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Giant Bomb #16 | DO... DONK...

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Anybody else going to play SOMA? Amnesia is the only horror game I've ever played that I would describe as "scary," so I can't wait to finally play another Frictional Games joint.

Amnesia was barely playable for me with my nerves, until I figured out how abusable the AI routines were

I don't know if I can do SOMA :(
Amnesia was barely playable for me with my nerves, until I figured out how abusable the AI routines were

I don't know if I can do SOMA :(
Yep for sure, looks really interesting and I'm looking forward to playing it

I'm glad others are interested in it, at least. Patrick recommended it in his Kotaku review, and here's a good quote from it:

Though jump scares are fun in the moment, they don’t last. The best horror sticks with you long after the credits roll, an uneasy feeling that lingers uncomfortably in the moments before you fall asleep. I’ve been thinking about what happened in SOMA for days now, especially the game’s closing minutes, and can’t let it go. Just thinking about it makes me sick to my stomach. If that’s not a sign of success, I’m not sure what is.


alright so there isn't a Peace Walker-like grind to the final ending then? I only ask because im getting mixed signals regarding the final final ending.

46 is the last story mission. However, you then have about 20 mins of tapes to listen to afterwards to wrap things up fully.
I'm just hoping that SOMA isn't the jank that Alien Isolation was. Or as poorly paced.

I still need to go back to that now that they put in an easy easy mode.

46 is the last story mission. However, you then have about 20 mins of tapes to listen to afterwards to wrap things up fully.

Alright, then i can wrap it up tonight. Thanks!!!!


This happens with every major game release and you know it. It's just extra fueled by the content on GB being very MGSV focused.

Nothing has even approached this in this thread in terms of discussing a single game for an extended amount of time. I get why it's happening, but I hope (against reason) that it'll die down somewhat even if MGScanlon V is happening.


Anybody else going to play SOMA? Amnesia is the only horror game I've ever played that I would describe as "scary," so I can't wait to finally play another Frictional Games joint.

I'm just going to watch Patrick's playthrough which he has recorded and should start to upload this week.
It's hard to think of a game in recent memory that really just took over NeoGAF the way MGSV has. Bloodborne came close for a week or two there but died down pretty quickly after that. Kind of a perfect storm of being really good + being the last game in a long-running series + being super controversial.


MGSV talk is tearing this family apart. Just saying.

Anybody else going to play SOMA? Amnesia is the only horror game I've ever played that I would describe as "scary," so I can't wait to finally play another Frictional Games joint.

Patrick is recording his whole playthrough and intends to put it up after embargo. I get the impression it isn't a long game.

danny fucked a potato? :O

It was a dead potato and he only put his wang in it's mouth for a joke.

It's hard to think of a game in recent memory that really just took over NeoGAF the way MGSV has. Bloodborne came close for a week or two there but died down pretty quickly after that. Kind of a perfect storm of being really good + being the last game in a long-running series + being super controversial.

DS1 was like that, can't think of anything since.
I'm kinda sorta playing through Alien Isolation right now and the worst part of the game is the alien encounters. that's a problem. I don't want to spend half an hour trying to go from one room to another and back because the damn thing is slowly walking back and forth

I got mad and threw a pipebomb at it and it didn't even run away, it froze, despawned, and then popped out of a vent 10 feet away

fucking game


Anybody else going to play SOMA? Amnesia is the only horror game I've ever played that I would describe as "scary," so I can't wait to finally play another Frictional Games joint.

I am picking it up on midnight, when it will be available on PSN. I loved Amnesia. A machine for Pigs was a disappointment, so it's good to hear the devs of the original could deliver again. I am not actually reading the reviews though because I want to go in blind. I didn't even watch the last few videos they have put up.


The Beastie Boys are the first hip hop group in years to have something to say
Metal gear discussion in this thread is inevitable and also not really a problem.

I hope soma is good. I liked the first amnesia a lot, and the second one seemed good from what I played (up til the point where you encounter an enemy for real) but I never finished either.
I'm kinda sorta playing through Alien Isolation right now and the worst part of the game is the alien encounters. that's a problem. I don't want to spend half an hour trying to go from one room to another and back because the damn thing is slowly walking back and forth

I got mad and threw a pipebomb at it and it didn't even run away, it froze, despawned, and then popped out of a vent 10 feet away

fucking game

After i spent an hour redoing a mission 5 times and having zero progress to show for it i walked away. I want to go back and play it with the super duper baby patch they added later because i liked everything about the game that didn't have anything to do with the Alien.

