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Giant Bomb #16 | DO... DONK...

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isn't that pretty illegal?

there's some weird restrictions, I don't remember exactly what. I think you can't film the screens of the scanning equipment, but you absolutely can film the screening process.

there was some row a little while ago when TSA agents flipped out when a kid filmed his dad getting randomly searched, despite being 100% within his rights to do so

e: from that reddit post

TSA does not prohibit the public, passengers or press from photographing, videotaping or filming at security checkpoints, as long as the screening process is not interfered with or slowed down. We do ask you to not film or take pictures of the monitors. While the TSA does not prohibit photographs at screening locations, local laws, state statutes, or local ordinances might.
Suppressed SMG with rubber bullets & sniper scope (Riot SMG) is the GOAT MGSV weapon.

But the long-range, silenced assault rifles are so much more useful. They're basically automatic sniper rifles with a bit worse accuracy--great for taking out isolated squads in rapid succession, without anyone knowing where you are. In a pinch, they can become a full-on combat weapon when missions go sideways. Best of all, thanks to their lethality and superb capacity, you're unlikely to run out of bullets even during extended firefights. Those ARs (don't remember the exact name, unfortunately) are king of all situations.

The only greater weapon is D-Dog.


So MGS5 is basically guaranteed GOTY at this point. What'll be their #2?

I can see Jeff stonewalling the fuck out of Fallout 4 so I'm skeptical it will be that. Perhaps Mario Maker?
So MGS5 is basically guaranteed GOTY at this point. What'll be their #2?

I can see Jeff stonewalling the fuck out of Fallout 4 so I'm skeptical it will be that. Perhaps Mario Maker?

The Taken King, of course. It's a whole new game! (DotA 2 Reborn will be number 3, if anyone is wondering.)

Brad is a master of the filibuster.


So MGS5 is basically guaranteed GOTY at this point. What'll be their #2?

I can see Jeff stonewalling the fuck out of Fallout 4 so I'm skeptical it will be that. Perhaps Mario Maker?

Just Cause 3 is the dark horse. Extremely close to GOTY and the game is made for Dan and Vinny while Jeff came out of the demo he played of that game super pumped.


So MGS5 is basically guaranteed GOTY at this point. What'll be their #2?

I can see Jeff stonewalling the fuck out of Fallout 4 so I'm skeptical it will be that. Perhaps Mario Maker?

Like I said earlier, I'm placing my bets on Mario Maker. Jeff is as enthusiastic about that as I've ever seen him.


If Hitman is as good as it looks it could be a dark horse contender for some attention.

Wait, December 10th is probably well after they record GOTY stuff. Damn.


If Hitman is as good as it looks it could be a dark horse contender for some attention.

Wait, December 10th is probably well after they record GOTY stuff. Damn.

It also won't be finished, it launches only with the first episode (or whatever they're calling them).


it really concerns me that we haven't heard a single word about him ever since

His last tweet is from May:

Ryan Mac Donald May 14

So if you didn't know, consider this your PSA of the day. Flying a drone in DC is illegal, so don't!


QA testers warn of broken Christmas titles. If the A team made Mad Max, what could the B team possibly accomplish?

Of course, I think Dark Souls 2 is largely superior to Dark Souls 1... and that was apparently a 'B' team. So I guess I'm just rabble-rousing.

Difficult to say what the Avalanche "B team" means, really. And yeah, it might be broken at launch or it might not be; Avalanche has a history of releasing pretty solid games that aren't broken at launch, right?
Until everyone where's full body armor and helmets, then her tranq rifle is bad.
I don't like killing people unless it's needed :/

Even with a lethal weapon, she'll still waste a shot hitting their helmet and then probably miss because her vantage point sucks. Then she'll get fired upon and flee to a different vantage point and have everyone alert, continuing this until I manually tell her to switch vantage points and stop shooting. Everything involving her control is a bit of a bummer.

I've honestly had more success with Quiet as a decoy than some sort of fire support.
Coming out late in the year could work out in Just Cause 3's favor because I have a feeling that game will be wildly fun for 10-15 hours and then drop off precipitously after that. I very much hope I'm wrong though.


Damn, the beastcast would be so much more enjoyable if they would stop interrupting each other. Especially since the conversations often are pretty interesting.

Also, anybody know which video they were talking about regarding Jonathan Blow?


Until everyone where's full body armor and helmets, then her tranq rifle is bad.
I don't like killing people unless it's needed :/

But killing is so fun. :3

Even with a lethal weapon, she'll still waste a shot hitting their helmet and then probably miss because her vantage point sucks. Then she'll get fired upon and flee to a different vantage point and have everyone alert, continuing this until I manually tell her to switch vantage points and stop shooting. Everything involving her control is a bit of a bummer.

I've honestly had more success with Quiet as a decoy than some sort of fire support.

I found the Sinful Butterfly to make a big difference. It has a lot more penetration and can go through helmets. Also I don't know if it only happens when she uses that gun, but after I equipped that for her she started shooting down helicopters too. I agree her AI isn't perfect, but I actually prefer manually controlling her, and choosing what I think is the right vantage point. And when she is drawing lots of attention that's a perfect time to be stealthy.


The broken game this holiday season is probably going to be fallout 4. Dev with a history of releasing broken buggy games and a seemingly rushed holiday release when added to these rumors doesn't sit well with me.


Drunky McMurder
The broken game this holiday season is probably going to be fallout 4. Dev with a history of releasing broken buggy games and a seemingly rushed holiday release when added to these rumors doesn't sit well with me.

I feel like a QA group wouldn't even bother leaking that Fallout 4 is buggy. Other news: Blood red, sky blue.


From the comments:


edit: Surprise Cradle review by Austin!
I got to imagine that The Witcher 3 makes the top 3 with Metal Gear and Mario Maker. I imagine Just Cause 3 will be a "cool dumb thing" that just so happens to be cooler and dumber than Just Cause 2. Fallout 4 is going to be another Bethesda open world RPG in a year of better open world games. Metal Gear has awesome gameplay and some good MGS weirdness, Witcher has stunning graphics and amazing writing/voice acting, and Fallout 4 neither look as good, play as good, or be as interesting as either of those two. I think the Bethesda open world RPG system has been getting stale for a while now.

I'm just glad that there will actually be a bunch of good games to discuss this year for GOTY, rather than the AAA wasteland of last year.

That was awesome! While you could probably make a much more accurate recreation in LBP (even with fully recreated music), I think this is more impressive as you are much more limited in SMM. I know the maker of the video added the music in post-production, but, for those that have played SMM I'm curious what the music options actually are. Do you need to use the overworld/underworld/underwater music where there are meant to be or can you mix and match?
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