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Giant Bomb #16 | DO... DONK...

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Drew vs Gray Fox was something alright. It's hard to top MGScanlon 1 because it really did feel like Drew was overcoming the game rather than just experiencing it, not that the later games didn't have those moments too.
well we can't old FNV's feet to the buggy fire when we're talking about the possible issues that a new Bethesda game might have and not do the same to them.

Fallout 3 GOTY on the PS3 remains the buggiest, most broken piece of shit i've ever played in my whole life. no hyperbole, it was utter garbage

I'm not saying that Bethesda games are also buggy messes. I'm just saying that I don't think Fallout Vegas isn't going to have much of an impact on peoples opinion of Fallout 4 because it seems like a lot of people view New Vegas as a lesser game or barely remember it at all.
I still think that FO4's worst enemy isn't MGSV or TW3, it was Fallout New Vegas. The game really opened up the fallout 3 open world in such a way that anything less from FO4 would be a hell of a disappointment.

Knowing what they're doing with their dialogue system already, I'm not going to be shocked if the reception for FO4 isn't as hot as some expect.

I think the reception to FO4 will still be hot given the majority of folks seem to prefer FO3/Skyrim to New Vegas for reasons I'll never be able to comprehend. Though I will say New Vegas losing points in reviews for bugginess whilst Bethesda games get off scott-free really got on my tits at the time, especially given the ramification it had on Obsidian's bonuses.

Edit: Okay, apparently I went blind and didn't see Pliskin make this exact same post.
I think Giant Bomb needs to take a look at Dog of Dracula 2


It has a Dubstep-version of Rollin' by Limp Bizkit
If the argument is that expansions/overhauls don't count then wouldn't that have disqualified Diablo III: Ultimate Evil Edition from any GOTY awards?

Imma sayin', y'all better get ready because Brad's gonna feel himself this year when TKK gets some critical praise. He's gonna push.


The oft overlooked aspect of Brad Filibusters is that he is always right. Does anyone remember a minute of Lair of the Shadow Broker aside from the cool monster at the end? In retrospect, is Mass Effect 2 anything more than a well-structured series of side stories that unravels the more you try to place in its larger context? Wasn't Saints Row 3 funny in the moment, but utterly lacking in any long term value? In contrast, the closing 20 minutes of Minerva's Den remain as moving as ever, Red Dead is the most commonly cited game of the generation, and Skyrim is the most influential game of the past five years (for good or ill). And, hell, Destiny just felt good.

In conclusion, Brad is the best.
If the argument is that expansions/overhauls don't count then wouldn't that have disqualified Diablo III: Ultimate Evil Edition from any GOTY awards?

Imma sayin', y'all better get ready because Brad's gonna feel himself this year when TKK gets some critical praise. He's gonna push.

I thought they did disqualify Diablo 3 Ultimate Edition last year?


The oft overlooked aspect of Brad Filibusters is that he is always right. Does anyone remember a minute of Lair of the Shadow Broker aside from the cool monster at the end?

Yes. In fact, I'd argue the lightning ship is more memorable than the final boss.

In retrospect, is Mass Effect 2 anything more than a well-structured series of side stories that unravels the more you try to place in its larger context?

You are correct here, although most people would disagree.

Wasn't Saints Row 3 funny in the moment, but utterly lacking in any long term value?

I have to respectfully disagree. I recently replayed SR3 and it was still enjoyable and amusing.

In contrast, the closing 20 minutes of Minerva's Den remain as moving as ever,

Haven't played it, can't speak to that.

Red Dead is the most commonly cited game of the generation,


Skyrim is the most influential game of the past five years (for good or ill).

I'd argue that prize belongs to Day Z, unfortunately.

And, hell, Destiny just felt good.


In conclusion, Brad is the best.

Citation needed.
I thought they did disqualify Diablo 3 Ultimate Edition last year?

AFAIK it at least made some personal lists. I don't remember the deliberation regarding whether it deserved to be in the overall list or not though.

