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Giant Bomb #16 | DO... DONK...

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I don't think Drew is going to enjoy MGS V, it has too many open world trappings and structure that he doesn't seem to gel with. For example, I can't imagine him doing the missions
that advance the Paz storyline, it's 10 retrieval missions top and tailed with a bunch of loading, even worse if he doesn't visit her after every photo obtained

I look forward to seeing if his interest in the MGS universe manages to pull him through.


No wonder Dan is bad at this game if he thinks throwing people around is the best way to know people out. They are not knocked out for as long as when you choke them and it makes a bunch of noise.


Brad does it alot with Destiny and Dota, and Dan seems to do it a bit with MGSV. They make the games sound so much more demanding and complicated just because they put down the time to dig deeper.

The irony is that Dan after 90 hours or whatever doesn't understand the slam being less effective than darts or a CQC combo, or that the comms equipment inside a hut controls the external ones, lol.

I do wish Dan would stop telling Drew that "I'll let you get on with it and play how you want to" and then does stuff like saying "Oh I would definitely use the sneaking suit if I were you". Or telling him that he needs to fulton everyone, which is untrue. You could totally avoid 75% of fultoning, it would just limit Drew's options. The whole object of this series, as far as I understood it, was that Drew was going to play it like he would at home. It's great that Dan is there to explain a mechanic or whatever if Drew needs it, but I feel like he's already bombarding Drew with stuff that he doesn't need to know right now, stuff that he would pick up naturally over the course of the game if he, y'know.. played it like he would at home.

MGSV is a very forgiving videogame so Drew can't really go wrong by just playing it how he wants, not how Dan thinks would suit Drew.
The irony is that Dan after 90 hours or whatever doesn't understand the slam being less effective than darts or a CQC combo, or that the comms equipment inside a hut controls the external ones, lol.

To be fair, in that mission the game tells you to identify and destroy the antennae and doesn't suggest that destroying the control unit will also accomplish the mission. I didn't know that until Stump (i think) brought it up during last week's UPF. The game actually does a very poor job of describing most of the secondary mechanics of the larger bases and things you can do in the missions. Apparently the stun arm can call down lightning in the rain?

I do want Dan to let Drew play though, but the whole series has kind of been like this.


The irony is that Dan after 90 hours or whatever doesn't understand the slam being less effective than darts or a CQC combo, or that the comms equipment inside a hut controls the external ones, lol

He should know this because he has been informed of this fact multiple times.


To be fair, in that mission the game tells you to identify and destroy the antennae and doesn't suggest that destroying the control unit will also accomplish the mission. I didn't know that until Stump (i think) brought it up during last week's UPF. The game actually does a very poor job of describing most of the secondary mechanics of the larger bases and things you can do in the missions. Apparently the stun arm can call down lightning in the rain?

True. I actually only discovered it myself by accident when I threw a grenade into a window and happened to blow up the comms equipment. :D
Or telling him that he needs to fulton everyone, which is untrue.

Yeah, that part bugged me. If Drew wants to sneak past and/or blow up every single bad guy he comes across I don't see why he shouldn't just do that to his hearts content. I've gone several missions without fultoning much, and it hasn't hindered my progress whatsoever.
I knew MGSV Scanlon was going to be annoying due to Dan forcing his stupid habits onto Drew. Been putting off watch episode 2 because I don't feel like being frustrated.


I'm kind of like "who cares" and just enjoying the video series. That kind of stuff never bothers me and I can't relate to getting frustrated watching people play a video game but i can see that it's a very popular feeling.


The Beastie Boys are the first hip hop group in years to have something to say
True. I actually only discovered it myself by accident when I threw a grenade into a window and happened to blow up the comms equipment. :D

This is the best way to get a quick s rank on the subsistence or whatever version of that mission. You can sneak in and get the grenades, then get back up on to the overlooking path and bounce one in off the edge of the window.

