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Giant Bomb #16 | DO... DONK...

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These people are insane. One cut mission and suddenly it's Battlefront 3.

Ok I will get into this discussion. It's not about how much content is there or that this one mission has been cut. If you look at the story it is very disjointed. Also the real ending is just thrown together and still leaves story threads hanging. This is not how a story should be structured, nor is it how any other Metal Gear game has handled it. That's why people say it's unfinished. It seems like they finished the mechanical part of the game, but at some point Konami got tired of the expensive production of the remaining cutscenes. That's why the Truth chapter is what it is and there are so many tapes which should have been cutscenes at some point in the game.
The issue for me with the cut mission is that it is pretty obviously meant to be the climax of the game from a gameplay perspective, as opposed to Mission 50.


These people are insane. One cut mission and suddenly it's Battlefront 3.

When I call the game incomplete, it has nothing to do with the material in the Collector's Edition. It's that the game utterly lacks closure in every possible respect, be it plot, emotional, or thematic. And even a cursory glance at chapter 2 makes it seem like a lot of story missions were simply missing. I loved the game and it would be a worthy GOTY winner, but even aside from the dumbness of the plot, it has deep, deep structural flaws.

Lunar FC

I know when I play a game I'm always looking for that total emotional completeness.

This thread is going to be miserable for the next 4 months because nobody can discuss mgs elsewhere.


Calling an 80+ hour game with some of the most robust systems and best immergent gameplay to date "unfinished" and "incomplete" is a riot.

None of those things suddenly make it impossible for a game to be unfinished. Getting 80 hours out of a game means it isn't incomplete? Lol.

The game is unfinished, it is a fact.


to be clear, I'm not poking fun at the jehovah's witnesses. In my experience with solicitors, they've been polite and respectful of my complete lack of interest in talking to people that show up at my doorstep

You're lucky. The ones I've met are polite, but utterly pushy, to the point I had close the door in their face.


Drunky McMurder
Learning a lot from Persona 4 GB Endurance Run.

Popularity leads to intimacy.

"HEY RYAN. Did you know popularity leads to intimacy?"

That series was made so much better by the office being one big basement room that let Jeff drag everybody else into his descent into madness and anime.


This is incredible. Especially the teammates glitching forward after to add insult to injury.
Popularity leads to intimacy.
I think I'm going to watch the best of endurance videos. I can't dedicate the time to watch through that whole beautiful thing again, but I really miss that ride.
That series was made so much better by the office being one big basement room that let Jeff drag everybody else into his descent into madness and anime.
I liked that episode where their power kept going out. Man it was so weird that their first office was down the block from where I used to play basketball.

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
Why do the Assassin's Creed games have a 'sneak' button now? Wasn't the whole point of the AC series that you weren't doing traditional stealth and wouldn't need something like that?

I know, the series lost the point years ago but god damn.


A cabbie recently started discussing gay marriage with me and my date at the time. He wasn't a fan. It was awkward.

I'd believe you.

Guys, fuck Kingdom Hearts:

I'd believe you.

Guys, fuck Kingdom Hearts:


here's the easy answer:

you name it 2.8 because you already named something 2.5 and 3.0 is coming out

so what does that leave? 2.6-2.9

and if you want to do some sort of bundle of the PS3 remasters on the PS4 after this release? then you gotta reserve a number for that. And 2.9 was already outed by a Linkedin profile

Then all you have left is 2.6-2.8

and what sounds higher

there's your answer
Guys I consider myself a big Kingdom Hearts fan, but I couldn't tell you the story beyond the first game. It's not the draw of the games.

But now you can see the truth of it. It's the game titles that are the real appeal.


Guys I consider myself a big Kingdom Hearts fan, but I couldn't tell you the story beyond the first game. It's not the draw of the games.

But now you can see the truth of it. It's the game titles that are the real appeal.

KH1 was a fun game. Then I played KH2 and the story was fucking nonsense. That's when I gave up. Didn't even finish the game. That I made it past the beginning of that game is a miracle. I saw what came after that and now have zero interest to re-engage with the series except to make fun of it.
KH1 was a fun game. Then I played KH2 and the story was fucking nonsense. That's when I gave up. Didn't even finish the game. That I made it past the beginning of that game is a miracle. I saw what came after that and now have zero interest to re-engage with the series except to make fun of it.

Aw man, but KH2 is a fucking rad game. Yes, that is certainly when the wheels came off the story, but man is the gameplay and RPG parts super fun.
the wheels came off the story as soon as someone sat in a room with a sketchpad, several belts, too many zippers and the attention of a capable human being with influence and the ability to make things happen and said "Disney meets Final Fantasy"

That's the moment you can put your finger on and say, yup, shit got fucked up right here
You're lucky. The ones I've met are polite, but utterly pushy, to the point I had close the door in their face.

without naming names, I've definitely had that experience with other denominations, however.

you have to wonder what the conversion rate even is to make that still a thing that happens


it's not really complicated. sure, the titles are ridiculous but what's on that collection makes complete sense - the last game they didn't hd-ify, the cutscenes from the browser game nobody wants to actually play and a prologue for 3



Aw man, but KH2 is a fucking rad game. Yes, that is certainly when the wheels came off the story, but man is the gameplay and RPG parts super fun.

That's the only one I've played and I enjoyed it. Donald Duck was great.

I watched my wife play the first one and remember the camera being awful.


