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Giant Bomb #16 | DO... DONK...

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Anjin M

I'm drawing a blank on the abusive husband.
Bloody Baron?

Also, I like Destiny and I don't like many other shooters. (The first Borderlands comes to mind.) I know that I don't have much point of reference because I don't play many shooters. But I liked Destiny before and I like it more now.
For the last three days I've been trying to figure out a good way to play a PS2 era Tony Hawk game without having access to that generation of consoles. There are PC versions but I doubt those work well on a modern OS. And emulators run like trash on my laptop.

I need my good Tony Hawk.
For the last three days I've been trying to figure out a good way to play a PS2 era Tony Hawk game without having access to that generation of consoles. There are PC versions but I doubt those work well on a modern OS. And emulators run like trash on my laptop.

I need my good Tony Hawk.

Do you need to play the Single Player campaigns?

If not, get on THUGPRO as soon as you can. It's incredible.


Too bad Austin will be the only one to recognize the real character of the year and instead an abusive husband or a dog with no dialogue will win it.

Sans will be utterly boned

I still think Hannah
from Her Story will take it. That game pretty much only has one thing going for it.
Am I crazy for liking the feel of Tony Hawks American Wasteland and even the PS1 games over THPS 3-4 and THUG?

Never touched anything after THAW so i got no opinions there.


Destiny is an amazing game. Even when you spend an hour on a strike and don't get any good loot you still had a ton of fun playing the strike. Unlike in monster hunter where you spend 3 hours on a boss and don't get the loot you wanted and feel like crawling in a hole and never touching games again.


Yeah, I'm really enjoying The Taken King a whole lot. It's not perfect of course but it's definitely more thought out and I'm having waaaaay more fun with it than the first year of content.

Loot drops more often. I never know when I'm going to get something worthwhile as opposed to knowing a blue or green isn't going to be worth a damn thing after a certain point. I've always enjoyed the gunplay and do think it's one of best in that way (for consoles specifically if that's what you need me to say so you don't jump in all "BUT MOUSE AND KEYBOARD!").

There are a lot of quests and they actually have hidden stuff in the game that people are still finding. The story was simple and enjoyable. Everything just feels like there's life to it now.

I'm actually enjoying playing by myself at times when I used to only really have fun when in a group. Now I can find some enjoyment playing alone here and there. There is definitely still some grind but only one or two quests come to mind that were really dumb about it.


Destiny is an amazing game. Even when you spend an hour on a strike and don't get any good loot you still had a ton of fun playing the strike. Unlike in monster hunter where you spend 3 hours on a boss and don't get the loot you wanted and feel like crawling in a hole and never touching games again.

I don't feel like I had fun when I played Destiny and got nothing, especially playing a strike I've already beaten dozens of times with a billet sponge boss. I know Brad didn't feel any fun from that raid where he ended up temporarily deleting the game from his PS4.
Destiny is an amazing game. Even when you spend an hour on a strike and don't get any good loot you still had a ton of fun playing the strike. Unlike in monster hunter where you spend 3 hours on a boss and don't get the loot you wanted and feel like crawling in a hole and never touching games again.

Most missions fail you if you spend more than an hour, and the monsters are fun as fuck to hunt, especially the grandiose monsters like the Dah'ren. With a group of friends, it's some of the best multiplayer gaming I've experienced. It feels so good when you deal enough damage to shatter a part of the monster, or cut the tail.

The bane of "not getting a good thing" is something that exists in all loot driven games. It exists in Destiny too, even with this expansion.
Most missions fail you if you spend more than an hour, and the monsters are fun as fuck to hunt, especially the grandiose monsters like the Dah'ren. With a group of friends, it's some of the best multiplayer gaming I've experienced. It feels so good when you deal enough damage to shatter a part of the monster, or cut the tail.

The bane of "not getting a good thing" is something that exists in all loot driven games. It exists in Destiny too, even with this expansion.

I can't think of any good loot games.
I still think Hannah
from Her Story will take it. That game pretty much only has one thing going for it.
How many of them have actually played that though? A lot of the GOTY comes down to how many of them have interacted with the game in question.

I'm super biased and won't budge but GD it has to be Jenks. The demeanor change in that guy as he is getting closer to resolution is the most satisfying thing GB or gaming related this entire year. More than Drew killing The End.

P.S. Austin is going to be amazing during GOTY. Just like Patrick was.
What has Patrick done in goty?

I can't remember him pushing hard for anything major.
He just was great at bringing up counterpoints and a different perspective. I do wish he made a harder stand for Dishonored but I care less about the rankings and placement than I do the discussion. I think Austin is going to bring a similar thing and he's already proven he isn't bashful or going to pull punches which is great.

