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Giant Bomb #16 | DO... DONK...

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we need more bear encounters in mgs v

i only encountered 3 bears in my 130 hour play through
Barring the legendary, I only encountered a single bear during mine. He was guarding a tower with a rescue target. By guarding I mean glitched into the terrain and spinning in a circle.


MGSV kind of lost its steam with me around the end of Chapter 1. I think I did too many sidequests or something because I got to the end of chapter 1 and was kind of bummed it wasn't the end of the game. Amazing game, but damn there may be too much of it. Which is an odd god damned thing to say about MGSV.

Yeah, I agree. I haven't finished it yet because I've just totally lost interest. It wouldn't be so bad if chapter 2 wasn't mostly just repeated main missions and forced side ops (which are basically this game's version of a fetch quest). I still love the game overall but the structure is unbelievably bad.
I think the mistake Kojima made regarding the structure of MGSV is using the whole Chapter thing when presenting the game to the player. I feel that people would have less issues with Chapter 2 if it was labeled an Epilogue instead. Naming it Chapter 2 implies it will be similar to Chapter 1 in content and structure and Chapter 2 is fuck all in both regards.
Yeah, I agree. I haven't finished it yet because I've just totally lost interest. It wouldn't be so bad if chapter 2 wasn't mostly just repeated main missions and forced side ops (which are basically this game's version of a fetch quest). I still love the game overall but the structure is unbelievably bad.

I think getting to the end of Chapter 1 made me realize the unfinished criticism. Sure the game is really feature packed and has a ton of content. But when you get to that point it feels like the main missions would have been a lot more story centric and cutscene heavy, but then they fleshed out a lot of side quests to bloat the main game too much and it made it seem like less of an MGS game. I've really come around to the criticism the game gets. I still love it, I now just understand it.

I think the mistake Kojima made regarding the structure of MGSV is using the whole Chapter thing. I feel that people would have less issues with Chapter 2 if it was labeled an Epilogue instead. Naming it Chapter 2 implies it will be similar to Chapter 1 in content and structure and Chapter 2 is fuck all in both regards.

Maybe, but I think the problems would still be apparent with chapter 1. It feels like the entire main missions were meant to be about 30 missions consisting of maybe 3 chapters, but they only really finished 1 fully and the second one only half. So they filled the first chapter with side quests that were just fleshed out a little more and given vague connections to the main missions to feel like they matter and then just sort of threw the story developments they had completed into rehashed already complete missions for chapter 2.


I think the mistake Kojima made regarding the structure of MGSV is using the whole Chapter thing when presenting the game to the player. I feel that people would have less issues with Chapter 2 if it was labeled an Epilogue instead. Naming it Chapter 2 implies it will be similar to Chapter 1 in content and structure and Chapter 2 is fuck all in both regards.

I don't think it matters. People would be talking about the missions in the epilogue being a waste of time, the cutscenes disjointed and not at all building towards a semblance of coherency.
"Chapter" makes no sense. I dunno why they bothered with that.

Yeah, they probably should have dropped a lot of that once they planned on putting the game out how it is.

I really don't want to seem too negative. I don't really have any issue with how the game is, I can just see now where a lot of the criticism was coming from.


"Chapter" makes no sense. I dunno why they bothered with that.

Theories supported by game files are that the game was supposed to be 3 chapters. This possibility infers a 3 act story, however, the final result was a chapter and a quarter. It also seems possible that Chapter 1 was padded out from bits they couldn't use in the other chapters.


funny enough for the tranq pistol i never used it and did fine. though when I whipped out my rifle I went right to first person. For some reason, I didn't like the mode with the tranq gun.

teach meeee I even have the laser sight on it but I still cant get my long-range tranqs that I want without FPV
Huh, I sill prefer my way of just running in with heavy armour and blowing everything up.
Theories supported by game files are that the game was supposed to be 3 chapters. This possibility infers a 3 act story, however, the final result was a chapter and a quarter. It also seems possible that Chapter 1 was padded out from bits they couldn't use in the other chapters.
If that's true then that's just stupid.
I don't think it matters. People would be talking about the missions in the epilogue being a waste of time, the cutscenes disjointed and not at all building towards a semblance of coherency.

well yeah but then people would've felt OK to walk away from the game at the end of Chapter 1 and not feel like they need to engage in chapter 2 for a full experience. I've seen people complain about doing extreme missions on Chapter 2 because they thought it was required but, naw, you dont have to touch a single one of those ever to finish the game.

