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Giant Bomb #16 | DO... DONK...

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That's why Jeff will be grilling him.



More like side scrolling Skate, but yeah the OlliOlli is great all the same.

It might have a similar control scheme to skate but is way arcadier than that. So I still think it's more Tony Hawk than Skate. The way you create insane lines that go through the whole level alone should be a giveaway why.


bish gets all the credit :)
They should have just released a remastered collection of 1-4 on current gen consoles. It would have been way cheaper and would sell better.
They should have just released a remastered collection of 1-4 on current gen consoles. It would have been way cheaper and would sell better.

Ideally, THHD would've been that but then they fucked up an easy thing, too.

The problem with doing what youre suggesting is that TH1 and TH2 are assy looking given their PSX origins. I suppose they could look into pulling from the Tony Hawk 2X port for better versions of those stages but that would take them actually having people over there who give a shit about TH, which given what we've seen from the series for over a generation suggests that they don't.
Anyone in this thread play through Undertale? I've been hearing a lot of crazy enthusiasm about it, but the quick look while interesting didn't really blow me away or anything.

i thought this was the mgsv thread?

Resource management/aquaculture actually looks like a pretty hot field right now. Just do all you can for that volunteer position, especially if you don't need to worry about a job/room and board, and keep in contact with your supervisors/fellow volunteers. It's that kind of work that sets the foundation for the future.

Yeah, it's actually a Peace Corps program so it'd put me in a pretty good position to pick up a federal job, turned down a grad program offer before that after not getting the funding I wanted. It's pry less being cynical about job prospects in marine bio that is making me look elsewhere careerwise, and more that my interests are a lot broader than just that field.


Ideally, THHD would've been that but then they fucked up an easy thing, too.

The problem with doing what youre suggesting is that TH1 and TH2 are assy looking given their PSX origins. I suppose they could look into pulling from the Tony Hawk 2X port for better versions of those stages but that would take them actually having people over there who give a shit about TH, which given what we've seen from the series for over a generation suggests that they don't.

It would also take them someone other than Robomodo...


12 hour Kinect stream saved. Will have to edit the audio a bit and then re-up. :)

Awesome, did YT let you re-download it in the end? Or did you figure out another solution?

Wonder if it's worth considering a second GBU channel for problem content on another site?


bish gets all the credit :)
Awesome, did YT let you re-download it in the end? Or did you figure out another solution?

Wonder if it's worth considering a second GBU channel for problem content on another site?

I made a fair use claim on it, which apparently makes the audio available while the claim is ongoing (which then got hit with even more claims and blocked worldwide, but everything is available as long as you're logged in), then downloaded with youtube-dl.

I'm probably just going to blank out certain audio (it's mostly that Zune music section) and re-upload the unmolested audio file to an external site.


I don't remember him having such trouble with platformers before, either.

I mean, it was more about him just giving up and not playing. It's his job. It's small in the grand scheme of things but stop being such a baby about it. Meh, should've seen it coming after his behavior during the Rocket League match-up.
It seems he has a bit of trouble when it comes to competitive activities. Failure seems to impact him more than I would have thought in those situations.
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