But we're going to find out very soon how bradley feels about Destiny TTK. If he likes it as much as he enjoyed Destiny 1.0 last year then i don't see how bread doesn't push for it to make at least the bottom of the top 10.


Unconfirmed Member
Man, I miss the days of good Metal Gear Solid games.

MGS5 literally just came out.

I see Fallout 4 mostly just being more of the same as Fallout 3 but with crafting and a probably undercooked village building element that doesn't add anything to the overall game. I hope I'm wrong because I loved FO3/NV but I don't want just more of that with the same type of setting etc. In that light I cannot see it beating out MGS 5, or even Witcher 3 probably. But hearing everyone talk about MGS 5, and even Jeff of all people loving it, I don't see any game taking GOTY from it.

Dark horse contender tho: Just Cause 3.


The oft overlooked aspect of Brad Filibusters is that he is always right. Does anyone remember a minute of Lair of the Shadow Broker aside from the cool monster at the end? In retrospect, is Mass Effect 2 anything more than a well-structured series of side stories that unravels the more you try to place in its larger context? Wasn't Saints Row 3 funny in the moment, but utterly lacking in any long term value? In contrast, the closing 20 minutes of Minerva's Den remain as moving as ever, Red Dead is the most commonly cited game of the generation, and Skyrim is the most influential game of the past five years (for good or ill). And, hell, Destiny just felt good.

In conclusion, Brad is the best.

If Brad is so great why is his name an anagram for R Bad? Brad are bad.


MGS5 literally just came out.

I see Fallout 4 mostly just being more of the same as Fallout 3 but with crafting and a probably undercooked village building element that doesn't add anything to the overall game. I hope I'm wrong because I loved FO3/NV but I don't want just more of that with the same type of setting etc. In that light I cannot see it beating out MGS 5, or even Witcher 3 probably. But hearing everyone talk about MGS 5, and even Jeff of all people loving it, I don't see any game taking GOTY from it.

Dark horse contender tho: Just Cause 3.

I don't think anyone is arguing that Fallout 4 will be GOTY.

I think we're arguing whether it will even make the Top 10 list.
Fallout 4 is shaping up to be Fallout 3/NV with actual good gameplay.

Which is like, exactly what MGSV is in comparison to the rest of the franchise. Or, rather, what it was purported to be.


The oft overlooked aspect of Brad Filibusters is that he is always right. Does anyone remember a minute of Lair of the Shadow Broker aside from the cool monster at the end? In retrospect, is Mass Effect 2 anything more than a well-structured series of side stories that unravels the more you try to place in its larger context? Wasn't Saints Row 3 funny in the moment, but utterly lacking in any long term value? In contrast, the closing 20 minutes of Minerva's Den remain as moving as ever, Red Dead is the most commonly cited game of the generation, and Skyrim is the most influential game of the past five years (for good or ill). And, hell, Destiny just felt good.

In conclusion, Brad is the best.

Minerva's Den was the most overrated piece of DLC till Left Behind came out. They're good, but in both cases the story and characters in the main game were superior.


Neo Member
I'm listening to a bombcast from early 2011 and they're discussing Bungie's Project Destiny rumors for the first time.

Brad's first reaction, breaking a pregnant pause after Ryan brings it up: "That could be pretty cool I guess"
I'm listening to a bombcast from early 2011 and they're discussing Bungie's Project Destiny rumors for the first time.

Brad's first reaction, breaking a pregnant pause after Ryan brings it up: "The could be pretty cool I guess"

I love going back and listening to old Bombcasts for this exact reason. Post-E3 episodes are great too, because the crew speculates on how good or bad games will be that were announced.


