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Giant Bomb #16 | DO... DONK...

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Drunky McMurder
I'm still back in the achievement section of the stream where Rorie is the only one talking sense, but did Jeff say he wasn't into Deckers.die? It was alright? Is this Wajeff?


OT #17 | How did it taste. Huh?



Bioshock Infinite spoilers.

Well bollocks, I suppose it really is just a case of
Schrodinger's daughter and the game doesn't treat the characters as being possibly aware of the meaningful/lessness of their reality until hours and hours after the player already has.



I'd expect better from you

Chaotix was the 32X. You're thinking of the other incredible looking/sounding game with disappointing gameplay, Sonic CD

not even kidding, my mind fucks up the console affiliation of two sega games every goddamn time - chaotix with sega cd and nights with dreamcast. i have to correct myself on it every time and sometimes it just slips by me

but yeah, cd had some good stuff, not all of it original content, but aside from the obvious, it had a pretty decent shmup lineup, some FMV nonsense, and like i said, i really like me some popful mail. not a bad lineup for an add-on, anyway

on the other side, i care for maybe three original 32x games off the top of my head, chaotix, kolibri and tempo

totally agree on sonic cd, that game has at least 1 1/2 good soundtracks across two regions, and just a great '90s feel to it, but ooph, that level design


Drunky McMurder
Wait are we talking about Game Of The Generation Bioshock: Infinite?

By game of the generation, you mean game which simultaneously failed to deliver on either any story or gameplay promise that existed when you first started playing?

Sure, something falling apart so completely should get some kind of recognition in the long term I guess. But game of the generation should probably be reserved for good games.


By game of the generation, you mean game which simultaneously failed to deliver on either any story or gameplay promise that existed when you first started playing?

Sure, something falling apart so completely should get some kind of recognition in the long term I guess. But game of the generation should probably be reserved for good games.

Ding fucking ding.


Bioshock Infinite is a good game.

*leaves thread*

I don't remember if it was on Giant Bomb or Idle Thumbs I recently heard this, but the flaming wreckage of Irrational has left us with a bunch of weird, interesting small teams and projects. That at least is some recompense for what I feel like Infinite could have been but wasn't.

EDIT: Also I am sorry I started this. It was supposed to just be a goof at SL's expense.


Drunky McMurder
Bioshock Infinite was a great game for almost a full half hour. It was all downhill from God Only Knows. That blimp quartet was the climax of that game.


intangibles, motherfucker
I really liked Bioshock infinite when i played it and i look back at it with fond memories.



I actually
Platinumed it.


Kidding. :p

As far as I recall I'm like a hundred points away myself. I think I played through it three time between Xbox and PC. Don't know why I'm that way. I treat the DLC as an interactive apology and I actually am a big fan of both episodes, so go figure.

Vic Tokai

Neo Member
BioShock Infinite is my personal favorite videogame story (yes, ever), but I've got a real soft spot for mindfucky sci-fi.

I'm also someone who thought the story in The Last of Us, seemingly everyone else's favorite from 2013, was well told but extremely overrated -- the plot was just a bog-standard grab bag of post-apocalypse cliches. Take from my opinions what you will.
BioShock Infinite is my personal favorite videogame story (yes, ever), but I've got a real soft spot for mindfucky sci-fi.

I'm also someone who thought the story in The Last of Us, seemingly everyone else's favorite from 2013, was well told but extremely overrated -- the plot was just a bog-standard grab bag of post-apocalypse cliches. Take from my opinions what you will.

You should give the Zero Escape trilogy a go! (Well 3 is coming next year)


BioShock Infinite is my personal favorite videogame story (yes, ever), but I've got a real soft spot for mindfucky sci-fi.

I'm also someone who thought the story in The Last of Us, seemingly everyone else's favorite from 2013, was well told but extremely overrated -- the plot was just a bog-standard grab bag of post-apocalypse cliches. Take from my opinions what you will.

Nobody gives Naughty Dog credit for being original. They just put old ideas together very, very well.

You should give the Zero Escape trilogy a go! (Well 3 is coming next year)

I have had VLR waiting for my on Vita for months now and I don't know why I haven't played it. 999 is 9 times the interweaving mindfuck sci-fi story Infinite ever was.


I know. I'm just a shitheel who is taking months and months to even get through Danganronpa. Consoles and PC overwhelm me.
BioShock Infinite is my personal favorite videogame story (yes, ever), but I've got a real soft spot for mindfucky sci-fi.

I'm also someone who thought the story in The Last of Us, seemingly everyone else's favorite from 2013, was well told but extremely overrated -- the plot was just a bog-standard grab bag of post-apocalypse cliches. Take from my opinions what you will.

I think TLoU story was so good because it didn't rely on long cutscenes and info dumps (not saying Bioshock had that, as I never finished it) The world itself told the story, I know that sounds cheesy, but it was just so well crafted and realised with so much detail and thought put into it. If you're into books like The Road and films like Children of Men it was a dream come true. I would have been happier without the mutants though, and just have the bandits, but I can understand from a gameplay perspective why they were there.
I know. I'm just a shitheel who is taking months and months to even get through Danganronpa. Consoles and PC overwhelm me.

