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Giant Bomb #16 | DO... DONK...

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Some other twitch streamer was playing the GB level at the same time as Patrick and he brought a trampoline to the death room and used it to get out with the star and just run through everything.

its pretty crazy how many different solutions have emerged for this clusterfuck of a level.

wow that's brilliant
Some other twitch streamer was playing the GB level at the same time as Patrick and he brought a trampoline to the death room and used it to get out with the star and just run through everything.

its pretty crazy how many different solutions have emerged for this clusterfuck of a level.



trust me, you'll want the fast travel options available to you when you're doing a bunch of side missions near the end. sure you can return to ACC but you still have to land the damn helicopter each time.

also there are a lot of missions that you can bypass large segments of just by fast travelling.

finish side op > wait until autosave circle finishes autosaving > select menu, quit to ACC
Some other twitch streamer was playing the GB level at the same time as Patrick and he brought a trampoline to the death room and used it to get out with the star and just run through everything.

its pretty crazy how many different solutions have emerged for this clusterfuck of a level.

That's incredible.

Have we had many apologies this year so far? Basically just been batman so far.

We are entering busted game season so we do have time...

MKX on pc is the other thing that comes to mind.
At least one of the Warner brothers should be really apologetic. Whichever brother runs the PC development side, that guy needs to be there at the end of the year with hat in hand begging the others to take him back into the family


Actually now that I really think on it regarding this year and apologies;

Godus (Molyneaux is sorry not sorry)

Taken King and the whole Luke Smith fiasco

Konami and their "apology" over P.T and how Metal Gear and Silent Hill are important but fuck video games.

Mortal Kombat being busted as shit on PC.

Arkham Knight being busted as shit on PC.

Iwata apologising for Nintendo's E3 showing which Reggie later said wasn't an apology.

It's been a bumper year and we're not even done yet.


Unconfirmed Member
Honestly, most of that isn't so bad, except Arkham Knight on PC. Have they even given a new date by now?

Data West

coaches in the WNBA

P-Bridge fucking buried


Wrong about commas, wrong about everything
Alright, I finally made it to San Francisco. I saw a lot of people so far but none of them were Jeff. Weird.
Anyway, I have a plan:I bought a tent and will set it up in front of the CBSi building. When I see somebody from the crew I will tackle them, yell "what about the ethics? When will the Persona 5 endurance run start? Please follow me on Facebook, Twitter and the Mario Maker. Yolo" and run away before security can get to me.
so, I'm from the south. ish. it's totally normal to have coke with breakfast. I do it almost every day (diet coke, don't drink coffee). while in LA, I had a waiter that nearly forgot how to talk after I asked for one with my omelet. I had never thought it to be a weird thing until that moment.

This is why the US should just be the coasts.
Yo, leave south Florida out of this. We're a culturally diverse area and one of if not the best read cities in the states in the area. We're good looking and smart, we have it all, now out your flip flops on and let's go clubbin'
Are we talking real Coke as in Coca-Cola or the generic coke that crazy southerners use to refer to any type of soda? Also, soda for breakfast is something that I would expect from the Appalachia, hillbilly Deliverance country.
Yo, leave south Florida out of this. We're a culturally diverse area and one of if not the best read cities in the states in the area. We're good looking and smart, we have it all, now out your flip flops on and let's go clubbin'

Florida is the home of "Florida man" and "Florida woman" the two people associated with about ever insane, depraved, violent and disgusting news story in this country. Frankly, Florida has earned it's reputation.

I say this because part of my family lives in Florida...
Don't put the rest of Florida on south Florida. Florida is mostly the shitty parts of the south until you hit south florida where people like brushing their teeth and taking their children to school and stuff.

Also, watching Brad do this mission on UPF now and what a terrible approach lol. I snuck into that base, snatched a rocket launcher off a guard, then destroyed the 3 dishes and rode a container out of the camp while on full alert. had a real FUCK IT IM OUT feel to the whole thing hah
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