I should also say that I normally HATE open world games because there's just way too much to do that I never finish the main game. However, that hasn't even remotely been the case with MGSV. I'll absolutely finish this game, making it the first open world game I've ever beaten. I really like RDR and FC4 too, but neither one hits all the right notes for me like this one does. I only have 2 main gripes with the game... 1. it can be REALLY hard to figure out how somebody spotted you or even who. 2. the controls can be a bit finicky when trying to crawl or crouch in uneven terrain, which leads to me accidentally getting spotted, and when trying to jump across ledges, which has led to me falling to my death. With that said, the game is crazy addictive. I'd have played it even more, but it's kind of unfair to monopolize the TV with my wife wanting to watch stuff too.