If gerstmann could somehow move to New York the beastcast would be the perfect podcast.
The bombcast would be in a real weird spot though so it's probably good how it's set up now.
I do personally think that Jeff/Brad/Dan/Jason is the best lineup. Jason mostly because he has the most natural chemistry with Dan, as horrified he might be at this revelation.
the Bombcast just needs a solid 4th chair. It seems that the pattern is Jeff, Brad, Dan, and the fourth chair is in flux. Drew is an alright 4th chair but often he will spend the better part of the podcast being rather quiet, which is only even more noticeable since Dan isn't very talkative. It leaves us with a lot of just Jeff and Brad more often than not.
I think it would work well with Jason being the regular on the 4th chair with drew coming on occasionally to talk at length about a game he's been playing or as our Halo/Bungie correspondent. Jason seems to play more games than Drew does (not meant to be a slight on Drew, I don't blame a duder for leading a really active lifestyle where gaming isn't his main thing) and tends to participate more often. He also seems to be better at the podcasting stuff, he comes off more natural at it.
just my 2 cents on the matter.
Agree 100%.
I love me some Drew but would sacrifice his contributions to the bombcast for more Jason. We can still get our Drew fix elsewhere.
Come onnnnnnnnnnnn Metal Gear Scanlon 4...
If you guys like interesting cyberpunk-esque noir stories set in a society composed of eclectic expression then you should give this one a look. Plus Marcos Martin is one of the most creative artists working in comics today.
I would rather have other premium features soon than MGScanlon. Guys, there's going to be entire episodes where they don't even play the game. Gimme that cross-country Flight Club instead!
ok hold on, they're pronouncing .ini as Ai N Ai instead of Innie? that's just wrong
It's been a while so Drew has forgotten how to play video games.
I'm sure people would be happy with that playthrough.They should just skip Scalon 4 and go straight to Scanlon Rising.
They should just skip Scalon 4 and go straight to Scanlon Rising.
I'm sure people would be happy with that playthrough.
I dont see how a Rising playthrough ends with nothing but tears for everyone.
What i'd give to see drew take on the infamous robot dog early in the game. It really is the make or break it moment for folks who played MGR.
It's already in kind of a weird spot, I think.
I can see Drew having a lot of trouble with the parry mechanic. I could be totally wrong though and he could be great.
i remember dan didn't really care for revengeance which i found kinda hilarious. i guess it didn't have the LOL SHOOT THE SALT BOTTLE OMG THIS IS A PS2 IN 2001 factor going for it, but it was still utterly absurd
MGR is a good action game that is tangentially a metal gear game. I think that doesn't do a whole lot for folks that are hardcore into MGS
I don't think he ever mentioned playing one.does drew like character action games?
Isn't the length of the codec clips longer than the game itself? I think I remember something like that.But it's got codecs for days!
MGR is a good action game that is tangentially a metal gear game. I think that doesn't do a whole lot for folks that are hardcore into MGS
Worked for me.
VinnyVania: Dracula's Curse on the schedule for today.
Hurray Vinnyvania! What game are we on, now? Is it a good game?
Awesome! Thanks daydream. Simon's Quest was rarely entertaining. It's the worst kind of bad game.
I loved it all except for the first episode in NY where they were just following a walkthrough entirely. The last episode was mostly that too, but it had the tornado moment which made the whole series worth it.
I agree that it's a terrible game though. That part I'm on board with.
EastCoast Quicklooks are so boring. WestCoast Giant Bomb is best coast Giant Bomb.
Awesome! Thanks daydream. Simon's Quest was rarely entertaining. It's the worst kind of bad game.