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Giant Bomb #16 | DO... DONK...

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Drew's observations and speculation in this first episode are almost identical to mine. Watching it again after playing through the first chapter (assuming chapter 2 begins after starting the first African mission like I suspect), there's some stuff I can't believe I missed. (MGS V Chapter 1 spoilers)
That was totally Quiet trying to kill you at the beginning.

Yeah, I missed that, too.
He specifically mentioned that the Jimquisition review wasn't the result of the review event

Well I'm dumb, I didn't hear him say that.

The review was fine, I suspect as the days go on we're going to see more like this and it's going to be important for me to remove myself from the reviewers in general. I had a blast with this game, likely because I'm not involved in the MG series, and my one real gripe with the game is that Ocelot was mild mannered in this game. Also would have loved to make Ocelot a unique Buddy, as it's clear he's going to have some rad mechanics in MGO.


He specifically mentioned the Jimquisition review in his video in the same breath as the Konami Boot Camp event. Jim has been banned from all Konami events and prerelease copies for years now.

He later highlights (at 28:40) a snippet of Jim's review and mentions that it wasn't based on the review event.


But why would chapter 2 be called Race and have nothing got to do with race as well as have a bunch of repeat missions? Why would a game even be divided into just 2 chapters? I don't really care about what was cut,
I wouldn't even care about seeing mission 51 because the story was so uninteresting up to that point, I couldn't bring myself to care about that stuff
. Everything is clearly so haphazard and it's weird that people are denying that it isn't. At this point, I'm more willing to blame Kojima for being incompetent than Konami having stuff cut though.

That's just what the guy told us, He's usually pretty spot on so I don't think he knowingly lied.
Do you mean like side to side prone rolling?

No, there was a prompt that Drew also missed that said if you hit LT while running, you'll roll instead of the run to prone with X. I knew about rolling while already prone (which is REALLY hard for me to pull off and not all that useful from what I've seen). Also, I turned off reflex mode for my playthrough. I'm sure it would have been a lot easier, but I wanted better scores... not like it's helped when I retry every mission 100 times.
It seems like I petered out with MGSV the way a lot of you guys did with Witcher. It's my own fault, though, as I do too much side stuff in these games. I'm still playing Witcher because that side stuff is fantastic, feeds into the main quest in a way that encourages you to move forward. I'll finish MGSV, for sure, but it will definitely be at best second to Witcher 3 for me.
I should also say that I normally HATE open world games because there's just way too much to do that I never finish the main game. However, that hasn't even remotely been the case with MGSV. I'll absolutely finish this game, making it the first open world game I've ever beaten. I really like RDR and FC4 too, but neither one hits all the right notes for me like this one does. I only have 2 main gripes with the game... 1. it can be REALLY hard to figure out how somebody spotted you or even who. 2. the controls can be a bit finicky when trying to crawl or crouch in uneven terrain, which leads to me accidentally getting spotted, and when trying to jump across ledges, which has led to me falling to my death. With that said, the game is crazy addictive. I'd have played it even more, but it's kind of unfair to monopolize the TV with my wife wanting to watch stuff too.


I enjoyed the episode, but I hope Drew adjusts quickly to the controls. I think once he gets the fulton, he's going to start taking out more soldiers more efficiently.
I should also say that I normally HATE open world games because there's just way too much to do that I never finish the main game. However, that hasn't even remotely been the case with MGSV. I'll absolutely finish this game, making it the first open world game I've ever beaten. I really like RDR and FC4 too, but neither one hits all the right notes for me like this one does. I only have 2 main gripes with the game... 1. it can be REALLY hard to figure out how somebody spotted you or even who. 2. the controls can be a bit finicky when trying to crawl or crouch in uneven terrain, which leads to me accidentally getting spotted, and when trying to jump across ledges, which has led to me falling to my death. With that said, the game is crazy addictive. I'd have played it even more, but it's kind of unfair to monopolize the TV with my wife wanting to watch stuff too.

I agree on a couple of things. The mission structure is a fantastic way to handle an open world. You never get dropped too far from your mission, so each feels fairly self-contained. But the open world is still there, so you can utilize it or explore if you want to.

I did have some control issues as well. There were times where, because of the terrain, I couldn't be certain if a button press would result in my laying prone or standing straight up.


I agree on a couple of things. The mission structure is a fantastic way to handle an open world. You never get dropped too far from your mission, so each feels fairly self-contained. But the open world is still there, so you can utilize it or explore if you want to.

Apart from the lengthy helicopter ride there. Or that going to new missions or side ops that require you to traverse the map. The fast travel system in place does not address traversal adequately. Given the emptiness of the open world there is little reason to loiter in non-mission areas.
So are we getting MGS more then twice a week now?

Because a monday morning episode is already out of the normal Tuesday / Thursday thing they had going.

