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Giant Bomb #15 | Just a Clip-On Tie

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Daydream's slippin'.

not surprising



Dan, the fact that you seem to regularly and earnestly refer to sex as "wiener stuff" is the funniest thing. Just wanted to let you know.

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
Brad's 'good job taking the computer out of the bedroom' followed by his 'tablet's ok' is very confusing. Like there's no point of taking the computer out of your bedroom if you're going to bring the tablet.

And yeah, helping my brother move was the thing for me that made me go, 'ok, we're going digital from now on'


I would have agreed with Dan if it wasn't for T-1000's M9 sound effects. Like, are you deaf, James? This isn't how weapons work.
This is like spitting on the Mona Lisa. Actually it's way worse because Terminator 2 is the best and the Mona Lisa is dumb.

Never change, Dan! Also, as for MGS, if you decide to forgo a playthrough of Peace Walker, will you give Drew a quick run down of the important plot points/characters of both Portable Ops and PW prior to him doing Ground Zeroes?

You were wondering about when MGS IV took place during one of the episodes. According to Wikipedia, the events of the game would've happened last year, followed by Rising in 2018.


I like that Austin watches wrestling too. He's completely right about Lesnar too. Half of what makes him good to watch right now is Paul Heyman.

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
I like that Austin watches wrestling too. He's completely right about Lesnar too. Half of what makes him good to watch right now is Paul Heyman.

Not really these days. The Heyman promos have gotten super old hat and predictable. The best thing about Brock is that he's not there every week so WWE hasn't had the chance to wear him into the ground.


And then the LORD David Bowie saith to his Son, Jonny Depp: 'Go, and spread my image amongst the cosmos. For every living thing is in anguish and only the LIGHT shall give them reprieve.'


Eeuuugh, my body just instantly recoiled into nausea at the namedropping of Jane McGonigal and "gamification" on that Pixels podcast. Like, c'mon, McGonigal is the biggest fucking charlatan who thinks games will somehow "save Africa," and gamification is the most soulless, nightmarish corporate shit designed intently to get people to work more for less (or no) reward.

The old bird from Harry Potter? What a bitch.


I haven't listened to any of the podcasts since after E3. I'm planning on going through all of the Beastcasts. Can someone tell me which Bombcasts are worth listening too. I have limited time and I wanted to catch up on what I missed out on.
Real talk: Anyone who doesn't think Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 3 is a 10/10 game is a fucking idiot.

Might sound harsh, but think of it this way: How would you make THPS3 better?


I haven't listened to any of the podcasts since after E3. I'm planning on going through all of the Beastcasts. Can someone tell me which Bombcasts are worth listening too. I have limited time and I wanted to catch up on what I missed out on.
I remember 07/07/2015 being great. But since E3 has been pretty good all around.
fucking lmao

Really fuck this fat fuck! His Toe Jam and Earl III review really gets my goat, to the point that if I ever met the punk, I'd hurt him real bad. The way he went about attacking the game's coolness in a very suspect way (involves race and culture) was just foul, especially when he wouldn't know what's cool if it fucked him in the ass. All he did was kick a very passionate dev team in the nuts just because he can. I'd like him to diss somebody's game from a publisher with some clout like that, like EA but he has no balls. He also breaks bread on Sega seemingly every chance he gets which isn't going to make him friends with me that's for sure. Sickens me that anybody listens to his reviews and that he's getting paid to feed his large posterior.

cool to see shit like this fly nine years ago


fucking lmao

Really fuck this fat fuck! His Toe Jam and Earl III review really gets my goat, to the point that if I ever met the punk, I'd hurt him real bad. The way he went about attacking the game's coolness in a very suspect way (involves race and culture) was just foul, especially when he wouldn't know what's cool if it fucked him in the ass. All he did was kick a very passionate dev team in the nuts just because he can. I'd like him to diss somebody's game from a publisher with some clout like that, like EA but he has no balls. He also breaks bread on Sega seemingly every chance he gets which isn't going to make him friends with me that's for sure. Sickens me that anybody listens to his reviews and that he's getting paid to feed his large posterior.

cool to see shit like this fly nine years ago

I'm crying


Unconfirmed Member
I don't really see a score on that list that's offensive in any way!?
But Chris Remo has an awful taste in games anyway. It's more of a compliment, really.


Drunky McMurder
I'm kind of really surprised I have never seen myself in a "Complain about Jeff" thread. I think I got over that phase before the Neo part of GAF got added though.
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