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Giant Bomb #16 | DO... DONK...

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fuckin dan


I've never felt closer to Dan than right now


Don't put the rest of Florida on south Florida. Florida is mostly the shitty parts of the south until you hit south florida where people like brushing their teeth and taking their children to school and stuff.

Also, watching Brad do this mission on UPF now and what a terrible approach lol. I snuck into that base, snatched a rocket launcher off a guard, then destroyed the 3 dishes and rode a container out of the camp while on full alert. had a real FUCK IT IM OUT feel to the whole thing hah

I tried riding a container but I fell off?


Drunky McMurder
McDonald's breakfast is pretty good and no worse than anything else you can get at the time in a hurry.

McDonald's lunch and dinner menus are all entirely awful and any restaurant or fast food place or random underpass has better food that you can get just as fast.


Dan has it the wrong way round, breakfast food should be eaten at all times.
The reason people say it's the most important meal is because it's the best tasting meal.


I also don't understand the love for McDonald's breakfast. I guarantee your local deli makes a bacon egg and cheese that is far superior to any mcd's breakfast for the exact same price
if you woke up while mcdonalds is still serving breakfast, your hangover isn't bad enough to warrant it
I wake up early every day regardless of what I did the previous night because I've been waking up at 6 am for work for years now.
I also don't understand the love for McDonald's breakfast. I guarantee your local deli makes a bacon egg and cheese that is far superior to any mcd's breakfast for the exact same price
Because I can get it in my pajamas via the drive thru and not have to go inside a place for it.
McDonald's breakfast is pretty good and no worse than anything else you can get at the time in a hurry.

McDonald's lunch and dinner menus are all entirely awful and any restaurant or fast food place or random underpass has better food that you can get just as fast.

I meant hamburgers in general. I'm not eating at McDonald's.


I disagree with Dan and his dislike of "breakfast" food, but I agree that with the idea that you can only have certain foods at specific times is dumb. I'll eat pancakes for dinner and boneless buffalo wings for breakfast if I want to. And I'll drink soda with both of them.
mcdonalds breakfast gets unwarranted praise. like, it's just breakfast. dan's exactly right, mcgriddles are fine but they're no quarter pounder.

True. I think people only like it for the novelty. They think its some special treat for waking up early and dragging their ass out of the house. Once all-day breakfast propagates nationwide people will start to realize that they don't actually like McDonald's breakfast nearly as much as they thought.
yellow American pasteurized processed cheese product
I'm more familiar with white american cheese but I don't really like either kind. I like provolone or swiss on a sandwich.
I wonder how many people flipping out about drinking a coke when you wake up are also people who drink energy drinks every morning.

I'm gonna go with zero.

yellow American pasteurized processed cheese product
I'm more familiar with white american cheese but I don't really like either kind. I like provolone or swiss on a sandwich.
Yellow and white american cheese from a deli are the same exact thing, just different color.
fuckin dan


Motherfuck. I love Dan but I hate him all at the same time. Jesus Christ.

Then again, I also try my best to avoid pop, and McDonald's is fucking literal shit (but I'll stand by their iced coffee). But I'm also Canadian and enjoy peameal bacon sandwiches in the morning, so there's that.

I also still don't get what's special about Taco Bell. I went once and actually almost felt like vomiting afterward
Now that we know they're willing to emulate sega cd and go through those hoops.

Dan needs to play snatcher. I played it back on the sega cd without knowing what the fuck a hideo Kojima was and it was a terrific game, even if it was a bit pervy at times. It was my first exposure to anything metal gear related and being a visual novel it did a good job setting my expectations for future Kojima games.
Snatcher is Kojima's best game. I still need to play Policenauts.
I tried playing it on a man old modded psx when it got translated back in the day but the middle spinning thing for the PlayStation broke and wouldn't spin discs any longer.

I suppose I could try it again via emulation but then I have to play through another Kojima game and I had my fill between mgsv and lunar knights this year. Maybe in a few months I'll get to it.
I've never played it but I remember ads of a man in trenchcoat aiming a handgun towards the screen. I remember being impressed by that gun.
If ever there was a game that diehard gamefan sold me on it was snatcher. Those two page spreads of screens from the game make young me salivate at how fucking cool it looked.
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