Freedom = $1.05
Man, chapter 2 of mgsv is so strange on so many levels. I don't know where to begin
Man, chapter 2 of mgsv is so strange on so many levels. I don't know where to begin
I hate to say it, but I don't think Dying Light will make the list. The only person that I can imagine fighting for it is Brad.
I could see it getting 5, but I think in the grandiose of GOTY, no one is going to fight too hard for it beyond that. A few of them played it for a couple weekends straight, but yeah it's sad they haven't revisited it should since the DLC and patch.I just don't see Rocket league getting into the top 5, especially with all the games yet to come. They all loved that game for a hot second but it doesn't seem like it has legs with any of them
I just don't see Rocket league getting into the top 5, especially with all the games yet to come. They all loved that game for a hot second but it doesn't seem like it has legs with any of them
I guess JC3 seems so... shallow? Meaningless? Like, open world nonsense and fucking shit up doesn't really seem like enough anymore. You can fuck shit up and do wacky things in MGSV and it's also one of the deepest games mechanically to come out in a long time.
I guess JC3 seems so... shallow? Meaningless? Like, open world nonsense and fucking shit up doesn't really seem like enough anymore. You can fuck shit up and do wacky things in MGSV and it's also one of the deepest games mechanically to come out in a long time.
I guess JC3 seems so... shallow? Meaningless? Like, open world nonsense and fucking shit up doesn't really seem like enough anymore. You can fuck shit up and do wacky things in MGSV and it's also one of the deepest games mechanically to come out in a long time.
This La podfest podcast is really really great.
If I were to buy the pass now, could I watch an archive of it? I like live panels and such with the guys.
How's Brad doing? He's usually lets the other guys do the heavy lifting during live appearances.
How's Brad doing? He's usually lets the other guys do the heavy lifting during live appearances.
That was easily one of the best live shows they've done.
You can, archives will go up next week.
Edit: That was easily one of the best live shows they've done.
Next for me is SPONTANEANATION with Paul F. Tompkins (and Andy Daly will be there)
Was the crowd really into it? I was curious if a festival sorta crowd that didn't specifically come to see GB would enjoy it.
Next for me is SPONTANEANATION with Paul F. Tompkins (and Andy Daly will be there)
Its gonna be so great when the podcast goes up in a month ;_;
I guess JC3 seems so... shallow? Meaningless? Like, open world nonsense and fucking shit up doesn't really seem like enough anymore. You can fuck shit up and do wacky things in MGSV and it's also one of the deepest games mechanically to come out in a long time.
I don't want this to sound like Metal Gear bashing hyperbole (and I'm probably gonna get thrown on the defensive), but most of what you are doing at any moment in MGSV is meaningless regardless of how fun it is. All of its Call of Duty bar-filling and Ubisoft box-checking gets kind of meaningless when you use a tranq pistol/stun SMG 95% of the game because it's the most effective way of doing things and directly supported by the metagame.
Just Cause 2 (so hopefully3 as well) at least has the Emergent Story Generator nature of a Far Cry or Shadow of Mordor. I expected a LOT more of the watercooler storytelling that these games generate with MGSV than there is...but the systems encourage too much efficiency for that kind of wild experimentation. Also, the weapon-switching is too weirdly halting to have "I just got detected so here's some off the cuff crazy shit to save my ass" moments when you do get caught so running directly away becomes the easiest thing to do. It's not like the AI is quick about (or even any good at) giving chase.
Now, if somebody wants to link me to some crazy creative solutions to situations people came up with in MGSV I'd be more than willing to listen, because to me all the wonky silly shit seems good for the sake of the joke and little else.
Giant Bomb's exploits pop up in the most unlikely of places.
From: Obama administration urged by police/GOP to be outspoken about police deaths.
(I refuse to believe this glitch happened to anyone else--ever.)
I don't want this to sound like Metal Gear bashing hyperbole (and I'm probably gonna get thrown on the defensive), but most of what you are doing at any moment in MGSV is meaningless regardless of how fun it is. All of its Call of Duty bar-filling and Ubisoft box-checking gets kind of meaningless when you use a tranq pistol/stun SMG 95% of the game because it's the most effective way of doing things and directly supported by the metagame.