The oft overlooked aspect of Brad Filibusters is that he is always right. Does anyone remember a minute of Lair of the Shadow Broker aside from the cool monster at the end? In retrospect, is Mass Effect 2 anything more than a well-structured series of side stories that unravels the more you try to place in its larger context? Wasn't Saints Row 3 funny in the moment, but utterly lacking in any long term value? In contrast, the closing 20 minutes of Minerva's Den remain as moving as ever, Red Dead is the most commonly cited game of the generation, and Skyrim is the most influential game of the past five years (for good or ill). And, hell, Destiny just felt good.

In conclusion, Brad is the best.

He's like Kanye


Unconfirmed Member
Fallout 4 is shaping up to be Fallout 3/NV with actual good gameplay.

Which is like, exactly what MGSV is in comparison to the rest of the franchise. Or, rather, what it was purported to be.

Or, in my view, it is shaping up to be like Fallout NV without the interesting writing and gameplay that feels derivative of Skyrim with mods. I want nothing to do with any more Bethseda's style of open world.

I will still enjoy hearing the gang's take on it though. Maybe this will be the straw that finally breaks the camel's back and they see how awful the combat is in those games. Or maybe not. Either way we should get some great podcasts out of it.
Or, in my view, it is shaping up to be like Fallout NV without the interesting writing and gameplay that feels derivative of Skyrim with mods. I want nothing to do with any more Bethseda's style of open world.

how on earth could you possibly know that yet
All those games suck, so probably.


Brad: Mass Effect 3, 8. place.

Jeff: Syndicate, 7. place.


Brad: Dota 2, 7. place.

Jeff: Divekick, 8. place.


Brad: Destiny, 10. place.

Jeff: Call of Duty: Advance Warfare, 4. place.

Brad and Jeff single handedly getting games into the top 10 is almost a tradition at this point.
If Brad is so great why is his name an anagram for R Bad? Brad are bad.
Brad's true nature was revealed during the BLLSL 2015.


Fallout 4 is shaping up to be Fallout 3/NV with actual good gameplay.

Which is like, exactly what MGSV is in comparison to the rest of the franchise. Or, rather, what it was purported to be.

The gameplay was never really a huge concern for me, I was more interested in whether Bethesda would improve their writing and the minute they unveiled a dialogue wheel I knew that there was little chance of that happening.



Brad: Destiny, 10. place.

Jeff: Call of Duty: Advance Warfare, 4. place.

Brad and Jeff single handedly getting games into the top 10 is almost a tradition at this point.

destiny in 10th is on jeff, not on brad

brad made the suggestion, everyone was against it, then jeff made it happen


I just worry Fallout 4 is going to be a Bethesda open world game with nothing all that new and twice the bugs you usually encounter.

I'm one of those weirdos who like Bethesda games so much that a Fallout 4 with not much new sounds like a GOTY contender for me. I could do with less bugs, but I fully expect it to be semi broken at launch. But with how long they've spent on it I expect it to be much more than Fallout 3.5.


I still think that FO4's worst enemy isn't MGSV or TW3, it was Fallout New Vegas. The game really opened up the fallout 3 open world in such a way that anything less from FO4 would be a hell of a disappointment.

Knowing what they're doing with their dialogue system already, I'm not going to be shocked if the reception for FO4 isn't as hot as some expect.

If we're talking about GB, the GB staff generally doesn't give a fuck about NV.
I'm one of those weirdos who like Bethesda games so much that a Fallout 4 with not much new sounds like a GOTY contender for me. I could do with less bugs, but I fully expect it to be semi broken at launch. But with how long they've spent on it I expect it to be much more than Fallout 3.5.

I will never understand this perspective. If shit is broken that makes for a lesser experience, doesn't it? Sometimes it's completely game ruining! I remember doing something with Nuketown and the Tower in 3 that broke progression for me.
destiny in 10th is on jeff, not on brad

brad made the suggestion, everyone was against it, then jeff made it happen

So they're both monsters!

Brad was fighting to keep Destiny all throughout the discussion, every time somebody wanted to cut it. Without that it wouldn't have made it.
I will never understand this perspective. If shit is broken that makes for a lesser experience, doesn't it? Sometimes it's completely game ruining! I remember doing something with Nuketown and the Tower in 3 that broke progression for me.