If the game was structured as such

MGSV (no chapter or anything to note that this is chapter 1)
Epilogue (what is currently chapter 2)

People would be at least not feel as obligated to go through the mess of Chapter 2 if they didn't feel the need to. I know that personally i skipped the epilogue chapter of Peace Walker because i felt that I had my fill of the experience by the end of the first ending and just saw the final chapter on youtube.

youre right, it would still be a big mess especially if you dont watch episode 51 but at least most folks wont feel like dealing with it if the structure was different


has anyone used the
parasite suit
? if so how is it?

I was only able to research the
armor ability for the suit and it's exactly what it sounds like, you have increased armor
. I'm interested in knowing what other abilities you can get though.
has anyone used the
parasite suit
? if so how is it?

Kind of pointless.
You can wear the battle dress and use the stealth camo for the same sort of effect, but the battle dress will be permanent armor and stealth camo works a lot longer. The only special thing is Mist dispersal, which covers the area in mist and just makes it harder for units to see you.
Theories supported by game files are that the game was supposed to be 3 chapters. This possibility infers a 3 act story, however, the final result was a chapter and a quarter. It also seems possible that Chapter 1 was padded out from bits they couldn't use in the other chapters.

I also saw speculation that
Chapter 3 (called Peace) would just be what starts after the nuclear disarmament. I don't know if that's been disproven in any way, not really following all that stuff too closely.


Have the bomb guys ever talked about R6 siege being MP only? I think I always assumed but I guess Ubi didn't categorically say either way until recently. I wonder if any of the staff knew from off the record conversations or were surprised.

Why does Doug Loves Movies get to post their LAPodfest recorded episode so early?

My money is on Doug just not realizing he couldn't.

A few people have posted their stuff. I would guess that there are different contracts. Being first timers GB likely signed whatever the standard one was but if you are popular enough, or you have done the fest before, I am sure everything is up for negotiation.


youre right, it would still be a big mess especially if you dont watch episode 51 but at least most folks wont feel like dealing with it if the structure was different
It would be a mess even if they had included just what was shown of 51. However I suspect that 51 was meant to be just one of the missions in the new area.

I also saw speculation that
Chapter 3 (called Peace) would just be what starts after the nuclear disarmament. I don't know if that's been disproven in any way, not really following all that stuff too closely.
Yeah that is also a possibility. It is all speculation, but it is hard to believe chapter 2 was according to plan.
How spoilery is the SOMA ql?

I looked at a bit. It looks like it skips the early game setup that might be considered spoilery (and is a cool moment), and goes from there. I have not seen the full thing, so I have no idea what Alex talks about, but the content is early (first hour minus the first 15 minutes), so there should be no big spoiler. Looking at the length of the QL, it seem like they might show the first contact with a monster in the game, but that's should not be spoilery either. It is basically a pseudo tutorial on how the game wants you to deal with its baddies.


Theories supported by game files are that the game was supposed to be 3 chapters. This possibility infers a 3 act story, however, the final result was a chapter and a quarter. It also seems possible that Chapter 1 was padded out from bits they couldn't use in the other chapters.

Having finished Chapter 2 today (and holy fuck I'm heading to the spoiler thread now) this seems the most likely. It feels like there are things set up that just don't go anywhere.

Huey's stuff is a key example for instance. Between his arc and the development of Battle Gear (given full cutscenes which is more than most things get) and then goes....absolutely nowhere. If you told me it was setting up a bigger Act 3 thing about Huey falling out with Diamond Dogs over nukes and all that it would make sense. As it is there's this weird rushed reveal he's using kids to fix Saehalanthropus and I guess that's the last straw that causes Big Boss to have him walk the plank.
Having finished Chapter 2 today (and holy fuck I'm heading to the spoiler thread now) this seems the most likely. It feels like there are things set up that just don't go anywhere.

Huey's stuff is a key example for instance. Between his arc and the development of Battle Gear (given full cutscenes which is more than most things get) and then goes....absolutely nowhere. If you told me it was setting up a bigger Act 3 thing about Huey falling out with Diamond Dogs over nukes and all that it would make sense. As it is there's this weird rushed reveal he's using kids to fix Saehalanthropus and I guess that's the last straw that causes Big Boss to have him walk the plank.

No, what causes everyone to boot his ass off Mother Base was his tampering with the Quarantine bay scanners so that the vocal cord parasites mutated, causing a massive outbreak of indifferent parasites that could breed regardless of the wolbachia treatments and that bred with very minor speaking needed. Parthenogenesis motherfucker. It was sort of the tipping point with all the other things he did over the course of Mother Base.