We're all guilty of that lol. I got Last of Us: Remastered and Shadow of the Colossus (never played either of them) sitting right there on my shelf and am too lazy to even touch them.

Vic Tokai

Neo Member
You should give the Zero Escape trilogy a go! (Well 3 is coming next year)

I started the first one earlier this year and got through two playthroughs/endings, but got distracted by life. I should probably get back to it and unlock the rest of the endings at some point. Maybe when I'm traveling to visit family during Xmas week, after I've played through most of the fall releases and won't have my home consoles with me anyway. Ive so far managed to avoid finding out what the big "twist" is but I'm sure if I don't finish it sometime soon my luck on that will run out and I'll accidentally read about it somewhere, especially with people likely to start discussing the series again with he announcement of 3. Sigh... Too many games,not enough time!
I started the first one earlier this year and got through two playthroughs/endings, but got distracted by life. I should probably get back to it and unlock the rest of the endings at some point. Maybe when I'm traveling to visit family during Xmas week, after I've played through most of the fall releases and won't have my home consoles with me anyway. Ive so far managed to avoid finding out what the big "twist" is but I'm sure if I don't finish it sometime soon my luck on that will run out and I'll accidentally read about it somewhere, especially with people likely to start discussing the series again with he announcement of 3. Sigh... Too many games,not enough time!

At this point for 999, I'd just look up a spoiler free guide to see how to get the true ending. You don't need to do all the endings to get the best experience if you're pressed for time, especially since you've already beaten it twice. Its not long of a game if you know which doors to take.

Vic Tokai

Neo Member
I think TLoU story was so good because it didn't rely on long cutscenes and info dumps (not saying Bioshock had that, as I never finished it) The world itself told the story, I know that sounds cheesy, but it was just so well crafted and realised with so much detail and thought put into it. If you're into books like The Road and films like Children of Men it was a dream come true. I would have been happier without the mutants though, and just have the bandits, but I can understand from a gameplay perspective why they were there.

Sure, I agree it was well told/presented, but I knew literally every single story beat that was coming (except for maybe the very end) because, like I said, its like they literally made a checklist of every zombie/viral apocalypse story cliche and used it as a roadmap instead of as a list of things to avoid.

Don't get me wrong, I enjoyed the game (enough to buy/play it twice by getting the Remastered version), but I also think its overrated. I realize I'm probably in the minority on that, though.


I think TLoU story was so good because it didn't rely on long cutscenes and info dumps (not saying Bioshock had that, as I never finished it) The world itself told the story, I know that sounds cheesy, but it was just so well crafted and realised with so much detail and thought put into it. If you're into books like The Road and films like Children of Men it was a dream come true. I would have been happier without the mutants though, and just have the bandits, but I can understand from a gameplay perspective why they were there.

This is way too large a discussion to ruin the GB topic with, but I'm with you. There's a key difference between story and storytelling in games. Or narrative and story, respectively. The Last of Us is probably the first Naughty Dog game I can think of that is almost wholly great at the latter.

It's only a little moment and it's a light spoiler, but one of my favourite parts of the game is
early on in spring you go into a bus terminal and eventually find that the way forward is up a wall you boost characters up like you have the whole game. You get the Triangle prompt and when you hit it, Joel goes into his usual boosting position but Ellie doesn't appear as she has for the last ten hours. It's a way of showing her emotional distance mechanically, and this is something unique to video games.
It's only a little moment and it's a light spoiler, but one of my favourite parts of the game is
early on in spring you go into a bus terminal and eventually find that the way forward is up a wall you boost characters up like you have the whole game. You get the Triangle prompt and when you hit it, Joel goes into his usual boosting position but Ellie doesn't appear as she has for the last ten hours. It's a way of showing her emotional distance mechanically, and this is something unique to video games.
Brothers did it better.

I loved Last of Us though.
I really liked Bioshock infinite when i played it and i look back at it with fond memories.


I thoroughly enjoyed it. It was visually stunning and I felt the gameplay was smooth. It was one of the few full sized PS3 games from PS+ I actually played to completion. I wouldn't mind seeing a BioShock series remaster for PS4/XB1. That BioShock Vita game sounded interesting as well. Too bad it'll never see the light of day.

Vic Tokai

Neo Member
At this point for 999, I'd just look up a spoiler free guide to see how to get the true ending. You don't need to do all the endings to get the best experience if you're pressed for time, especially since you've already beaten it twice. Its not long of a game if you know which doors to take.

Hmmm... That might not be a bad idea, especially since I've already got a copy of the Vita version of VLR sitting on my shelf waiting to be played.


I thoroughly enjoyed it. It was visually stunning and I felt the gameplay was smooth. It was one of the few full sized PS3 games from PS+ I actually played to completion. I wouldn't mind seeing a BioShock series remaster for PS4/XB1. That BioShock Vita game sounded interesting as well. Too bad it'll never see the light of day.

I wonder if it would have taken the new consoles coming out a year or so earlier for that game to be what it initially was promised as. I still would love that.
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