Aw man, but KH2 is a fucking rad game. Yes, that is certainly when the wheels came off the story, but man is the gameplay and RPG parts super fun.

A fine playing game, but the story nonsense was just way too off putting for me. There was just nothing to look forward to except more nonsense that infuriates me even more.
That's the only one I've played and I enjoyed it. Donald Duck was great.

I watched my wife play the first one and remember the camera being awful.
Yes, camera was bad because it wasn't controlled by the right analog stick, something I've heard they fixed in the first HD collection.
A fine playing game, but the story nonsense was just way too off putting for me. There was just nothing to look forward to except more nonsense that infuriates me even more.
Yeeeeah I guess I just accepted that the overarching story was not the reason I wanted to play those games. The first game actually has a pretty straightforward plot, though.


Yeeeeah I guess I just accepted that the overarching story was not the reason I wanted to play those games. The first game actually has a pretty straightforward plot, though.

Totally. Like I said, I finished that one and enjoyed it. It just felt like they needed to fill part 2 with the worst anime bullshit.

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
I just like the Disney fanservice. The push for more Square shit and Organization 13 shit is what drives me away, not the terrible story. They just happen to be linked.
I hope KH3 feels unfinished because i imagine the shitshow from that fanbase will exceed anything seen from MGSV
I doubt it, KH fans are not nearly as crazy as MGS fans. If you want to look at Square's upcoming releases and hope for a shitstorm you're probably better off looking at FF15.

Aw man, but KH2 is a fucking rad game. Yes, that is certainly when the wheels came off the story, but man is the gameplay and RPG parts super fun.

KH2 is pretty great, the stupidity ramped up to a beautiful level and they tightened up the gameplay. It's a bit on the easy side and it's most definitely not for everyone but if you take it for what it is it can be a really fun ride.
Totally. Like I said, I finished that one and enjoyed it. It just felt like they needed to fill part 2 with the worst anime bullshit.
Aahh you're reminding me how much better those games could be.
I just like the Disney fanservice. The push for more Square shit and Organization 13 shit is what drives me away, not the terrible story. They just happen to be linked.

Exactly how I feel. I grew up Disney, and that shit goes a long ways in my enjoyment. But the Disney characters and worlds have been becoming less and less important. The core original characters + some FF cameos were well done in KH1, but those days of moderation are long gone.


Why do the Assassin's Creed games have a 'sneak' button now? Wasn't the whole point of the AC series that you weren't doing traditional stealth and wouldn't need something like that?

I know, the series lost the point years ago but god damn.

What? The sneak button is one of the few good additions Assassin's Creed got in the recent years. It needs more stealth options. Hiding in crowds really isn't enough and how it was before with the auto sneak in bushes and high grass was one of the worst implementations of stealth gameplay I've ever seen. Playing stealthily in the AC games has always sucked.

They should also add stuff like hiding in plain side via costumes (kind of tried that with liberation but the execution was shitty) because the mission in Revelations where Ezio was dressed up as a bard is one of the best in the enire series but I'd be happy enough with a stealth system that works on at least a basic level. I like that they attempted a more sandboxy approach with Unity but as long as the core gameplay is so clunky that the best and fastest option is to just murder everyone you come across (and as long as it has eavesdrop/follow/insta fail missions) it's not going to fix the main problems.


Aahh you're reminding me how much better those games could be.

Exactly how I feel. I grew up Disney, and that shit goes a long ways in my enjoyment. But the Disney characters and worlds have been becoming less and less important. The core original characters + some FF cameos were well done in KH1, but those days of moderation are long gone.

Yeah I don't know why it needs to be so convoluted. A simple good vs evil storyline would suffice. That way the Disney fanservice would still be super enjoyable to me as well.

War Peaceman

You're a big guy.
Imagine if kojima and nomura put out a game. imagine the story lines.

cloud, who actually is the clone of another SOLDIER for the purpose of creating a super genome army, is sent to inflitrate disney land which has grown unruly under the rule of king mickey. He gets to the end, slays mikey with a keyblade (that transforms into a robot, designed by the kid from UP) and pulls off the mask. the camera spins around him ,,,, YOU ARE THE GOOFY

cut to black.

I mean I've never actually played Kingdom Hearts but it is just Final Fantasy x Disney, right?


Imagine if kojima and nomura put out a game. imagine the story lines.

cloud, who actually is the clone of another SOLDIER for the purpose of creating a super genome army, is sent to inflitrate disney land which has grown unruly under the rule of king mickey. He gets to the end, slays mikey with a keyblade (that transforms into a robot, designed by the kid from UP) and pulls off the mask. the camera spins around him ,,,, YOU ARE THE GOOFY

cut to black.

I mean I've never actually played Kingdom Hearts but it is just Final Fantasy x Disney, right?

What are you talking about? You're clearly repeating the existing KH story verbatim.
I hope KH3 feels unfinished because i imagine the shitshow from that fanbase will exceed anything seen from MGSV

Had Zelda Wii U kept the 2015 date it would surely surpass them all.

I doubt it, KH fans are not nearly as crazy as MGS fans. If you want to look at Square's upcoming releases and hope for a shitstorm you're probably better off looking at FF15.

Kingdom Hearts sits at the intersection of Final Fantasy and Disney with the nostalgia of a teens-to-twenties fanbase growing up alongside it. While it is not facilitating crazy tendencies the way MGS does, there is plenty of crazy built-in to Kingdom Hearts.
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