Half life is Half dead is what you're saying?
Yeah I can believe that.
Everything once you're out of the Caves in Ep 2 is some whack shit. That final battle where you're racing all over the valley trying to stop strider waves rolling in is some amazing fun.
Yes. Also, name the offenders.
It's okay until you realise that the RNG loot system is weighted towards being extremely grindy.I like freedom wars, or at least what I've played so far.
Movement is a bit sluggish though.
For endgame stuff? Sure. However, you're better off realizing that there's nothing to actually do at the "end" and just don't bother grinding at all.It's okay until you realise that the RNG loot system is weighted towards being extremely grindy.
I am genuinely saddened that there wasnt an Old Games Show this week. It's one of my favourite series on the site and it only comes every other Wednesday. I hope Jeff decides to do it next week instead.
People assumed it was bi-weekly because it happened every two weeks. All Jeff has said is that it isn't a weekly series.
Also, what the fuck with biweekly having two legit conflicting meanings.
People assumed it was bi-weekly because it happened every two weeks. All Jeff has said is that it isn't a weekly series.
Also, what the fuck with biweekly having two legit conflicting meanings.
What are some food things Dan enjoys? After listening to the weekly fig discussion segment and with my background, I'd like to ruin some things.
What are some food things Dan enjoys? After listening to the weekly fig discussion segment and with my background, I'd like to ruin some things.
It won't be possible, he'll just do the Paul Ryckert thing of refusing to believe it. I'm the same with food in that I subscribe to the "what I don't know doesn't exist".
What are some food things Dan enjoys? After listening to the weekly fig discussion segment and with my background, I'd like to ruin some things.
It'd be very difficult for us as a community to gaslight Dan into thinking there was, I dunno, puppy tear ducts or something in Taco Bell.
Doubly so since he reads this thread.
and i'm with Brad; even if there was a 60% chance that I'd get eaten by dinosaurs I'd still go to Jurassic Park
At the very least, I can upset some listeners of the podcast, and I'll call that a victory.
Figs are this year's Australian Beef.
Fuck yeah I'll get eaten by this thing that hasn't existed for millions of years. That'd be the most radical way to die ever. Sadly I won't be able to be eaten by a T-Rex, since evidence points to them being scavengers...
Is it just me or has science made dinosaurs less rad than when they were when I was a kid?
Don't get me wrong, they are still pretty rad, but just not at the same level.
Is it just me or has science made dinosaurs less rad than when they were when I was a kid?
Don't get me wrong, they are still pretty rad, but just not at the same level.
Is it just me or has science made dinosaurs less rad than when they were when I was a kid?
Don't get me wrong, they are still pretty rad, but just not at the same level.
Feathers makes them less cool.
Feathers makes them less cool.
Is it just me or has science made dinosaurs less rad than when they were when I was a kid?
Don't get me wrong, they are still pretty rad, but just not at the same level.
Is it just me or has science made dinosaurs less rad than when they were when I was a kid?
Don't get me wrong, they are still pretty rad, but just not at the same level.
Oh, today's comic deals with the issue also:
I said they are still rad, just not as much. T-Rex being a scavenger for example seriously bums me out.
maybe we just need a film or video game that actually brings the new stuff we know and is cool to the forefront.
You could still treat the dinosaurs you know when you were young as cool things, just acknowledge that they were fiction.
I just wanna say that birds are seriously cool. If I could make a career out of studying birds, befriending them, then subsequently abandoning "normal" life as they carry me through the sky to bird kingdom where they teach me to sing and fly as they do, I would.
But it's way cooler when you can think those things at one point were real.
I can tell you the first two parts of your plan can work.
Seriously though I probably should look into learning more about birds, if only as a hobby. Even just watching the behaviours of, and interactions between different common garden birds is fascinating.
I just wanna say that birds are seriously cool. If I could make a career out of studying birds, befriending them, then subsequently abandoning "normal" life as they carry me through the sky to bird kingdom where they teach me to sing and fly as they do, I would.
Check out your local chapter of the Audubon society if you're in the states. They'll put you in the right direction. I can't speak to international societies but there are probably related groups in different countries.
All these bird comments take on new hilarious meanings for native Brits.
I too like birds. Especially "befriending" them. Birds and booze.
Thanks. I'm in Ireland but I should be able to find something. I'll probably just start with a lot of reading.
Foo Fighters are overrated soft rock.
Now, that Nirvana band, they had something going for a while there.
Feathers are awesome dude. This isn't an official rendition but...