It's going to be really stupid if Fallout 4 is as broken as Fallout 3 or Skyrim were.

GOTY talk is gonna be so good this year regardless of how it turns out. So many games to talk about.

Yeah, it'll be really interesting coming off last years discussion where everything kind of just fell into place. I expect a number of arguments this year.


I will never understand this perspective. If shit is broken that makes for a lesser experience, doesn't it? Sometimes it's completely game ruining! I remember doing something with Nuketown and the Tower in 3 that broke progression for me.

I'm not saying that I don't care if it's broken, I very much do. If it is I'll wait until it's playable. I bought Skyrim on PS3 when it first came out, and that pain was real. I'm just saying that not counting the bugs I'm perfectly fine with Fallout 3.5, and I expect a lot of Bethesda fans are. That doesn't mean that I don't want a more evolved game, but just that a Fallout 3.5 will probably still be a 9/10 in my book. Or a 5 star game with GB's scoring system. I'm sure some people who liked Fallout 3 and Skyrim don't agree with me, but I suspect a lot of the people who have been dooming and glooming about Fallout 4 not evolving and all of that didn't really like Fallout 3 or Skyrim all that much when those games got released either.


how on earth could you possibly know that yet

I'd say these assumptions are based on what elements of the game they're choosing to show off.

There is something to be said about their emphasis on their systemic elements, otherwise they'd show off more involved conversations.


I was speaking in general, though it does seem that the genius of FNV's structure and writing seems to have been overlooked by many major outlets, GB or not.

I think how fundamentally broken that game was on all(?) platforms at launch (more so than Skyrim and Fallout 3) probably soured a lot of reviewers on the experience. That said, Jeff liked it. But just to describe how broken that game was at launch:

Let's talk about that engine. New Vegas runs on the same basic framework that powered Fallout 3 and The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion, and it brings a lot of technical weirdness up from those games. Less than an hour in, I was staring at a guard, pacing back and forth to guard his post... 20 feet off the ground. Enemies clip into the ground with an alarming frequency, often making them impossible to shoot. The game--a retail disc running on a new-model Xbox 360--crashed on me about a dozen times over the 33 hours I spent playing, often taking a significant amount of progress with it. The load times and frame rate seemed to get randomly worse as I continued to play the game, with some simple scene transitions taking 20 seconds or more. The technical hurdles you'll have to make to stay interested in New Vegas are meaner and more frustrating than any Deathclaw or Nightkin you'll face in the game. If you're the type of person who likes to watch for a patch or two before settling into a game, know this now: you probably don't want to play Fallout: New Vegas right away.
I think how fundamentally broken that game was on all(?) platforms at launch (more so than Skyrim and Fallout 3) probably soured a lot of reviewers on the experience.

It was broken at launch, sure, but most of Bethesda's game stayed pretty busted for a while on either one platform or another.

I think the thing that might have hurt FNV the most wasn't so much the bugginess of its launch but people were probably fatigued regarding Fallout given that 3 had a long tail with its DLC plan. I know that i personally didn't play the game myself until this year (on PC) mostly because of having spent +60 hours on the PS3 version of the broken ass GOTY FO3, so broken i couldn't even get the last DLC to work because it crashed every time within a minute of loading.

Shit wasn't even the worst bug, it was pretty bad.

But yeah i could see a similar thing happening to Dark Souls III next year. It feels like From really milked that shit for what it's worth and regardless of how good DSIII ends up being people are going to want something new.
how on earth could you possibly know that yet

I'm pretty sure that given New Vega's meticulous focus on survival and the details around it e.g. all towns having water and food sources. They wouldn't let you instantly build a bunch of settlements as a side activity because it ruins the illusion of a post-apocalyptic game world where folks are struggling.

Also there's the fact that Bethesda games always suffer from having terrible writing and have now implemented a dialogue wheel.
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