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Giant Bomb #14 | I'll Never Forget This!

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This is so mean!

...and I can't stop smirking at it!


I thought watch_dogs was okay. The shooting was better than GTA has ever been, not that this is saying much. New city and a new protagonist - I would totally play a sequel.


As someone who noticed Ubisoft's rubbish open world template after Far Cry 2, Watch_Dogs was par for the course. Destiny was born from the dudes who made Halo. Halo, that revolutionary console shooter that launched the Xbox into relevancy and made Microsoft millions. It's incredible how satisfying mechanics saved Destiny in the GOTY deliberations.
Unless you knew some really gullible ass people, nobody honestly thought Watch_Dogs would be the fucking MGS2 of the new gen.

What I remember from Watch_Dogs is people thinking that it was a neat looking idea for a new IP with great graphics during an E3 with fuck all else interesting, and already being disappointed when the guns showed up at the end of the demo and hoping that the hacking street lights and bridge stuff wouldn't be as formulaic as it would be. Then the second it got delayed and started showing up as real gameplay, hype dropping dramatically as people realized it was an Ubisoft game.

Destiny was a game where people were still in denial about what it even after it came out was because their brains refused to accept how disappointing it was.

I meant in that Watch Dogs was the promise of newgen much in the same way that MGS2 and Gears 1 was. And so when it came out and it was just a bad GTA clone the last few folks who were hoping for something refreshing and a justification for their console purchases finally had to come around and accept that this was a pile of garbage and be disappointed that it appears that the newgen was going to take quite a while to get something worthwhile out.

wasnt it the fastest or quickest selling new IP ever? Clearly the expectations that it would still be good were still there when it launched.

Anjin M

Lest we forget, the reason Watch_Dogs won is because it was disappointing to Vinny. If Vinny was disappointed with me, I think I would break into tears.

Also, sounds like I'm going to buy a Red Bull for the first time ever. Can't wait to try it!
Half of the DmC reboot is terrible, automated platforming as one or two flying enemies flop about so it's not like either are stellar examples of world design. It has kooky krazy colors though so it's easier to ignore.

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
Half of the DmC reboot is terrible, automated platforming as one or two flying enemies flop about so it's not like either are stellar examples of world design. It has kooky krazy colors though so it's easier to ignore.

oh man do we really want ot make the 'kooky kool' argument when defending old dmc?
The older Devil May Cry games have a very muted color scheme in comparison to the orange green fantasia
clown vomit
of the reboot.

Either way, they all have horrible level design. Would rather smack a dial around than grapple across empty chasms for 5 minutes and slow walk through office buildings though.
Listening to Jeff say that the twists in Fez in NG+ are crazy got me wonder. Having only finished the game and never played through ng+, what is so crazy about what happens in the post game? I know i got some 3d glasses that allows for first person view but i just didnt bother after that.


oh my god i just saw the Destiny Red Bull thing

jesus christ

When future generations ask how this game got passed over for most disappointing title in favor of an Ubisoft game everyone had written off a year before, we can only answer with silence and shame

There needs to be a revote.

I'm not kidding.

Destiny is a shame and everyone who has claimed to like it always sounds disappointed or depressed when talking about it.
Dan shitting on the Batmobile some more on twitter. I can't help but feel it will make its way into a GOTY award somewhere. Maybe "worst game vehicle" or "most ancillary feature" or something like that.


Dan shitting on the Batmobile some more on twitter. I can't help but feel it will make its way into a GOTY award somewhere. Maybe "worst game vehicle" or "most ancillary feature" or something like that.

Not really surprising. Since the first preview of the game the batmobile looks like a terrible idea.
Yep. I feel like most people knew putting the Batmobile in those games would be a detriment. I remember the GB guys talking about it back when Asylum had just come out, how they appreciated that the Batmobile was very knowingly not part of the gameplay.


I should re-install Asylum at some point to see if I still remember everything in that game.

I probably did close to 200 playthroughs so I bet it's still full on muscle memory even 5-6years later.
So I may have watched through the entire Arkham Knight game... Good shit for story, I'm really surprised, and Joker actually works pretty well. The tank sections of the batmobile look like where things really fail; i think if you could just use it to drive around rapidly, without puzzle solving, it would work.

I should re-install Asylum at some point to see if I still remember everything in that game.

I probably did close to 200 playthroughs so I bet it's still full on muscle memory even 5-6years later.

Jesus dude.


So I may have watched through the entire Arkham Knight game... Good shit for story, I'm really surprised, and Joker actually works pretty well. The tank sections of the batmobile look like where things really fail; i think if you could just use it to drive around rapidly, without puzzle solving, it would work.

Jesus dude.

I was paid for it lol

And for the batmobile... As much as I'm not a huge fan of the whole combat and puzzle parts, I feel like the driving is even worse. Maybe it's because of the terrible performances on PC but it's impossible to drive it properly. The car is too fast for the narrow streets and the shitty FPS.
Maybe you can just spoiler it and tell me what makes it interesting Glitch, because to me the Joker stuff seems like the dumbest laziest cop-out.

Fair warning.

So as Brad mentioned, Bats got a little bit of the fear gas in him, but you might remember that in City, Joker infected Bats with his blood and there was a big deal about his blood getting to hospitals and potentially being used in transfusions. As you play, you learn that five people got infected, including Bats, and that three are showing signs of acting just like the Joker. So not only is the hallucination the "devil on the shoulder" for Batman, but it's also a very real representation of Joker trying to take over Batman.

The game also tells some of the story through the Joker presence.
Matter of fact it makes a callback to one of the most powerful moments in Batman history, the second Robin being turned into Joker's puppet.

And as I said when the QL went up, it's Hamill Hamilling it up, and the dialogue is pretty fun to listen to.

yeah i just reached a point that made me laugh out loud. he is pretty good in the game so far

Which was that?


I'm mostly ok with the Batmobile when it's for driving around Gotham, but they've incorporated the Batmobile with the main Riddler stuff and it's the WORST.
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