Dan really needs to stop telling Drew what to do, so far the first 10 minutes have been just that and hopefully Drew can figure out development and rewards on his own


No, what causes everyone to boot his ass off Mother Base was his tampering with the Quarantine bay scanners so that the vocal cord parasites mutated, causing a massive outbreak of indifferent parasites that could breed regardless of the wolbachia treatments and that bred with very minor speaking needed. Parthenogenesis motherfucker. It was sort of the tipping point with all the other things he did over the course of Mother Base.

Oh right yeah that was the final straw wasn't it. And he was all incredulous Snake had to put them down. There were so many things that guy did I forgot.

But I never knew why so it all sort of blurred together.


Dan really needs to stop telling Drew what to do, so far the first 10 minutes have been just that and hopefully Drew can figure out development and rewards on his own

haven't watched ep 2 and 3 yet. is Dan starting to creep into telling Drew what to do again? gotta bug Dan on Twitter not to do that.
Oh right yeah that was the final straw wasn't it. And he was all incredulous Snake had to put them down. There were so many things that guy did I forgot.

But I never knew why so it all sort of blurred together.


Like shit Huey... I know you have to go and kill yourself in a swimming pool because your son had better game, but they should have tossed him as soon as he shot Skullface.

Drew is never going to blow up the Landing Zone dishes of his own accord, will he?

The game doesn't really tell you what those are unless you do an intel check or accidentally blow one up. The only sad thing is that they regen once you leave.


well yeah but then people would've felt OK to walk away from the game at the end of Chapter 1 and not feel like they need to engage in chapter 2 for a full experience. I've seen people complain about doing extreme missions on Chapter 2 because they thought it was required but, naw, you dont have to touch a single one of those ever to finish the game.

If the game was structured as such

MGSV (no chapter or anything to note that this is chapter 1)
Epilogue (what is currently chapter 2)

People would be at least not feel as obligated to go through the mess of Chapter 2 if they didn't feel the need to. I know that personally i skipped the epilogue chapter of Peace Walker because i felt that I had my fill of the experience by the end of the first ending and just saw the final chapter on youtube.

youre right, it would still be a big mess especially if you dont watch episode 51 but at least most folks wont feel like dealing with it if the structure was different

I think it actually being the conclusion is a bigger issue than the label itself. People are going to feel obligated to play through as long as it is promising more story beats. Its similar to Arkham Knight, which also got a lot of flack for gating its complete ending behind a bunch of riddler trophies.
I feel like Drew is going to enjoy D-Dog when he gets access. The parts of the game he seem to be having slight issues with are all rectified by D-Dog




Like shit Huey... I know you have to go and kill yourself in a swimming pool because your son had better game, but they should have tossed him as soon as he shot Skullface.

Yeah actually that was all pretty great. And Ocelot at some point just sort of shrugs and says he probably doesn't even know he's doing it. Considered him so pathetic he wasn't even worth hate.

A real Gaius Baltar but at least he was a legit ladies man.
The game doesn't really tell you what those are unless you do an intel check or accidentally blow one up. The only sad thing is that they regen once you leave.

not the big rotating radar dishes. Those stay down forever. believe me, i've had plenty of choppers try to land in packed bases and go down in flames thanks to trying to have them land in those LZs lol

"Hey so here's all the bad guys on the base in a 60m range and they're going to stay tagged pretty much forever and i also found you the prisoners and oh hey here's a medical plant just in case you were looking for one. Oh you want me to go stun that guy and attract those dudes from across the map so you can CQC them? You got it boss"

Actually doing the shit I wanted him to do went a long way to making D-Dog my favorite living buddy. Quiet had way too many AI fuckups where she would just switch targets suddenly after telling her to take a shot, and when on "cover me" mode having some apparent decision making crisis where she wouldn't actually shoot anyone.
"Hey so here's all the bad guys on the base in a 60m range and they're going to stay tagged pretty much forever and i also found you the prisoners and oh hey here's a medical plant just in case you were looking for one. Oh you want me to go stun that guy and attract those dudes from across the map so you can CQC them? You got it boss"

How far in do I have to be to research D-Dog translator?


haven't watched ep 2 and 3 yet. is Dan starting to creep into telling Drew what to do again? gotta bug Dan on Twitter not to do that.

Oh yeah, big time. He's influencing Drew's playthrough like he can't help himself.

A real Gaius Baltar but at least he was a legit ladies man.

omg the comparison of Gaius to Huey is perfect! Funny, I feel for both those characters. Gaius more.
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