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I wonder if they'll QL the most anime game of the year tuesday
it's still amazing that thing even exists
I don't even want to play it but I kind of want a copy just because it's silly
I wonder if they'll QL the most anime game of the year tuesday
I wonder if they'll QL the most anime game of the year tuesday
it's still amazing that thing even exists
I don't even want to play it but I kind of want a copy just because it's silly
How they heck did they manage all the licensing for that Jump game?
I'm buying it just because I think it's awesome that Bamco is bringing this AND Godzilla out in the West.
How they heck did they manage all the licensing for that Jump game?
I was blown the fuck away Bamco put out that PS3 Jojo game over here. Like there was NO way with all the band names that I thought it would go through here and that there would be any demand for it.
Yet they did it.
It's a shame that the duders never figured out how to make a fun tabletop series. Two times in a row people made them nice character figurines and two times in a row they barely got used. It seems to largely be an issue of Rorie as a DM keeping things going forward.
It's not like there's really a ton of regular content week to week.
I juuuuust started the bloody baron storyline, and my initial impression wasthat he got drunk and beat his wife and daughter? it seems like a lot of the clues lean that way but they don't really acknowledge that.
it's still amazing that thing even exists
I don't even want to play it but I kind of want a copy just because it's silly
There's 600,1800,3200,4000 now.
everyone's saying it's not nearly as good as the ds games (super and ultimate stars), they should have stuck to 2d
no, just humanam i a monster for missing Vinny and Alex in the main podcast
am i a monster for missing Vinny and Alex in the main podcast
Anything interesting in Dans recent periscope? I must know.
Alex's suicide hotline joke was the hardest I've laughed because of Giant Bomb content in a good while. Beastcast is straight fire.
I think it's all but official that beastcast > bombcast right now
it might even be official
I think it's all but official that beastcast > bombcast right now
it might even be official
I think it's all but official that beastcast > bombcast right now
it might even be official
Man, I should really listen to a beastcast.
Austin is the super smart guy we always wished was on the crew.
He also likes anime.
I think it's all but official that beastcast > bombcast right now
it might even be official
Man, I should really listen to a beastcast.
Man, I should really listen to a beastcast.
Cubetoons-era NVC and Three Red Lights were my first video game podcasts!
I'm re-watching the Arkham Origins quicklook while waiting for my food to be delivered...
Man going from Akham Knight to Origin is tough on the eyes lol. Origin on 360 looks ROUGH.
Origins is a shit port. Lots of crashes.
Yeah, I honestly think everything about the Batmobile is great except for the challenges. Like I don't mind the tank stuff and I think that the Batmobile is just as fast as gliding through the city and even if it's 'you shouldn't because it's not as convenient' part of the reason I wanted the Batmobile is because it's cool as fuck. It's an aesthetic thing more than a gameplay mechanic. But I think it controls well and is a really fun distraction.
The only time I find faults in it is whenever The Riddler shows up. And the fact that it's not the 1989 Batmobile.