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Giant Bomb #14 | I'll Never Forget This!

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I just played it from the time I posted my last messages to now and yeah, a proper Quick Look for the game would be tricky. Especially because the game doesn't truly get engaging until you come across some of those big reveals. It's a really unique thing, but holy shit is it compelling. Really hope to see it covered in some form, even just podcast discussion.

There's precedent for QLs that serve as "here's a lesser-known game I'm playing which I'm very much enjoying", QLs that are basically recommendations in the form of coverage. I believe Alex has hinted that he's playing and very much enjoying the game. So I wouldn't be surprised if they *wanted* to throw a QL up on the site, but yeah, tricky. I would have no problem with a video showing the first five minutes of the game but I think the driver of the QL should rehearse it prior to determine just a couple of 'safe' keyword searches.

And yeah, really compelling game. The narrative structure is acutely engaging, luring you in simply by virtue of expecting you to flex nothing but human curiosity. It's engaging not just because of the 'Memento'-esque timeline jumping and the constant applied mental dexterity required in order to follow that timeline, and make sense of it, and revisit it as revelations reveal, but also engaging in the simple sense of being an oddly freeform puzzle. You're guided by the game's structure toward solutions, but it's all very subtle and feels very personal. Less following external rules, more following internal ones.

I can't wait to hear everyone's take on the Arkham Knight business on the Beast\Bombcast. What a hilarious chain of events. Also the Destiny nonsense, although I don't really know the story there. Good week for some popcorn though!


People deep into Destiny lamenting the shit Bungie is pulling reminds me more and more of complaints I hear smokers make about their habit.
Man, they're really going to charge $20 for emotes and shaders?

How the fuck have bungie fans not lit their headquarters on fire yet? Bungie seems to be exploiting the ever living shit out of their hardcore fanbase in a way that would get just about any other developer shamed to hell and back.


People deep into Destiny lamenting the shit Bungie is pulling reminds me more and more of complaints I hear smokers make about their habit.

The reason those threads "become legend" is also because of the sheer number of apologists that game has got. So those threads tend to spawn and linger.

but the best comment is of course, near the top (as per usual):

"We're sorry. Please pay $20 to accept our apology."

fuck video games


The reason those threads "become legend" is also because of the sheer number of apologists that game has got. So those threads tend to spawn and linger.

Some of it is just amazing. You'd think this was Bungie's first stab at their first game from some of the "give them time to learn and grow" comments.
We've seen the Destiny apologists infiltrate this thread too. Remember that guy a few weeks ago that insisted he was "ok with people not liking Destiny" while aggressively trying to rebuke anyone who said anything negative about the game? It's comical how weirdly defensive that game's base is.


I just found out that the guy who runs the wonderful Giant Bomblr doesn't like Dan. I'm not sure how I'm going to be able to go on in this world bearing the weight of this knowledge. :(
glad to see dans enjoying batman. i wanted to play more yesterday but can only play 6 hours of it.

I don't know if i could do a 10 hour session anymore


is that dude still banging on about that? christ. me and myggen and a bunch of other people stopped following him months ago after he went on like 10 rants in a row about that shit
I'm #TeamRyckert and I must say I hadn't really noticed. I only found out now that I checked the Tumblr's FAQ where he goes into quite some detail on the topic.
I want to check out that 11 page Driveclub PS+ thread to see the kind of people who are still into that game.

I tried it yesterday.

I didn't really enjoy it. Then again, i just played the first track and got to the main menu.

The game itself isn't much of a looker either, which is kinda strange since racing games trade off of being excellent looking games. The snow effects were pretty nice, i gotta admit.


bish gets all the credit :)
The game itself isn't much of a looker either, which is kinda strange since racing games trade off of being excellent looking games. The snow effects were pretty nice, i gotta admit.

You must put on your glasses.

I wish it played more arcadey, but I'll stick with it.
You must put on your glasses.

I wish it played more arcadey, but I'll stick with it.

Honestly, when the last few experiences with the racing genre have been from Criterion's games, well, you just have a really high bar regarding what a racing game should look like. Nothing about Drive Club looks like it's pushing the PS4 all that much except the lighting and the weather effects. Cars look ok, the track isn't impressive looking, and the handling of the car they start you with is pretty rough. Drifting just seemed to lead me to wipe out more often than not.

Again, these are impressions from the first track the game drops you in and I'll give it a bit more time to see how my initial impressions hold up but so far i'm not really impressed.
Man, they're really going to charge $20 for emotes and shaders?

How the fuck have bungie fans not lit their headquarters on fire yet? Bungie seems to be exploiting the ever living shit out of their hardcore fanbase in a way that would get just about any other developer shamed to hell and back.

Within the destiny clan I joined when I came back for HoW, some of them actually it as a good thing and are thinking about spending the $20... its kinda crazy how into the game they still are lol


Subete no aware
My problem with Drive Club is that I miss all the modern assists they've removed for seemingly no reason other than to prove that they're hard core.
I'm not even sure if I could do 6 hour sessions.

even when i have the time and intent to marathon a game, i can't usually go more than an hour or two before i need to get up and do something else for a while before going back

a lot of my steam times are messed up because i just hit pause and come back half an hour later after making lunch or whatever


Has anyone else noticed the artifacting in the Quick Looks since they came back from E3? I've seen it a few times in each of the Quick Looks posted this week. It pops in around 11:12 in the Payday QL.


We've seen the Destiny apologists infiltrate this thread too. Remember that guy a few weeks ago that insisted he was "ok with people not liking Destiny" while aggressively trying to rebuke anyone who said anything negative about the game? It's comical how weirdly defensive that game's base is.

Stockholm syndrome
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