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Giant Bomb #16 | DO... DONK...

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Lunar FC

Anybody else going to try playing along with Drew? My busted controller prevented me from playing until my 20th anniversary came in. Currently on mission 4.
Anybody else going to try playing along with Drew? My busted controller prevented me from playing until my 20th anniversary came in. Currently on mission 4.

I probably could considering the mission based structure of the game, but my schedule is too messed up between class and work to be able to do it consistently.
Regardless of what anyone has to say about the story of MGSV, that moment at the very end where you (HUGE MOTHERFUCKING SPOILERS, GUYS)
flip that tape over and it says "Operation Intrude N313" and you put it into a fucking MSX bitcorder
has to be one of my favorite moments in the entire series. Holy shit, man. I don't give a God damn about how unfinished or canon-ruining or whatever the story overall may be, that's all I ever really wanted out of this game.


I feel like this can either be the worst game for "Drew you're playing it wrong" in the comments.

There's actually no other option. That was it.
I'm out of story missions in Afghanistan for now and am just doing side ops before I enter Africa. It just keeps getting better and better.
Seeing MGSV commercials on TV is cool, but I need to see some Giant Bomb quotes in there as well

"You can make Kiefer say "do it" and tell your horse to shit all over the ground" 5/5 - Giant Bomb.
Random MGSV Kojima thing.

If you actually take longer then 3 in game days to rescue Miller he will be dead when you find him and you get a game over.
The twist still got me because
I was totally expecting a Fight Club-esque split personality to be revealed. That or some portions of the game having been hallucinations caused by the shrapnel.


I wonder if Drew will run into the weird stuttering bug that's on the Xbone version. You straight up lose control of Boss for a few seconds.

MGScanlon V talk
You know how you can tell who figured out the twist before hand? Don't worry, they'll make sure you know who they are.
A little late at this point, but please properly mark future spoilers (or better yet take them to the spoiler threads if it has nothing to do with Drew's playthrough). Don't wanna come off as mean, but I'm sure there are plenty of people here who are following the game's story through the LP and don't wanna know what happens.
Nightvision is also fantastic for the extract the wandering MSF soldier side ops. Especially in the later ones
where you can see them even if they've gone invisible.
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