He's 38 and had a kid at 16, so he has a kid who's 21 or 22, depending on whether he or his son has the more recent birthday.
Wait is this real? I don't know what to believe any more.
He's 38 and had a kid at 16, so he has a kid who's 21 or 22, depending on whether he or his son has the more recent birthday.
Wait is this real? I don't know what to believe any more.
Its old news at this point but MPP being at Pax is so disappointing. Maybe it'll surprise and actually be a good way to do it though. Fingers crossed.
Its old news at this point but MPP being at Pax is so disappointing. Maybe it'll surprise and actually be a good way to do it though. Fingers crossed.
As long as they play Later Skater I'll be happy.
The latest MGS5 trailer is here! (im just kidding it isn't but this made me laugh too hard to not share also this is a youtube link so maybe be wary of comments? I dont know I didn't scroll down to check)
Did they ever release Kojima's final trailer?
Wait is this real? I don't know what to believe any more.
Youtube links are up too!
He tweeted today that it's coming out tomorrow.
Wait is this real? I don't know what to believe any more.
That 5 hour MPP5 live show is going to be an absolute shit show.
Coolio. I'm still trying to figure out if I'm going to get it at launch and if so, whether I should buy it for PC or PS4. I am concerned that my PC isn't good enough to run it better than the PS4. I have a 970, but I also only have 6 GB of RAM and I'm hesitant to upgrade my RAM since I'll likely be upgrading my motherboard within the next year or 2.
That 5 hour MPP5 live show is going to be an absolute shit show.
Why would a mobo upgrade keep you from upgrading your ram? I'm not sure how much of a difference the 2gb of ram will make, but my 970 with 8gb ram can run it at a locked 60 with everything maxed except for shadows.
Assuming Jason wasn't lying in the latest Danswers, then it's true.
My current mother board uses triple channel RAM, which means that I can only get 3X RAM, which is much less common and therefore significantly more expensive... unless I'm totally misunderstanding how this stuff works. Unfortunately, the new PC thread is totally useless for getting info, as they never respond to any of my questions.
Dan is going to be a dad!
Figured it was something like that, since 6 gb is such an odd number. Do you know for sure your mobo doesn't support dual channel memory? I'm unfortunately not gonna be of much help, but I would try the build a PC thread again. It might take a few tries but it's worth hammering away.
Actually, it looks like I can get 12 GB for $70. From what I've read online, I would need triple channel RAM, and that seems like a pretty good deal. I might make the plunge depending on funds.
It's highly unlikely you'll have a problem with 6GB of SYSTEM memory, so maybe slow your roll and try the game out first before going to 12GB. I don't know the whole story, of course, so maybe you're going to be encoding videos while playing The Phantom Pain. Regardless, it's only a game, so no need for so much hand wringing. It will most likely perform well with your processor and video card, and if not, you wait a few days and pick up some extra RAM.
Why didn't anyone tell me that Adam Sessler is an actor now?? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J47OSRORyk4
Yeah I might do that, though I've been meaning to pick up more RAM for a while. I just need to prioritize my money. Also, it's hard for me to tell when a game is running poorly because it's coded poorly or because of my setup.
So all the MGSV hype has made me start playing MS2 HD. This is my first MGS game and I've had a revelation:
Drew isn't bad at video games
This MOTHERFUCKING VIDEO GAME is bad at video games
Well, what games do you play regularly? gimme some benchmarks. Like I said, I have the same video card as you and I know how my system handles GZ.
I can't imagine the missing 2gb of ram is going to make your pc run TPP worse than a PS4 will, but I don't know much about sys reqs.
I don't play a ton of high-end PC games so it might be hard to tell. How could I get benchmarks anyway?
That's a really good idea, actually. I might just do that. The only high-end games I've played on PC in the last year are Far Cry 4 (which ran great), The Vanishing of Ethan Carter (which like I said before ran well aside from some occasional stuttering), andAnd you've got a 970? dang son.
I don't mean official benchmarks, I just mean what kind of games do you play and what kind of framerates do you get in them while playing them.
You're right that it's gonna be hard to tell without a high end game, I suppose, since that's where our systems will start to diverge if they do at all. I was thinking something like Witcher 3, GTA V, or battlefield 4.
Heck, with the steam refund system you could just buy the phantom pain, get ground zeroes for free from the promotion, and if it runs like crap, use the refund system no questions asked, as long as you play for under three hours.
That might be the best course of action now that I think of it. Just have to be sure you keep within the refund restrictions if the game doesn't run up to how you would like it to.
That's a really good idea, actually. I might just do that. The only high-end games I've played on PC in the last year are Far Cry 4 (which ran great), The Vanishing of Ethan Carter (which like I said before ran well aside from some occasional stuttering), and
Alien Isolation (which seems to run well from the little I've played of it).
Edit: I have no idea about the framerates. Is there a way I can check that?
Open steam, click settings, choose "in-game," and use the "in-game FPS counter" drop down menu to set a location for the counter. I recommend a high contrast color but it's up to you. Then you'll get a little framerate counter on at all times in your steam games. Just as simple to turn it off.
if you end up going the unofficial steam demo route, I'd start with everything on extra high except for shadows (set those to high) and see how it runs, since I get absolutely no drops from 60 on my system.
You also have to keep in mind that PS4 is getting Metal Gear Online a lot earlier, and the community will likely be bigger. The game is still gonna look great on PS4, so it comes down to whether or not you think the possible jump from your PC and playing with mouse and keyboard is worth it to you to miss out on what the PS4 might have to offer.
i nearly had a heart attack
Dan is going to be a dad!
Dan is going to be a dad!