I want an Austin vs. Brad filibuster-off.
Also I don't think "It feels good!" ever really helps it's case. Feels like shit next to any other game I can play with a mouse and keyboard for starters.

Yeeep that's the hangup I have. I've said it before in this thread, but FPS controls with a gamepad, at their absolute best, are just mitigating the shortcomings of that input as much as possible.
Patrick was the only person who was a supporter of Isaac: rebirth, so I'll always respect him for that.
He was too nice about that and I thought Dan and Jeff were needlessly dismissive and I'm usually very much on their side of things.

I always liked Patrick's ability to respect a game for doing what it wanted and then adapting himself to the way the game wanted him to play instead of just getting frustrated or casting it aside. I loved his Spelunky and BoI content.
He was too nice about that and I thought Dan and Jeff were needlessly dismissive and I'm usually very much on their side of things.

I just take issue with the fact that they were dismissive of the game based on the fact that it doesn't tell you what items do.

And like...that's...the point? Isaac isn't a game where you coddle a run. The fun is putting your foot on the gas and finding out what items do and once you get good at the game and have platinum god or whatever you can start being careful and playing for a streak.

speaking of which i'm still 2 achievements off from real platinum god and i should really get that going before afterbirth comes out


the holder of the trombone
Eh, on the other hand, if they don't like it, they don't like it.

Which actually made me remember another dumb thing which was that he was trying to argue for papers please by making brad not having fun with it as it having succeeded and should be considered.

But... he still didn't have fun with it.
I still think Hannah
from Her Story will take it. That game pretty much only has one thing going for it.
Pretty stereotypical
there, the only thing Her Story has going for it is the very interesting format. It's not actually well written or acted.
I just take issue with the fact that they were dismissive of the game based on the fact that it doesn't tell you what items do.

And like...that's...the point? Isaac isn't a game where you coddle a run. The fun is putting your foot on the gas and finding out what items do and once you get good at the game and have platinum god or whatever you can start being careful and playing for a streak.

speaking of which i'm still 2 achievements off from real platinum god and i should really get that going before afterbirth comes out
I'm terrible at that game but GD do I respect it and have enjoyed Twitch streamers who are straight pros at it and I totally understand the joy and sense of accomplishment that game provides. Same thing for me with Bloodborne.

@Antiwhippy I think that as games have matured, the way people review them has changed and evolved. My background is in film and that's my biggest love, so I relate things to that. I don't 'enjoy' stuff like 'Dancer in the Dark' or 'Leaving Las Vegas' on an emotional level because those films are grim, but I can still respect and revel in their accomplishment on a technical level and how they achieved the director's vision.

It's not a 1:1 comparison but I do wish games criticism evolved to a point where just 'fun' or 'like' wasn't the only barometer. GB does a much better job of this than most places so it's not really a jab at them. I just always felt Patrick was great at being able to look at games in that respect. Austin seems to be someone to fill that void. Ryan did it at times and Alex is capable of it too.

I'm pretty drunk.
Dan Ryckert is the most likeable of men.
I love that man.
Right, and it's not that they didn't like it, but I feel like they dismissed it as a bad design decision or a misstep on Ed's part when it's a very purposeful thing done to make the game have that retro feel like so many of the games it takes inspiration from

isaac rebirth is a really good game guys


the holder of the trombone
I agree that I would like to see more diversity in games criticism that evolves beyond "this is what I enjoyed".

On the other hand we are taking about giantbomb's goty so it is about the taste of those dudes in that room.

Diversity in games criticism does not exclude basic, populist critics.
oh fucking boy am i going to reread all of the generic ass gone home complaints again later this year
I just didn't think the main actress was very good which throws the entire thing off given it all hinges on her performance. Poorly acted and exaggerated in the normal interview scenes and when it does go into
the other "character" it's not a convincing switch.

Also, why is a woman suspected of murder allowed to play guitar and sing a song that recaps the game's story awkwardly anyway?
Right, and it's not that they didn't like it, but I feel like they dismissed it as a bad design decision or a misstep on Ed's part when it's a very purposeful thing done to make the game have that retro feel like so many of the games it takes inspiration from

isaac rebirth is a really good game guys
Yep! It's cool if they didn't like how it controlled, but there was a very cognizant decision for the game to control the way it does and that should be respected. Reviewers and players should be more malleable when it comes to games in general. I include myself in that.

Her Story is cool and I'd like to see more stuff like that in that format on mobile but it is completely obvious fairly early on and when so much of the game hinges on that I think it's a fairly big knock against it.


