Kotaku/Gawker Media calling out 'misinformation'.

the schedule looks rather empty...are they on holiday
This reminds me: the office move downstairs is still coming.![]()
I thought people were pretty positive about what they'd seen up until now? I haven't seen a single frame of the game yet, though, so I'm really looking forward to the QL.
the schedule looks rather empty...are they on holiday
I hadn't really seen much that was positive, just a lot of concern that it looked like the game would wear thin real quick. That and the pop-in. God damn. I watched like five minutes of a video and the only thing I remember is the draw distance of eight god damned feet.
that's usually a pretty desirable feature in desert/wasteland environments, 10/10
As much as I love the game ( and i really really love it), I don't think MGSV is gonna be a great Metal Gear Scanlon watch.
Yeah, I got that feeling from watching the QL. Unless there is some high quality conversation or a third person I feel like the down times will just drag as a viewer and make me wanna skip ahead.
its not an endurance run, so they dont have to show the whole thing right? they could just focus on the main story missions and not show all the other stuff
Problem is most of the story is in the cassette tapes.
How they do the story is pretty much a mess. You can play the tapes when you're just freeroaming, but you'll get calls from Mother Base at the same time and they'll talk over each other.
As much as I love the game ( and i really really love it), I don't think MGSV is gonna be a great Metal Gear Scanlon watch.
You can listen to tapes while doing Side Ops and usually Miller/Ocelot don't talk in those
I think it's a poor decision on their part to do it.
i agree, but the ratings say otherwise.
now, lets get dan to start drew on the legend of scanlon. take it back to the nes, play the mainline games.
who says no?
I've been listening to them primarily in side ops and they still get talked over a lot. I don't mind them dumping story into tapes and actually prefer it to dumping a bunch of stuff into codec calls, but it should be more polished considering how many tapes there are.
I say no. Get started on churning out Demo Derby.
I'll accept that as a compromise. but i really dont care for another MGS playthrough. Especially if im playing through the game myself. Half the charm of MGScanlon was refreshing myself on these old metal gear games as TPP approached.
I'd probably rather watch them play through the MSX titles.
On UPF a while back was Jeff playing the NES version of MG1? I remember when they stopped, he said that he was near the end of the game.
I'm going to listen to those tapes when I'm on my horse and doing side opsIt's hard enough to concentrate on the tapes when playing the game, let alone do it when talking to another person and trying to entertain an audience.
I say no. Get started on churning out Demo Derby.
Yup, it's pretty fucking fantastic.*gets 3 hours of sleep due to metal gear* This game is pretty good. It's the first stealth game where I've felt ok saying "fuck it" and going all out once discovered. Fighting my way out of a mountain compound as my helicopter provides air support was way too awesome.
As much as I love the game ( and i really really love it), I don't think MGSV is gonna be a great Metal Gear Scanlon watch.
yup. i don't know why they're doing it
When is the archive of mario party going up?
Jeff Gerstmann Loves Miley Cyrus
MGScanlon is an enormously popular feature on the site. That's why. And it's probably something Dan and Drew wants to do.
eh, but the structure of mgs5 is TOTALLY different from the other mgs games
i think it's gonna get boring real fast
I only know wrestling from what reaches the mainstream and through osmosis from being on Gaf and listening to podcasts like Giant Bombcast but from what I gather, it seems particularly depressing if you get into it deep enough to look behind the scenes.
Yup. I regret clicking the links in that Hulk Hogan thread and prefer to let it be a happy memory when I was 10.I only know wrestling from what reaches the mainstream and through osmosis from being on Gaf and listening to podcasts like Giant Bombcast but from what I gather, it seems particularly depressing if you get into it deep enough to look behind the scenes.
Time to start on Tomb Ryckert, the series where Dan beats every Tomb Raider game