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Giant Bomb #16 | DO... DONK...

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Drunky McMurder

The best part is that he so reliably makes it to the cloud with a mushroom that it kind of doesn't matter whether he has a cape. This is going to make him spend so much time trying to get a new strategy for the feather.

edit: Patrick's pride saves him as I'm typing! This might be his last chance before he convinces himself to go cape.
It's so weird to see Patrick struggle with MM when he's better than me at spelunky by like a mile

I'm horrible at Mario Maker. Then again, I'm bad at most games so that's not exactly surprising. For me, I mostly struggle with execution instead of knowing what to do. I typically figure out the tricks to a level fairly early, but I can never actually execute.
I still like Drew/chat's original idea, creating some obstacle after going through the pipe so that picking up that last mushroom/being big would make it impossible to finish the level

On one hand it'd be cool if GB did this feature again, on the other hand can they recapture the magic of this stage??


I still like Drew/chat's original idea, creating some obstacle after going through the pipe so that picking up that last mushroom/being big would make it impossible to finish the level

On one hand it'd be cool if GB did this feature again, on the other hand can they recapture the magic of this stage??

If they keep Jeff running the chat, Id like to see them try again


The Beastie Boys are the first hip hop group in years to have something to say
See, I don't mind getting a little buzzed, but I never get the people who want to become blindingly drunk. It's zero fun.

It was very much the one exception in my case, definitely not the plan.


BTW am I the only one who finds the SMW levels in Mario Maker to be vastly more preferable?

My order of preference is SMW>>>>>>SMB3>>>>SMB>>>>>>>>>>NSMB


Drunky McMurder
BTW am I the only one who finds the SMW levels in Mario Maker to be vastly more preferable?

My order of preference is SMW>>>>>>SMB3>>>>SMB>>>>>>>>>>NSMB

NSMB is far and away my favorite, SMW is the best of what's left after that.

Give me walljumps or give me death.


Finally watched the GB Mario Maker archive, what an amazing stream that was. There's no way it should've worked that well. Another great feature idea by Dan!

def sim

I'm loving the Mario Maker content. That Frankenstein of a level is legitimately good and I want to see them make more for Patrick to play.


Some other twitch streamer was playing the GB level at the same time as Patrick and he brought a trampoline to the death room and used it to get out with the star and just run through everything.

its pretty crazy how many different solutions have emerged for this clusterfuck of a level.


Some other twitch streamer was playing the GB level at the same time as Patrick and he brought a trampoline to the death room and used it to get out with the star and just run through everything.

its pretty crazy how many different solutions have emerged for this clusterfuck of a level.

That's genius.
Some other twitch streamer was playing the GB level at the same time as Patrick and he brought a trampoline to the death room and used it to get out with the star and just run through everything.

its pretty crazy how many different solutions have emerged for this clusterfuck of a level.

That's fucking cool!
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