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Giant Bomb #14 | I'll Never Forget This!

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I wish I could get in on the AK discussion but the key that i got from the honorable Felix Lighter is for the PC release, which is just plain fucked right now. I guess i'll get to it after a couple of patches come out.

why you gotta make me sad, Dave Lang?
I think the Joker stuff honestly works super well as a
reflection of Batman's subconscious
. The game is doing really interesting stuff with Batman's character, and having Joker
as a manifestation of his guilt and crumbling psyche
really helps with that.

The scene in the
zeplin with Scrarecrow and Joker-Batman
was fucking incredible.

It's a way better use of the character than the dumb
Mutant Joker
stuff in City.
Fair warning.

So as Brad mentioned, Bats got a little bit of the fear gas in him, but you might remember that in City, Joker infected Bats with his blood and there was a big deal about his blood getting to hospitals and potentially being used in transfusions. As you play, you learn that five people got infected, including Bats, and that three are showing signs of acting just like the Joker. So not only is the hallucination the "devil on the shoulder" for Batman, but it's also a very real representation of Joker trying to take over Batman.

The game also tells some of the story through the Joker presence.
Matter of fact it makes a callback to one of the most powerful moments in Batman history, the first Robin being turned into Joker's puppet.

Well, I suppose that is more interesting than it seemed at first.
That's Asylum, it's
in City.
Oh yeah, totally got that mixed up. Thanks!

Overall I still think this is probably the best use of his character in the series so far. After the dumbass late game twists in City and Asylum I am not confident that they aren't going to totally fuck it up.


im not one to get triggered by gb quick looks but seeing dan pass over this
got me for a second
Dan probably doesn't care enough about aerial jump canceling (or even knows what it is) to fully use it.

look, the only move you need to know in any DMC is the one where you uppercut someone with your sword to launch them into the air and then shoot them a bunch.

anything after that is just videogame masturbation
Get the best Devil May Cry game for 13 dollars via Nuuvem. Site is in Portuguese but it's a legitimate retailer that everyone in the steam thread uses. I've bought nearly two dozen games through them.
Devil May Cry 3 Special Edition is the best Devil May Cry game and fuck anyone who suggests otherwise. It was a pure, perfect work of art that remains untouched compared to its successors and predecessors.
Honestly seeing that Joker stuff in the quicklook makes me more interested in whatever story they told and i dont want to spoil it anymore.

Now to wait a year or so until the game is cheap :p
Devil May Cry 3 Special Edition is the best Devil May Cry game and fuck anyone who suggests otherwise. It was a pure, perfect work of art that remains untouched compared to its successors and predecessors.

I don't think anyone will argue against that, 4 has stronger gameplay because it allows you to switch styles on the fly but it's a much weaker game than 3.


yeah i just reached a point that made me laugh out loud. he is pretty good in the game so far

I noticed his face appearing on billboards flying around then when I turned to go check one out it was back to normal. The way they implement all this stuff is super well done. Really enjoying the game so far.
Devil May Cry 3 Special Edition is the best Devil May Cry game and fuck anyone who suggests otherwise. It was a pure, perfect work of art that remains untouched compared to its successors and predecessors.

DMC3 is so fucking good like coming off of 2 it blew my mind in the tutorial how good it felt.


OMG Listening to Alt-F1 as a Montrealer is infuriating... THIS IS NOT HOW YOU PRONOUNCE POUTINE GOD DAMMIT.

And the worse part is that there's a dude from Vancouver that writes in to tell them how to pronounce it and he's 100% wrong.

I think it's time to start a Canada beef letter chain on Alt-F1.


OMG Listening to Alt-F1 as a Montrealer is infuriating... THIS IS NOT HOW YOU PRONOUNCE POUTINE GOD DAMMIT.

And the worse part is that there's a dude from Vancouver that writes in to tell them how to pronounce it and he's 100% wrong.