Maybe 3 times a week. Mon, Wed and Friday?
Of all the accents for Ocelot. Has there been any explanation of why they went that way? It's so weird. I guess he never had a Russian accent in any game but a Texan accent is so evocative that it fights against his character.
Of all the accents for Ocelot. Has there been any explanation of why they went that way? It's so weird. I guess he never had a Russian accent in any game but a Texan accent is so evocative that it fights against his character.

Ocelot (and Kojima) are huge fans of westerns. I also believe he was designed as a homage to Lee Van Cleef as part of the whole western motif


as with all things metal gear, you either shouldn't overthinking it or overthinking until your head blows up like that guy from scanners
Of all the accents for Ocelot. Has there been any explanation of why they went that way? It's so weird. I guess he never had a Russian accent in any game but a Texan accent is so evocative that it fights against his character.

half american, half russian, born on a battlefield in france, master spy, fluent in like 10 languages

aka, fuck it, why not


Of all the accents for Ocelot. Has there been any explanation of why they went that way? It's so weird. I guess he never had a Russian accent in any game but a Texan accent is so evocative that it fights against his character.


Though I agree. When a series is so invested in explaining it's batshit logic, lack of explanation seems very out of place.
Well I'm dumb, I didn't hear him say that.

The review was fine, I suspect as the days go on we're going to see more like this and it's going to be important for me to remove myself from the reviewers in general. I had a blast with this game, likely because I'm not involved in the MG series, and my one real gripe with the game is that Ocelot was mild mannered in this game. Also would have loved to make Ocelot a unique Buddy, as it's clear he's going to have some rad mechanics in MGO.

Ocelot needed his own wacky tapes like the hamburger one.
I have to say, watching this does make me want to play more. It has absolutely grabbed me mechanically in a way that maybe only Souls series has semi-recently. I'm going to love this series for a completely different reason than I did with the previous MGScanlon series. I hope a mod comes out that allows you to always have the horse regardless of who your buddy is.


Dan and his competitiveness doing the Price is Right dick move for his Kojima count prediction.


Patrick isn't a popular YouTuber though.

he's got the scoops.

Ah, ok yeah. And like you said, other YouTubers do the same thing. It's strange that YouTube Let's Plays are such a popular thing now. It's this whole side of games coverage that I don't consume and know little about.

it's pretty big. PewDiePie's videos for Skate 2 actually got them to make more cuz they were hard to find. there were several stories about it. kids these days are definitely more influenced in checking out games through LPs over reviews.


Good for Dan that he loved the game so much. But to be calling MGSV one of the very greatest games of all time when:

1. The story is super dumb.
2. It's the most blatantly unfinished AAA game in recent memory.
3. There are two women with on screen speaking parts in the game. Neither wears any clothes.
4. There are 2.5 compelling characters in the game, one of whom is a dog.
5. The villain is dreadful in every respect: design, voice acting, story motivations, etc.
6. The protagonist never speaks, leaving him mute in the silliest, least compelling ways. There's a drawn out story moment near the end of chapter 1 that is among the most awkward in recent memory because Keifer just won't open his mouth.
7. It somehow makes Ocelot boring.

I feel like 2-4 and 6-7 are very difficult to disagree with. And I adored the mechanics and I'll have no complaints if it's game of the year. But, man, what if this game was actually finished? What would Dan's praise be like then?

Very much disagree with point #2. Destiny was miles and miles "ahead" in terms of being a clearly gutted and unfinished product. Also, to lesser degrees: Battlefield 4, Arkham Knight PC, AC: Unity.


Calling an 80+ hour game with some of the most robust systems and best immergent gameplay to date "unfinished" and "incomplete" is a riot.
That is possibly the last non-criminal thing I could have heard a cabbie do that would make me think less of them.

I can barely parse this sentence but "thinking less of" my cabbies is not usually something I'm too worried about. or at least, it's pretty far down the list, after "I hope this seat is less disgusting than I think it is" and "oh god, this is the last car ride I ever go on, isn't it"
forgot where i read this point (maybe it was even in this very thread) but all the cutscenes from MGSV added together actually meet or exceed the average MGS game's cutscene length.

It's just that to get that stuff you're going to play anywhere between 60-80 hours so it's spread out a lot more than usually. And youre not being spoonfed hours of exposition from codec conversations as those have been delegated to optional tapes in this game.

So really the only complaint about MGSV I'd accept regarding unfinished might be story related. I'll finish the game tonight to find out for myself if that holds any water.

I think part of the whole IT FEELS INCOMPLETE thing is how weird as fuck chapter 2 is structured. Missions that should be side ops are main and missions that should be main are side ops. I don't know if i would attribute that to it being forced out the door or just wonky design choices by Kojima and co, though, as there are some of the same issues with regards to side and main ops being weirdly distinguished in Chapter 1 as well but not quite as prevalent
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