via alex, persona 5 trailer
get it while it's hot because I suspect it'll be gone within the hour
e: hah, suck it zaph
At least Destiny has like some redeeming factors about it. Watch_dogs was a shit show top to bottom.
The DMC4 QL keeps constantly restarting for me.
Unless you knew some really gullible ass people, nobody honestly thought Watch_Dogs would be the fucking MGS2 of the new gen.
What I remember from Watch_Dogs is people thinking that it was a neat looking idea for a new IP with great graphics during an E3 with fuck all else interesting, and already being disappointed when the guns showed up at the end of the demo and hoping that the hacking street lights and bridge stuff wouldn't be as formulaic as it would be. Then the second it got delayed and started showing up as real gameplay, hype dropping dramatically as people realized it was an Ubisoft game.
Destiny was a game where people were still in denial about what it even after it came out was because their brains refused to accept how disappointing it was.
Lest we forget, the reason Watch_Dogs won is because it was disappointing to Vinny. If Vinny was disappointed with me, I think I would break into tears.
via alex, persona 5 trailer
get it while it's hot because I suspect it'll be gone within the hour
e: hah, suck it zaph
Your suspicions were quite right, it seems.
Half of the DmC reboot is terrible, automated platforming as one or two flying enemies flop about so it's not like either are stellar examples of world design. It has kooky krazy colors though so it's easier to ignore.
All the republicans are getting into anime. Here's Ted Cruz about to evoke his persona, an enormous yelling butthole.
At least the nighfall isn't archon priest this week...
The hell does this sentence mean
oh my god i just saw the Destiny Red Bull thing
jesus christ
When future generations ask how this game got passed over for most disappointing title in favor of an Ubisoft game everyone had written off a year before, we can only answer with silence and shame
Dan shitting on the Batmobile some more on twitter. I can't help but feel it will make its way into a GOTY award somewhere. Maybe "worst game vehicle" or "most ancillary feature" or something like that.
I should re-install Asylum at some point to see if I still remember everything in that game.
I probably did close to 200 playthroughs so I bet it's still full on muscle memory even 5-6years later.
So I may have watched through the entire Arkham Knight game... Good shit for story, I'm really surprised, and Joker actually works pretty well. The tank sections of the batmobile look like where things really fail; i think if you could just use it to drive around rapidly, without puzzle solving, it would work.
Jesus dude.
I was paid for it lol
Does the Joker stuff get any better than what was in the QL? Because I was already tired of it by the end of that.
Oh yeah, testing.
It's at most story points, but with how the story progresses/develops, it really makes sense to have him popping up all over. Not nearly as rapidly as the QL section though.
Maybe you can just spoiler it and tell me what makes it interesting Glitch, because to me the Joker stuff seems like the dumbest laziest cop-out.
yeah i just reached a point that made me laugh out loud. he is pretty good in the game so far