I think it's time to start a Canada beef letter chain on Alt-F1.

lol i was just watching you freak out on twitter about this.
Idk what that guy was thinking.


so am I crazy, or is You Must Build a Boat have a little too much going on in the gameplay compared to the first game

What do you mean by a little too much going on? I think it's roughly the same, but perhaps my memory is foggy.

I mean, the boat gets really crudded up with stuff as the game goes on, making it a little tough to parse, but you specifically said the gameplay, which I'm taking to mean the matching part of the game.
What do you mean by a little too much going on? I think it's roughly the same, but perhaps my memory is foggy.

I mean, the boat gets really crudded up with stuff as the game goes on, making it a little tough to parse, but you specifically said the gameplay, which I'm taking to mean the matching part of the game.

The stuff they added to the matching just feels like obstacles more than anything (Here's a bunch of squares that can lead to nothing when you match them! Here's some that add to a currency but don't help out during the actual gameplay segments!) and it makes the game a total hassle compared to 10,000,000. It's way more of a pain in the ass to just do some God damn damage to an enemy.

Now that you mention it, though, the stuff outside of matching seems really bloated too. Having to tap on boxes to open them and wait for the character to run all the way to the front of the boat to start the run gets annoying as hell in extended play sessions.

Was 10000000 the same in that if you made a match without being in front of an enemy/chest that the match was wasted?

Yeah. I don't really mind it except for when a killing blow sets off a huge chain reaction.


The stuff they added to the matching just feels like obstacles more than anything (Here's a bunch of squares that can lead to nothing when you match them! Here's some that add to a currency but don't help out during the actual gameplay segments!) and it makes the game a total hassle compared to 10,000,000. It's way more of a pain in the ass to just do some God damn damage to an enemy.

Now that you mention it, though, the stuff outside of matching seems really bloated too. Having to tap on boxes to open them and wait for the character to run all the way to the front of the boat to start the run gets annoying as hell in extended play sessions.

Was 10000000 the same in that if you made a match without being in front of an enemy/chest that the match was wasted?


The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
look, the only move you need to know in any DMC is the one where you uppercut someone with your sword to launch them into the air and then shoot them a bunch.

anything after that is just videogame masturbation

thats how I finsihed every DMC game lol.


Unless you knew some really gullible ass people, nobody honestly thought Watch_Dogs would be the fucking MGS2 of the new gen.

What I remember from Watch_Dogs is people thinking that it was a neat looking idea for a new IP with great graphics during an E3 with fuck all else interesting, and already being disappointed when the guns showed up at the end of the demo and hoping that the hacking street lights and bridge stuff wouldn't be as formulaic as it would be. Then the second it got delayed and started showing up as real gameplay, hype dropping dramatically as people realized it was an Ubisoft game.

I mean, it was a Ubisoft open wide game! We know those can go bad on a moments notice. We knew in 2013.

And between the delays, poor showings late 2013 and Aiden Pearce's iconic cap™ it was obvious what happened before the game came out.

Destiny was a game where people were still in denial about what it even after it came out was because their brains refused to accept how disappointing it was.

It's crazy. All the problems were backloaded in such a way that even demos hid how much of a shitshow that game was. It looked and played amazing right until a bit after release and the other shoe dropped.

And it was Bungie making that game! Bungie! The guys with a near spotless track record who walked away from one of the biggest deals in gaming to create their own new IP.

The disappointment even gets into weird meta stuff for me. After Halo 4 and the way critical story beats were hidden in another game mode I thought "boy 343, you could take a few lessons from Bungie on how to more naturally blend story and worldbuilding into your main game".

Then Destiny came out and that stuff was on a fucking website.
I enjoyed Watch_Dogs as an ironic unabomber simulator, I checked my phone during the cutscenes and enjoyed the driving and shooting - the convoy missions were my favorite part honestly. Maybe it's because I went in with super low expectations?

Destiny I've never paid a cent for or even played but I've gotten endless hours of entertainment out of it, so I feel like I won in this scenario.
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