, crack open a can of Red Bull and pour it on to the floor while asking "Do you want it or not, you filthy animal?"

Gotta show a return on that 500m
I thought iron galaxy just did the steamworks integration while the full port was done in-house?

either way it doesn't matter. whether it was IG or Rocksteady that messed up, even if it's 100% their fault it wasn't in the shape it was supposed to be in, it's WB's fault it was released. it's literally their job to deliver the product to customers, and if they decided that it was fine to sell a piece of garbage, it shouldn't matter to the consumer who screwed up.

people blaming the devs is super unfortunate. no developer wants to send out a broken game, and I'm sure they knew exactly what was wrong with it. that they weren't given the time or resources to compensate for issues that arise is out of their control...
I'd like to see a Planetside PS4 QL myself. I tried playing it last night and I felt like I just wasn't getting it. Maybe watching Jeff play it will help make sense of it, like when he went back to Warframe.
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