I shouldn't have looked as I've now lessened the hilarity of it.For those trying to keep clear of all MGS spoilers no matter how minor may want to avoid Cara Ellisons twitter, it involves Quiets outfit.
I shouldn't have looked as I've now lessened the hilarity of it.
For those trying to keep clear of all MGS spoilers no matter how minor may want to avoid Cara Ellisons twitter, it involves Quiets outfit.
Good thing I no longer follow her then. I also expect it to be super dumb and might be worth discussing, but maybe after the game is out and people actually played it? Seems kinda shitty to just spout it out on Twitter.
But Kojima said when we found out the reason we would feel ashamed.
Meh, I saw the tweets and they were pretty whiny of her. And it's also fucked up she's spoiling her followers.
Is it really spoilery to say that Kojima is mildly sexist and can't write female characters for shit?
Is it really spoilery to say that Kojima is mildly sexist and can't write female characters for shit?
Can't write female characters
Has probably written better female characters than any other game developer
The Boss
Sniper Wolf
Eva/Big Mama.(Bond trope, she's a spy. That's why she's sexy.)
Yeah, he can write pretty damn awesome female characters. Sexist? Different culture. Looking at another countries culture and how things are treated there through a western lense is ignorant in itself. So I'd have to say I disagree with your assertion.
Good thing that Cara blocked me a long time ago then!
Can't write female characters
Has probably written better female characters than any other game developer
The Boss
Sniper Wolf
Eva/Big Mama.(Bond trope, she's a spy. That's why she's sexy.)
Yeah, he can write pretty damn awesome female characters. Sexist? Different culture. Looking at another countries culture and how things are treated there through a western lense is ignorant in itself. So I'd have to say I disagree with your assertion.
When it comes to writing female characters Kojima doesn't come anywhere close to Ragnar Tørnquist.
Except for The Boss none of these are particularly great characters, and no he is totally sexist.
Never heard of him![]()
Never heard of him![]()
Never heard of him![]()
Except for The Boss none of these are particularly great characters, and no he is totally sexist.
Watching some Witcher 3 PC footage and boy that frame rate is niiiiiiiiiiice
Agreed, except Sniper Wolf was kind of alright even if she was only alright through that dumb drawn out death scene. When he kills them off before he has a chance to be super fucking gross he can almost write a decent female character.
How pretty much all of these interactions with women also involve violence is weird as well.
When it comes to writing female characters Kojima doesn't come anywhere close to Ragnar Tørnquist.
Yeah just like how pretty much all of the interactions with men involve violence too
Except Otacon, he's a pansy.
Oh yeah Mei Ling! Commander in the Navy.
at least Kojima manages to sexualize age appropriate characters unlike some developers
at least Kojima manages to sexualize age appropriate characters unlike some developers
But we are told it is because she had sex with a superior just like Meryl only got her position because of her father.
Kojima has managed to write the best female character in gaming, The Boss, and also trash characters like Naomi and the Beauty and the Beast squad. He's inconsistent.
I was surprised to hear that the story in Until Dawn is completely dynamic, including who the killer is and other stuff that goes in it
It definitely looks great
Never heard of him
Meryl is pretty damn great because she's a strong character who depends on herself. Eva/Big Mama goes from being a spy to growing in a boss/motherly role and being strong. Sniper Wolf don't give no shit about no advances from a nerd, and only cares about her wolves.
I'd say they're pretty great characters.
And sexist...yeah he likes the pretty ladies, but most females you meet in the game are strong and subvert tropes. Hell, the fact that one of MGS' main enemies are fully-suited Female soldiers called 'FROGS' is pretty damn progressive.(Which the notion of 'female enemies' was criticized because there was a lack of it before), in a way MGS4 was progressive with a strong group of mercenary females
That's abysmal writing. I love MGS, I love Kojima's work, but he's a fucking hack in so many respects. Especially in dealing with women.
I think every character you've named has been involved in a dumb pervy scene at least once. The Boss is great but a lot of Kojimas other female characters feel like walking excuses for Kojima to get his creep on.Rumor on Mei Lings part! And Meryl hates her dad because of it, and she constantly goes against his wishes.
I went through this before during the MGS4 Scanlon playthrough.
Not a single woman in MGS4 is done well. they are all either objectified or reliant on men to be successful. the three strongest women are, what, Meryl, Mei Ling, and Eva?
Meryl has daddy issues and falls in love with shitboy because she can't just be a tough woman, Mei Ling rose to prominence in the armed forces because someone high up really took a perverted liking to her and of course Kojima makes her ass hang in the air for like a minute for no reason, and Big Mama's unending love for a guy she once had sex with in the 60's was so stupidly strong that she was willing to give birth to his clones and throw her body on a rando flaming clone because she had to keep kafaybay or whatever marks call it.
and that's not getting into the constant boob and ass shots in MGS4. Nor does it answer the whole bra mystery regarding Naomi or just about all the mysteries regarding Naomi's bipolar nature in the game. but that's just another nickpick
Probably the only decently written female character he's done in MGS was Sniper Wolf because she didn't give a shit about any dudes except for Big Boss which i suppose is fine since everyone has a hard-on for BB in the MGS universe. She wasn't objectified and was decently developed in MGS1.
but cmon now, dude just fucking sucks at writing women.
So, in a post MGS4-constant raping of paz and vagina bomb world, well, i'm not going to be shocked when the Quiet wears whatever the fuck she wears because it reminds her to always be a sexy woman no matter the circumstances and that she only speaks in the game to declare her endless devotion to Punished Snake. because that's all kojima knows what to write when it comes to women in MGS anymore