Right, and it's not that they didn't like it, but I feel like they dismissed it as a bad design decision or a misstep on Ed's part when it's a very purposeful thing done to make the game have that retro feel like so many of the games it takes inspiration from

isaac rebirth is a really good game guys

I think it was more of a case of "Why are we talking about this game for GOTY when only Patrick likes it" that made them so dismissive of it. I've never heard them talk about BOI in a similar way outside of the GOTY podcast.
I agree that I would like to see more diversity in games criticism that evolves beyond "this is what I enjoyed".

On the other hand we are taking about giantbomb's goty so it is about the taste of those dudes in that room.

Diversity in games criticism does not exclude basic, populist critics.
You're not wrong. I'd be at the very, very end of people who criticize GB's GOTY. I'll disagree with how they get to the end point, but I always respect the end result because it ultimately has nothing to do with my personal tastes. The sausage making is the fun part, the conclusion is secondary.

I know a lot of people hated it, but Brad's Minerva's Den filibuster is one of my favorite GB things and I don't even give a shit about Minerva's Den.

GB GOTY is a pretty awesome thing when people are randomly talking about it in September.


Pretty stereotypical
there, the only thing Her Story has going for it is the very interesting format. It's not actually well written or acted.

Oh boy. Her Story is both fantastically written and acted.

The secret?
Neither the split personality nor the twin theories are true. She's playing everyone, including the viewer, into siding into one of two camps. The con goes deeper than you think.


Listen to Austin's interview with Sam Barlow again.

And nobody wants to listen to me when I say that Burial at Sea is almost as good as Minerva's Den; not of it's own accord but rather as an interactive apology for what Bioshock Infinite ended up being. When you treat it that way (as I felt obliged to) it works so goddamn well.

Double edit: Minerva's Den is really, really fucking good.
I literally have no knowledge of Minerva's Den outside of what Brad Shoemaker said in to a microphone in 2010 and I want to keep it that way. It's the best DLC ever created.
I doubt any theory barely hinted at in the game that forces you to listen to an interview outside of it is going to convince me that the awkward overacting is actually intentional but I'll certainly give it a listen at some point.

And I thought Burial at Sea was pretty great. Beautiful locations and the stealth introduced in the second part felt like something the series always should have had. Suppose the things it does in the end story wise might be a little contrived but hell, I bought into the tying of loose ends. With the exception of the nonsensical and hilarious explanation of why
did what she did in the main campaign.


I doubt any theory barely hinted at in the game that forces you to listen to an interview outside of it is going to convince me that the awkward overacting is actually intentional but I'll certainly give it a listen at some point.

I only mentioned that interview as an aside, cause Sam mentions that his writing comes from a place of "not writing as as though the writer knows what's going on" or something to that effect, and
both theories lean so far in one direction or another and are so led on by the acting that it's way more enjoyable for me to assume that neither are true and that we're all being played.

I came up with the idea while deep into the game and then listened to the interview afterward and it supported where I was moreso than anything else.

That's all. I'm not saying I'm necessarily right, but that it feels like a WAY better experience overall coming from the angle I'm at.

And I thought Burial at Sea was pretty great. Beautiful locations and the stealth introduced in the second part felt like something the series always should have had. Suppose the things it does in the end story wise might be a little contrived but hell, I bought into the tying of loose ends. With the exception of the nonsensical and hilarious explanation of why
did what she did in the main campaign.

I'm pretty much with you here; I'd rather the loose ends get knotted up sloppily than dangle in the wind forever.
I only mentioned that interview as an aside, cause Sam mentions that his writing comes from a place of "not writing as as though the writer knows what's going on" or something to that effect, and
both theories lean so far in one direction or another and are so led on by the acting that it's way more enjoyable for me to assume that neither are true and that we're all being played.

I came up with the idea while deep into the game and then listened to the interview afterward and it supported where I was moreso than anything else.

That's all. I'm not saying I'm necessarily right, but that it feels like a WAY better experience overall coming from the angle I'm at.
You make me want to replay it although that seems impossible knowing the key words to look up.


You make me want to replay it although that seems impossible knowing the key words to look up.

You can really just watch all the videos again. In sequence. It takes like 40ish minutes if I remember correctly (and frankly that will help you to recontextualize the thing after playing it through the "honest" way). My ex got way into the idea (we were 3/4 of the way through when I came up with it) and punched me repeatedly at every new video we came across after I said it.

The feeling of superiority I had over her was amplified with each strike of her knuckles on my arm, gut, and testicles.
You can really just watch all the videos again. In sequence. It takes like 40ish minutes if I remember correctly. My ex got way into the idea (we were 3/4 of the way through when I came up with it) and punched me repeatedly at every new video we came across after I said it.

The feeling of superiority I had over her was amplified with each strike of her knuckles on my arm, gut, and testicles.
Ha, I'm going to have to do this now. Thanks.

But seriously thought, how many staff members played this? Giant Beast and...?
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