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Giant Bomb #16 | DO... DONK...

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i'll drop one comment about the spoilercast, it's really carthartic just to hear people have a conversation about the game without the insane pedantry or twisting fanfic writing of the actual spoiler thread


i'll drop one comment about the spoilercast, it's really carthartic just to hear people have a conversation about the game without the insane pedantry or twisting fanfic writing of the actual spoiler thread

Always a shame to have actual criticism get buried under petty discussions. They handled it well. Will be interesting to see the public opinion once it settles a bit.


i'll drop one comment about the spoilercast, it's really carthartic just to hear people have a conversation about the game without the insane pedantry or twisting fanfic writing of the actual spoiler thread

Spoiler cast was basically normal people who like the MGS story but realize that it's been trashy for a very long time now, so they don't get super invested or even angry over it.


i'll drop one comment about the spoilercast, it's really carthartic just to hear people have a conversation about the game without the insane pedantry or twisting fanfic writing of the actual spoiler thread

You're going to hurt Emcee's feelings...


You're going to hurt Emcee's feelings...

luv u mc

nah a few guys out there wrote some alternate takes on mgsv's story basically setting out the basic plot beats and rearranging and changing stuff and it just hurts because, fuck it, this is the game we have and that's that.


luv u mc

nah a few guys out there wrote some alternate takes on mgsv's story basically setting out the basic plot beats and rearranging and changing stuff and it just hurts because, fuck it, this is the game we have and that's that.

Basically MGS fans and wrestling fans are the same.
luv u mc

nah a few guys out there wrote some alternate takes on mgsv's story basically setting out the basic plot beats and rearranging and changing stuff and it just hurts because, fuck it, this is the game we have and that's that.

So what you're saying is that Jeff was right when he said that people are mad because they know this is the last one. So all those people saying that he's wrong are wrong and are in denial.


So what you're saying is that Jeff was right when he said that people are mad because they know this is the last one.

Well yes and no. I think some people are probably mad because Konami looks like it's going down the toilet re: videogames and they'll probably never get another Metal Gear. But what I'm talking about specifically is the fact that you can't take back a work, not really. You can retcon it or remove it from canon or whatever, but you can't totally erase it.


These Drew Fun Facts are killing me

Had no idea about that though.

Graduated from UCLA in 2008 with a B.A. in Design|Media Arts.
Can say "codpiece" with more class than any other Whiskey Media employees.
Along with Brian Williams, he helped create the Half-Life 2: Prison Escape mod.
Enjoys disc golf.
Chugs 12 oz. cans of Coke REALLY fast.
Thinks the Flash site Kongregate is "interesting".
Vice President of Risk Management for Delta Kappa Epsilon.
Currently working on UPA Ultimate Frisbee 2011 for EA Sports.
His hair actually makes him lighter.
Has urinated for 92 seconds straight.
Has written two reviews, one for Dirt 2 and one for Dirt 3.
Can be seen in the background, along with Brad, on the UK OXM report, talking to a security guard, while an interview was taking place.
Has an uncanny resemblance to Dexter Morgan.
Has a place in Tahoe where he plays Star Wars Pinball.
Looks damn fine in a Street Fighter IV Snuggie. Damn fine, indeed.
Is one of the bravest men alive, for opening and eating from the dreaded fish can to christen the old San Francisco office.
Widely considered to be the "champion" of Whiskey Media.
Uses the name "Fuzzy Nuts" when racing.
Is probably the only one in the office who can speak a language other than English. He can speak German.
Went to North Korea on vacation in 2012. Whether any tank warfare, missile sabotage, "Tactical Stealth Action", or dogfights were involved or not remains classified.
He shot several arrows at a target inside a building during the Big Live Live Show: Live 3. He had been practising in the hallway of the apartment building that he lives in. While Drew insisted that they not call him an archer, his aim was very good.
When playing Xbox, prefers "The Duke" over the "S Type" controller.
Uses the elevator music from Toejam & Earl as his ringtone.
Is allergic to nuts, perhaps his only weakness.
Can recite Dwight D. Eisenhower's D-Day speech from memory aside from the ending (and type it into DOS).
When growing up, Drew frequently ate Peanut Butter Pickle Sandwiches.
Drew hates chairs, that's why he's always standing.
Could be the worlds greatest male model but chooses not to be because it would be too easy.
His middle name starts with a "B".
Knows where the H button is but often forgets.
Known "Clown Sander".
Incapable of cursing.
Is the Frank Drebin of Metal Gear Solid.
Has been known to refer to the Square button on a PlayStation controller as the "H" button.
Known as DJ T-Shirt in some circles.


