Skyrim is one of the two games I had a crash moment with. After playing 60 hours of side dungeons and guilds I was repulsed by the game in an instant, even though some of the guild quests were fun I had an overdose of mediocre side content. The other game that did that to me was Farcry 2, though I did go back to that and dragged myself through the second half.
SRIV was a good Crackdown game with fun writing. There was zero challenge to the game outside of the first third but I thought the fun of the concept lasted for most of the story.
Okay, utter disaster might be too harsh, but it's still super overrated.
It's just, ugh.
I want to play Fallout 4, but I'm cautiously optimistic about how it will turn out.
Skyrim was the game that made me re-evaluate why I play games. I wasn't playing Skyrim to have fun, I was playing it to coast and eat time. After that, I became much more critical of the games I play.
SRIV was a good Crackdown game with fun writing. There was zero challenge to the game outside of the first third but I thought the fun of the concept lasted for most of the story.
I liked SR4, but it wore out its welcome pretty quickly. I think I liked SR3 much more because of the problem Jeff described on Day 1 of E3 (if you can do anything, where do you go from there?).
I'm literally posting this during an extended session of Witcher 3 and I'm like a bajillion hours in and I haven't even left the first area yet, so yes, that's still the greatest game ever made.
Dragon's Dogma came out right after Skyrim or so and it literally stunted all over what a shitshow Skyrim was.
I'm still pretty early on in Witcher 3 I should probably go back to it, but I got distracted by downloading Dishonored on a whim the other day and man idk how I missed that game its tight as fuck
The reason I listened to those podcasts again was because of that recent email on one of the podcasts about good years for gaming. It made me realize 2011 was kind of awesome. There was so much shit and the console versions of games weren't totally unplayable yet. Dark Souls (!!!!!!!), Portal 2, Witcher 2, Mortal Kombat, Saints Row 3, Skyrim, Mario Kart 7, Mario 3D Land, Gears 3, Dead Space 2, Rayman Origins, LA Noire, Uncharted 3, Battlefield 3, Deus Ex: Human Revolution, and Batman: Arkham City. It was like the year of the AAA. I played all of those games and didn't hate any of them.
It's a shame that the duders never figured out how to make a fun tabletop series. Two times in a row people made them nice character figurines and two times in a row they barely got used. It seems to largely be an issue of Rorie as a DM keeping things going forward.
It's not like there's really a ton of regular content week to week.
Skyrim is one of the two games I had a crash moment with. After playing 60 hours of side dungeons and guilds I was repulsed by the game in an instant, even though some of the guild quests were fun I had an overdose of mediocre side content. The other game that did that to me was Farcry 2, though I did go back to that and dragged myself through the second half.
SRIV was a good Crackdown game with fun writing. There was zero challenge to the game outside of the first third but I thought the fun of the concept lasted for most of the story.
That comparison has never occurred to me before. It's totally accurate, but the strange thing is that Crackdown is one of my favorite games of all time, but I really didn't enjoy SRIV all that much.
yea, don't watch it if you're gonna play it. i went in totally blind and it was worth it. i really loved Alex and Austin constantly warning viewers to stop watching. Vinny was the spoiler culprit this time!
how much were you spoiled? the interviews themselves create a pretty interesting story. the QL doesn't spoil too much of the actual case but they give away the basic premise.
I watched the QL and bought Her Story. Haven't played it yet but I don't feel spoiled by the latter half of the quick look.
And watching all videos again after "finishing" is probably a treat in itself.
Skyrim was the game that made me re-evaluate why I play games. I wasn't playing Skyrim to have fun, I was playing it to coast and eat time. After that, I became much more critical of the games I play.
I've spent around 70 hours of my life playing Skyrim and I wish I could get them back.
I've spent well over 200 hours of my life playing each of: Morrowind, Oblivion, and Fallout: New Vegas, and probably around 100 hours of my life playing Fallout 3. I do not wish the same for these games.
Skyrim is the worst Bethesda game of its "type" by a country mile. Just a dull, bland mess of a game. A complete lack of meaningful RPG mechanics actively dissuades any sort of character building. You can do everything there is to do in the game on a single character, who has some godly ability to miraculously be good at everything (s)he puts his/her mind to!
Maybe I should be thankful though, because "everything there is to do in the game" is remarkably thin. I mean in terms of quality, rather than quantity (though if we subtract the junk-ass procedurally-generated quests, the quantity of content still leaves a lot to be desired). God help me if I actually had to roll a new character to do the weak-ass guild quests. Every single quest in the game can be sourced back to the same inane gameplay loop: Go to a nearby dungeon. Fight the leveled enemies within. Defeat the "boss" (simply the next-step-up of the dungeon's resident Enemy Type on the leveled lists) at the end, and either its corpse or the chest it was guarding will contain whatever stupid bullshit you've been sent to this samey, uninspired Draugr Ruin to find. Go back to town. Quest done.