Alien felt too damn random
Patrick is recording his whole playthrough and intends to put it up after embargo. I get the impression it isn't a long game.
Yeeeah I have no interest in seeing someone else play through the game.
I am picking it up on midnight, when it will be available on PSN. I loved Amnesia. A machine for Pigs was a disappointment, so it's good to hear the devs of the original could deliver again. I am not actually reading the reviews though because I want to go in blind. I didn't even watch the last few videos they have put up.
I'm not watching any of their recent videos either. The game is still largely a mystery to me, which is great.
I hope soma is good. I liked the first amnesia a lot, and the second one seemed good from what I played (up til the point where you encounter an enemy for real) but I never finished either.

A Machine for Pigs felt more like a side-story or expansion to me. It was like 25% of the length of the original game and was stripped down gameplay-wise. I enjoyed it quite a lot, though.
I'm sorry to come off as a jerk, but can you please mark this better? Lot of people throwing spoiler tags on pretty sensitive material the last few pages.

even the part you left unmarked in quoting that person is extremely spoilerish to anyone playing the game and has watched episode 1

cmon now, i almost got to the ending without any spoilers related to it : /


the holder of the trombone
I'm sorry to come off as a jerk, but can you please mark this better? Lot of people throwing spoiler tags on pretty sensitive material the last few pages.

Then again what exactly are you spoiling?

If you're watching mgscanlon you most likely shouldn't be concerned about being spoiled.

If you're not watching mgscanlon h how would you know what he's spoiling?
Then again what exactly are you spoiling?

If you're watching mgscanlon you most likely shouldn't be concerned about being spoiled.

If you're not watching mgscanlon h how would you know what he's spoiling?

Without beating the game and without watching the episode just seeing the quote and not highlighting I get that (speculation, I don't know, just spoilering to be safe)
something big in the end is heavily implied and kind of obvious in the first part of the game that Drew picks up on right away. I'm suspecting something to do with Ishmael.

It doesn't take a lot of thinking, but then again I'm not exactly one to care about spoilers, so that type of stuff just naturally makes me think into the context.


Yeah, there's really no reason to talk about spoilers in this thread even if you spoiler tag them. XANDER warned people not to do it in a recent Bombcast thread.
MGS5 could've been the best game of all time if the story wasn't so badly structured and poorly executed. I don't care about Konami conspiracy theories or cut content whining, what's there just isn't that great and the pacing is so fucking weird. (I do think there's probably a really interesting story out there of what happened during development, because the structure of chapter two really seems to indicate something fucked happened partway through)

But the sheer fantasticalness of the gameplay really carries it. It's still my favorite thing I've played this year.
We're gonna need a moratorium on either MGSV or spoilers if you guys are going to be so sensitive to it.

Ugh, I hate hearing people say it's being sensitive. I don't give a fuck about spoilers and usually don't care if anything is spoiled for me, but I understand where people come from. You say there is a twist at the end of the movie and that itself is a spoiler. You say something is understood early on then that spoils that there is something to understand in the first place. These are just logical steps that would happen naturally, it's not sensitive not wanting to see that stuff. I'm all for MGSV talk, but if talk of later stuff comes up because of speculation in the episode it just gets a little hairy for some people and that's understandable.


Neo Member
This is great, pretty much exactly what I wanted. Having a problem with the best video section though,whenever I try to go to page 2 it just shows me the list of latest videos. It is in beta though.

Yeah, sorry about that. I pretty much broke the site last night for not logged in users and since I was logged in I didn't notice it. Should be fine now.
Thanks, by the way.


Come on now we all know it's



Give that the series is likely to run well in to next year. Is their any appetite for splitting MGSc talk off in to a separate community thread? Just an idea.


Drunky McMurder
so could I just mainline all the story missions in MGS5?

I dont give a shit about the side stuff.

Are you mainlining the story missions to actually see the story? If so, then no. You'll kind of miss most of the story if you only play the required missions.
so could I just mainline all the story missions in MGS5?

I dont give a shit about the side stuff.

eh, kinda

there are side ops that you need to complete to continue the story. The game spells those out for you.

Then there are side ops you'll want to do because they'll make your life a thousand times easier but you can skip them if you like.

also, there are some significant story related tapes in the game that you can only really listen to by not doing anything else due to crappy reasons

Last, when you get to Chapter 2 the whole structure gets weird. (progression spoilers)
without spoiling the story, the game essentially adds old missions to the main missions list in a sort of new game+ type of way that are not mandatory BUT then sprinkled within those missions are actual story related missions that are new and different. BUTTTTTTT then there are also side ops that are story related BUTTTT they're mostly brief and not hard at all.

So really, the game's structure changes and becomes a bit weird. In reality, Chapter 2 is like 5 real missions, ~ 5 necessary but not super important side ops, and a bunch of NG+ like missions that you don't need to do but are in the main list for no reason really

so maybe
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