luv u mc

nah a few guys out there wrote some alternate takes on mgsv's story basically setting out the basic plot beats and rearranging and changing stuff and it just hurts because, fuck it, this is the game we have and that's that.

It is somewhat depressing on how it really easy just to quickly knock out a better story outline.
Spoiler cast was basically normal people who like the MGS story but realize that it's been trashy for a very long time now, so they don't get super invested or even angry over it.

That's great, sounds like they have the same opinion as me. Going to wait until I finish the game though.


I have never heard him swear. 70 hours of MGS and no swearing, incredible.

Wasn't it Drew who was talking about how he deliberately trained himself not to swear? I seem to recall something about that on a Bombcast when they were talking about swearing.

Also, at this point all this MGSV disappointment and ending talk is starting to make me realize how we Mass Effect fans must have sounded back when 3 dropped.

Maybe not THAT bad, but it's interesting being on the outside this time.
Wasn't it Drew who was talking about how he deliberately trained himself not to swear? I seem to recall something about that on a Bombcast when they were talking about swearing.

Also, at this point all this MGSV disappointment and ending talk is starting to make me realize how we Mass Effect fans must have sounded back when 3 dropped.

Maybe not THAT bad, but it's interesting being on the outside this time.

I guess I have a weird perspective, but I always find myself getting really into these games at launch and still looking from the outside in. Mass Effect 3's ending, Dead Space 3's ending, now MGSV's ending. As much as I loved those series, I could never get angry. I always find myself just laughing at how dumb their stories are and I laugh at all who get angry.


maybe it's just ME's nature as a rpg where you make choices that are in ways big and small reflected back at you, but I never felt that frustrated at ME's ending really. Even if it all narrowed into a thing where none of it mattered, it had mattered up to this point and that was enough that the skittles ending didn't sting as much.

It was still rubbish though.
I don't know why I remember that. Maybe I secretly want to be with Drew?

who doesn't?

Also, at this point all this MGSV disappointment and ending talk is starting to make me realize how we Mass Effect fans must have sounded back when 3 dropped.

Maybe not THAT bad, but it's interesting being on the outside this time.

I think what's different in this case is that this isn't really an "ending" of the series. MGS4 was the ending that could be put up against ME3. This is more of a side story that slots in and should have given context for things, like how MGS3 gave the background of Big Boss.

Besides, the ME3 ending was all kinds of storytelling awful, and boy is it hard to watch the cutscenes these days. All the humans look goddamn terrible.
Also, in non-MGSV related news: You may have heard that the Jackbox Party Pack 2 was announced at PAX Prime with an expected Fall 2015 release. And you may have heard that Fibbage 2 will be one of the games included in the pack. Well, did you know they announced the second game today!? It's called Bomb Corp. and here is the description of the game:

I guess that means like there's going to be an extensive UPF segment featuring these games in a few months.

So it's Spaceteam?
Wasn't it Drew who was talking about how he deliberately trained himself not to swear? I seem to recall something about that on a Bombcast when they were talking about swearing.

he said something along the lines of deliberately not doing it on recordings because it prevents him from using it as a crutch which helps him organize his thoughts
I decided not to do the Podfest stuff because something better came up. I'm going to go see Raiders of the Lost Ark in theater!

buying the pass also gets access to the video archives. that's what i'm buying it for. also incredibly jealous, that's like my favorite movie and i've only ever seen the fourth one in theaters...which was a bummer.
As much as I've complained about MGSV, it really isn't worth getting worked up about. Games are supposed to be a fun hobby man. I should be like my hero Drew Scanlon and mellow out about everything. Then again, the one thing I've seen him get frustrated with is Metal Gear.
buying the pass also gets access to the video archives. that's what i'm buying it for. also incredibly jealous, that's like my favorite movie and i've only ever seen the fourth one in theaters...which was a bummer.