Just Cause 2 (so hopefully3 as well) at least has the Emergent Story Generator nature of a Far Cry or Shadow of Mordor. I expected a LOT more of the watercooler storytelling that these games generate with MGSV than there is...but the systems encourage too much efficiency for that kind of wild experimentation. Also, the weapon-switching is too weirdly halting to have "I just got detected so here's some off the cuff crazy shit to save my ass" moments when you do get caught so running directly away becomes the easiest thing to do. It's not like the AI is quick about (or even any good at) giving chase.
Now, if somebody wants to link me to some crazy creative solutions to situations people came up with in MGSV I'd be more than willing to listen, because to me all the wonky silly shit seems good for the sake of the joke and little else.
Giant Bomb's exploits pop up in the most unlikely of places.
From: Obama administration urged by police/GOP to be outspoken about police deaths.
(I refuse to believe this glitch happened to anyone else--ever.)
I don't get why they made such a big deal out of that. It was just the LoD model loading in.
(level of darkness)
I don't get why they made such a big deal out of that. It was just the LoD model loading in.
(level of darkness)
Because it's hilarious and sports QLs need all the hilarious things they can get.
I don't get why they made such a big deal out of that. It was just the LoD model loading in.
(level of darkness)
Don't worry I, on the other hand, got your LOD joke lol
Don't worry I, on the other hand, got your LOD joke lol
I mean, sure tranqs and headshots are the most effective means of getting by for a good majority of the game, but then the enemies get helmets. Then they get facemasks. Then they get body armor so even your standard assault rifle won't get the job done and suddenly there's a lot more pressure on the situation, especially in an FOB invasion or the remixed difficulty missions. You start using tools you hadn't needed to before. Relying more on misdirection or subversion with your magazines or decoys in order to evade entirely or set up CQC combos.
The game gives you a lot of wiggle room and tools with which to desperately fumble the rest of the mission together when shit hits the fan. Earlier I was playing and I was out of distractions on one of the total stealth missions, and I was a hair away from being seen. So I ended up throwing a grenade as far as I could. Grenade goes off, takes out a guy, and suddenly everyone on the hillside camp is facing the other direction, buying me a few seconds to get away. Probably not the best story, but certainly the one freshest in my mind.
I'm not even trying to sell you on the game or whatever. Frankly I'm still mad at it and disappointed with it for all it does wrong. But it does emergent gameplay and open-ended problem solving better than just about any game this side of Deus Ex or Thief 2.
There is no doubt most people play with an assortment of non-lethal gear and those weapons become your bread and butter in routine situations. However, I was just as likely to hold up or grab a guard, bum rush and melee, or have D-Dog stun an enemy while I targeting a second than I was to use one of my guns. Then there were the situational options like throwing a sleep grenade in the path of an oncoming jeep full of enemies or intentionally leaving a guard on the road to get vehicles to stop for a moment so you can fulton them. I can't think of anything particularly interesting about how I approached an encounter in Far Cry or Shadow of Mordor. Now Just Cause is mechanically interesting enough to allow you to approach things in a lot of different ways but I'd say in my experience, the encounters were ultimately not as satisfying as what I experienced in MGS V.
Without a doubt I utilized more options in MGSV than I ever have in a open world action game and that still only amounted to a small percentage of everything that was available to me. This was the first game in a long time that I felt compelled to keep Shadowplay running so I could capture video whenever I executed well or managed to pull off something crazy. I have dozen of videos saved and yes I'm sure no one else cares to see them but executing well and utilizing your tools is so satisfying in this game, I wanted to capture the moment. I can't think of another recent game where so many people are talking about the different ways they approached situations. No, not all scenarios play out like a scene from Mission Impossible, there are typical ways to approach situations if you want to stay as safe as possible, but there were still plenty of nail biting, risk taking, experimental moments that worked out in my playthrough to keep me enthralled for dozens of hours.
I've spent some time browsing the Something Awful Giant Bomb Thread during the free day that's going on now and I think I can safely say we are the better thread.
We are also possibly a better Metal Gear thread than their Metal Gear thread.
You're wrong, I literally do want to see these videos. Have you uploaded them anywhere?
As to the nailbiting stuff, I really only had that feeling in more contained environments (OKB Zero, Airport, It's where the space forced you to explore the systems more because you had to find a hole in the security to get through. MGSV's biggest problem play-wise is that it's too geographically big. I want more areas like Camp Omega. Straight up, I feel like MGSV being open-world is a hindrance, not a success.