The game also tells you what happens when you destroy the equipment. Pretty sure you get the same communications destroyed message if you either destroy all the antennae for a given base or just the radio. That's how I realised it early on, emphasised by destroying antennae after the radio and getting no messages.


Only thing that bugged me was Dan giving Drew false information about knocking soldiers out. Slamming is definitely not the most efficient way of doing that, but doesn't it also alert other soldiers if they are close by?
Only thing that bugged me was Dan giving Drew false information about knocking soldiers out. Slamming is definitely not the most efficient way of doing that, but doesn't it also alert other soldiers if they are close by?

It's a great way to lure multiple soldiers though.

Slam one dude's face into a wall, wait for his buddy to come investigate, slam his face into the wall, works really well later in the game
during the mansion sequences.


Only thing that bugged me was Dan giving Drew false information about knocking soldiers out. Slamming is definitely not the most efficient way of doing that, but doesn't it also alert other soldiers if they are close by?

It does, but not very far. Similar to knocking over a pot or whatever.

What I love about the choke out though is that it's so overpowered. You can sneak up behind two or more patrolling guards standing next to each other, and just choke them out one by one. After years of splinter cell, that alone is like a drug for me.
Slamming is great when you just run up and slam before they can react but if I have a hold of a guard, I'm choking him out. The double slam is super effective. I didn't realize how lenient it was until late in the game, I would have used it a lot more if I would have known.
I'm kind of like "who cares" and just enjoying the video series. That kind of stuff never bothers me and I can't relate to getting frustrated watching people play a video game but i can see that it's a very popular feeling.
The only thing that bothers me is when Dan starts telling Drew what to do. Watching Drew figure things out or just do things his own way has been the best part of the series.


The Beastie Boys are the first hip hop group in years to have something to say
Stuff like preempting the skulls encounter ('jeff did it this way, I did it this way') is an admittedly very minor thing but is really unnecessary. Just let it play man and see how drew figures out the situation. More entertaining that way. That kind of goes for everything in this game.

edit: or what pliskin said.
Stuff like preempting the skulls encounter ('jeff did it this way, I did it this way') is an admittedly very minor thing but is really unnecessary. Just let it play man and see how drew figures out the situation. More entertaining that way. That kind of goes for everything in this game.

edit: or what pliskin said.

This game is easily most fun when you just let shit happen and then try to deal with it.
I haven't even finished the fourth Scanlon yet but I think the charm in that series is watching Drew just crumble under having to take in both Dan and Kojima at the same time.

I don't think Dan has said anything that insightful or laugh-out funny during the series, but that's fine I guess, since comedy springs from the absurdity of Drew's straight-man character reacting to this stuff and watching Dan getting overly excited over everything.
Yeah, the fulton suggestion is completely unnecessary. He absolutely doesn't need to stop at every guard station and fulton every guard unless he's trying to get the damn lvl 50 achievement. That was probably the only serious issue I had with Dan's suggestions because it was so obviously very much pushing against the way Drew wanted to play. He'll slightly limit his options and maybe not open things as early but is completely unnecessary to playing the game from beginning to the end.
Slamming is super effective if some jerk catches you offguard and puts you into reflex mode and you have to react quickly. I suppose you could just grab him too but sometimes there are too many folks around you for that to be a reasonable thing to do.

my favorite thing to do in the game is put someone to sleep from a distance, walk up to their laying body, kick them awake, interrogate them, and then put them back to sleep and either fulton them or put one between their eyes.

I could do that loop for the rest of time and never get bored of it.


Slamming is super effective if some jerk catches you offguard and puts you into reflex mode and you have to react quickly. I suppose you could just grab him too but sometimes there are too many folks around you for that to be a reasonable thing to do.

my favorite thing to do in the game is put someone to sleep from a distance, walk up to their laying body, kick them awake, interrogate them, and then put them back to sleep and either fulton them or put one between their eyes.

I could do that loop for the rest of time and never get bored of it.

I would just grab him instead unless I am out int he open. I so rarely slammed anyone down in this game. It was way more effective to just shoot them in the head instead because it makes less noise.
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