Oh man that Natal namedrop... Blast from the past! Forgot about that codename.
lol, the crash in the Payday QL
Oh man that Natal namedrop... Blast from the past! Forgot about that codename.
We've seen the Destiny apologists infiltrate this thread too. Remember that guy a few weeks ago that insisted he was "ok with people not liking Destiny" while aggressively trying to rebuke anyone who said anything negative about the game? It's comical how weirdly defensive that game's base is.
chiming in on the iron galaxy stuff
i think frank is spot on here:
Maybe someone should do one of those big writeup posts about game development, those usually get a lot of attention when they're well written. Like that Bioshock Vigors and Snake Oil topic from a few weeks back.
chiming in on the iron galaxy stuff
i think frank is spot on here:
To be fair, most casual buyers would put the blame on WB first since they're the ones who have their logo across everything.He absolutely has a fair point, and QA/devs do get the unfair end of the stick, but I'm sick to death of people in the industry (who, shockingly, are usually current/former journalists) expecting consumers to know the intricacies of game development, and direct their disappointment and frustration accordingly.
Are you fucking kidding me? This is already one of the worst industries for putting the risk and onus on the plate of consumers. I desperately want devs to be more front-facing and enjoy the benefits of artists within other mediums, but that shit goes both ways. If you want your name on the box and accurate credit listings, you're going to catch some shrapnel too if your game turns out to be a dud. And if you weren't in control of that game becoming a dud? Well maybe this is the type of motivation needed to encourage devs and their advocates to fight for better deals.
Chances are, if you're on GAF, you're in the upper 1% of gamers who pay attention to the industry, so yeah, you can probably put 2 + 2 together and realise the blame doesn't lay squarely with Rocksteady or IG, but that definitely doesn't apply to the larger game buying public.
That attitude - when in doubt, criticise the consumer - is basically one of the major reasons why there is such a distrust for the enthusiast press and led to such a build up that it ended up hurting the newer generation of independent devs who didn't deserve it.
He absolutely has a fair point, and QA/devs do get the unfair end of the stick, but I'm sick to death of people in the industry (who, shockingly, are usually current/former journalists) expecting consumers to know the intricacies of game development, and direct their disappointment and frustration accordingly.
Are you fucking kidding me? This is already one of the worst industries for putting the risk and onus on the plate of consumers. I desperately want devs to be more front-facing and enjoy the benefits of artists within other mediums, but that shit goes both ways. If you want your name on the box and accurate credit listings, you're going to catch some shrapnel too if your game turns out to be a dud. And if you weren't in control of that game becoming a dud? Well maybe this is the type of motivation needed to encourage devs and their advocates to fight for better deals.
Chances are, if you're on GAF, you're in the upper 1% of gamers who pay attention to the industry, so yeah, you can probably put 2 + 2 together and realise the blame doesn't lay squarely with Rocksteady or IG, but that definitely doesn't apply to the larger game buying public.
That attitude - when in doubt, criticise the consumer - is basically one of the major reasons why there is such a distrust for the enthusiast press and led to such a build up that it ended up hurting the newer generation of independent devs who didn't deserve it.
He absolutely has a fair point, and QA/devs do get the unfair end of the stick, but I'm sick to death of people in the industry (who, shockingly, are usually current/former journalists) expecting consumers to know the intricacies of game development, and direct their disappointment and frustration accordingly.
Are you fucking kidding me? This is already one of the worst industries for putting the risk and onus on the plate of consumers. I desperately want devs to be more front-facing and enjoy the benefits of artists within other mediums, but that shit goes both ways. If you want your name on the box and accurate credit listings, you're going to catch some shrapnel too if your game turns out to be a dud. And if you weren't in control of that game becoming a dud? Well maybe this is the type of motivation needed to encourage devs and their advocates to fight for better deals.
Chances are, if you're on GAF, you're in the upper 1% of gamers who pay attention to the industry, so yeah, you can probably put 2 + 2 together and realise the blame doesn't lay squarely with Rocksteady or IG, but that definitely doesn't apply to the larger game buying public.
That attitude - when in doubt, criticise the consumer - is basically one of the major reasons why there is such a distrust for the enthusiast press and led to such a build up that it ended up hurting the newer generation of independent devs who didn't deserve it.
To be fair, most casual buyers would put the blame on WB first since they're the ones who have their logo across everything.
I like how disgusted Dan looks during the Aisha Tyler/meme thing
me too, Dan
What bugs me about Bungie is how the hell they managed to break away from MS (while remaining mostly intact), which is no small feat, and then sleepwalked into an even worse contract with Activision. Did their management team become completely inept overnight?
Getting funding for a large AAA studio accustomed to luxurious dev cycles isn't easy, I'll give them that, but they made fucking Halo. They should have been able to do better.
My only guess is that the perceived state of the industry at the end of last gen really screwed them. Everyone was acting like the sky is falling and next gen would flop, so very few pubs were willing to cut a check?
The article about Linkin Park that Jeff just retweeted is blowing my mind.
can one really call Linkin Park "alternative rock?" what are they the alternative to? good taste? bands that aren't popular for no reason?
The article about Linkin Park that Jeff just retweeted is blowing my mind.
I wonder what Jeff thinks was the one thing worse that happened on a GB livestream then that.
To be fair, most casual buyers would put the blame on WB first since they're the ones who have their logo across everything.
Frank Cifaldi retweeted Stiv
It's not their fault, we've treated video game development like it's secret voodoo magic for years now, it's stupid.
I think your "don't blame the consumer" rant is misdirected here. This is about who has the ultimate blame for shit like this most of the time. Consumers are free to shit on all the developers in the world and do that on a regular basis, no one's stopping them (as you can see on GAF and Reddit).
Watching the QL, it looks like Payday 2 does an even worse job at explaining itself to new players now than when I played it at launch. Parts of that game is a confusing mess.
It's not the customer's responsibity to please understand. They bought something and it's broken straight out of te box. Fucking fix it. Don't jerk off on Twitter with long-winded, self-important, condescending tutorials on the technicalities of your industry. Just fucking fix it.
i thought i read somewhere that pay day 2 had Vehicles
Don't think Frank Cifaldi has anything to do with Arkham Knight.
Yes I understand that, ffs. But his attitude is prevailent and this broken game shit has been going on for a long time.
My problem with Drive Club is that I miss all the modern assists they've removed for seemingly no reason other than to prove that they're hard core.
He just wants to educate people about how things work. People are already posting stuff like this and that's what he's talking about.It's not the customer's responsibity to please understand. They bought something and it's broken straight out of te box. Fucking fix it. Don't jerk off on Twitter with long-winded, self-important, condescending tutorials on the technicalities of your industry. Just fucking fix it.
That is so adorable.
What the hell is a crayon of doom.
That is so adorable.
What the hell is a crayon of doom.
It says "canyon"