This includes guild quests. Think about this for a second. In doing the Thieves' Guild, you spend more time plunging into the same-ass Draugr Ruins you've been plumbing for the entire fucking game so you can kill the end boss and get your stupid trinket quest macguffin than you do actually stealing shit. An overwhelming majority of the quests in the Mage's Guild (or whatever the hell they called it in Skyrim, some college or some shit), which, again, are just the same dungeon dives the entire game is built around, have no mechanics or designs in place to ensure you're even using magic to finish the quest. You can, if you so choose, spend more time bashing in skulls with a mace than you do slinging spells in the mage's guild.
Remember those procedurally-generated quests I mentioned before, and how junk-ass they were? The "static, hand-placed quests" are barely any fuckin' better. It's like they got that system to spit out a handful of quests and then just attached the usual awful Bethesda dialogue to them to give them at least a small sense of purpose.
The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim is a bad game. This is, obviously, just my opinion. Large swaths of people seem to be content (even enamored) with a bad game. A bad game made Bethesda a whole lot of Skyrimbux that they're probably pumping into Fallout 4 so they can make it just as bad. Fun fact: The Pip-Boy subscreen shown in the trailers does not presently include a "Skills" tab. Just SPECIAL and Perks. I have barely any hope that Fallout 4 will be anything but a disappointment.
But it looked a lot nicer than their earlier games and left a good first impression so of course it was a shoe-in for Game of the Year from a number of outlets, even one that typically seems immune, or at least cautious towards to the manufactured hype that manifests every month or two across the entire industry surrounding the Big New Game. I hold a candlelight vigil for Saints Row 3 every night. That game was too good, too pure for this world.
lol, Batman QL spoils a cool aspect of the plot right off the bat. of course i already played a like 6 hours of it before checking out the QL which was a good idea.
Skyrim is too directionless for my taste. I have a similar disinterest in GTA, they don't have appealing characters so all I could do is run around the city.
Fallout: New Vegas seems to have an interesting enough story, but I'm anxious that I won't like Fallout 3.
Skyrim is too directionless for my taste. I have a similar disinterest in GTA, they don't have appealing characters so all I could do is run around the city.
Fallout: New Vegas seems to have an interesting enough story, but I'm anxious that I won't like Fallout 3.
Definitely try out New Vegas. While it is technically open world (you can go anywhere you like from the outset), the game heavily encourages you to go a certain way for the first 5 hours. The writing and characters are also pretty good, as expected from Obsidian.
Skyrim is best for just fucking around. I play a fairly modded version on PC, but the base game mechanics are still there. My last 50 or so hours of the 200 I have logged in has just been as a hunter camping out in the woods and roleplaying the shit out of it. Killing shit, skinning it, selling pelts, returning to my tent to sleep. Occasionally clearing out nearby bandit camps or taking contracts on bandit leaders. I've probably played 10 characters and they've all been fairly different, so it's not like you can't build a character any way you like or roleplay. It's a bit shallow but it's relaxing in that way.
SR3 always seems like it's trying way too hard and thinks it's so much funnier and cooler than it is. It's like if Dane Cook or Daniel Tosh was transformed into a video game.
I feel like the witcher 3 does kind of a shitty job explaining the combat to you, mostly because fighting monsters and dogs is actually harder than you might think it is. You're prepped for combat by fighting a human one on one which is a totally different experience than fighting three drowners at the same time.
how much were you spoiled? the interviews themselves create a pretty interesting story. the QL doesn't spoil too much of the actual case but they give away the basic premise.
Is Her Story going to be one of those games that everyone talks about but never really says anything about because of the nature of the game? I feel like that's harmful for interest, boiling down to "hey this game is really good but I can't actually tell you why."
The price evens that factor out I think. I mean, its five bucks. Its cheap enough to just jump in without really thinking twice and if it turns out you dont like it, just get a steam refund
Yeah, I bought it when everyone started talking about how interesting it is because it's only $5. Good price to be able to keep up with something that'll probably get some good conversations in during GOTY 2015 even if I end up not liking it.
Is Her Story going to be one of those games that everyone talks about but never really says anything about because of the nature of the game? I feel like that's harmful for interest, boiling down to "hey this game is really good but I can't actually tell you why."
Let me try to give it to you piecemeal without spoiling the experience.
You're piecing together a murder mystery from interview snippets in an interrogation. (That was enough to get me interested!)
It's well written and well-acted. They nail the little things on the fringes of the experience as well, creating a coherent and distinct atmosphere through details, sounds, visual effects.
There are twists and turns and red herrings along the way to keep you speculating and deducing.
The structure of the game is non-linear, completely freeform and dictated by you, which means that there's a great sense of satisfaction because you didn't mindlessly follow a trail of breadcrumbs someone else laid out for you, but actually get the sense that you figured things out yourself. Conversely, you might stumble upon a big revelation early on which colours much of your perception of the following videos - but that's fine as well because you need many pieces of the puzzle to see the big picture.
It is great.
edit: on a more general note, some games/experiences are better if you know as little as possible about them before going in. That's neither a knock nor a compliment, simply an observation.
Maybe, but they've for a long time said they won't do those of new games. Probably goes extra for a game that's all about the narrative. They still do ER style content of older games like MGScanlon and VinnyVania.