Yeah this will be the first non-Crystal Skull Indiana Jones movie I've seen in theaters. Can't wait!


I've been a few weeks behind on listening to the Bomb/Beastcasts. Have any of them been spoilery for MGSV, aside from the spoilercast of course?
As much as I've complained about MGSV, it really isn't worth getting worked up about. Games are supposed to be a fun hobby man. I should be like my hero Drew Scanlon and mellow out about everything. Then again, the one thing I've seen him get frustrated with is Metal Gear.

Drew's no hero....never was...never will be. Just some duder, hired to do some videos.


Drunky McMurder
I guess I have a weird perspective, but I always find myself getting really into these games at launch and still looking from the outside in. Mass Effect 3's ending, Dead Space 3's ending, now MGSV's ending. As much as I loved those series, I could never get angry. I always find myself just laughing at how dumb their stories are and I laugh at all who get angry.

It helps that all three of those games were preceded by a game that pretty much ruined the series anyway.
It helps that all three of those games were preceded by a game that pretty much ruined the series anyway.

Go to my list of the best premium content, which I think is the third post in this thread. If you click on TNT there you'll be redirected to a Google Doc with a list of and link to every TNT they ever did.

They were talking about ending TNT a while before Ryan died, but that probably made the decision much easier.

Awesome! Thanks. Looking at that list, I forgot that Patrick moved to Chicago just several weeks before Ryan passed away. For some reason, I thought there was more time between, but as the list shows, the penultimate episode of TNT was Patrick's last one before he moved.

So it's Spaceteam?

Chubbigans said the same thing in the thread I posted. Is Spaceteam a good game?
I'm finally listening to a lot of these MGS V tapes,
the whole history lesson on the vocal cord parasites, the explanation of the metallic archaea and the explanation of why the Sahelanthropus is such an effective weapon is very Metal Gear. Such elaborate convoluted explanations of the absurd.
I'm nearing the conclusion now. So far the structure is super disjointed due to how the game plays and how the actual story is delivered but there hasn't been anything in the plot that seems out of line for Metal Gear. I'm expecting the actual ending to be where the wheels apparently fall off.
One of my dreams is to watch Jaws in the cinema. They actually showed it on a big outdoor screen last night on the beach near me, but the weather was shit and I was working :'(
I was wondering why in the time stamps in the threads the dude would say Fuck FanDuel, but now I get it. Podcasts, TV, Hulu, Instagram, I can't fucking escape them.
Jesus, man... JESUS... ugh... wha-... ouch. I fell on my keys.

That is some tragic mojo, man. I'm glad you finally get to see a good Indiana Jones in the theater.

Would most of us here even be old enough to watch the first few in the theatres?

Yeah, I wasn't born when the original 3 films were released. Only now do I live in a cool city with theaters that show classics like Raiders.
Yeah, I wasn't born when the original 3 films were released. Only now do I live in a cool city with theaters that show classics like Raiders.

I was 3 when Last Crusade came out, so Crystal Skull was my first Indiana Jones movie watched in a theater. I missed out on the special editions of Star Wars (they came out in 1997, I started watching the movies in 1998). The late 70's through the 80's were a Golden Age of mega-franchises. I feel the 00's and now are a return to that. The 90's where sort of a dark ages for franchises, apart from huge standouts like Jurassic Park, The Matrix and now even Independence Day as its finally getting a sequel. I remember posting a thread about that in Off-Topic and people said there were a lot of non-starter franchises in the 90's, movies that were planned to have sequels, but were flops from the get go. As much as the 80's franchises are beloved, this resurgence of mega-franchises may rival the output from the 80's. And that's not to mention that many of those 80's franchises are still ongoing (Star Wars, being the prime example).
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