Didn't take long. Jeff already being called out as "lazy" in the Gears review thread lol
It's not a review thread without someone repeating the same Jeff doesn't like video games line.
Didn't take long. Jeff already being called out as "lazy" in the Gears review thread lol
Didn't take long. Jeff already being called out as "lazy" in the Gears review thread lol
Was that the one who married into Billy Gunn's family?
Sorry, requirement of the Giant Bomb thread. Saw a wrestling reference to be made, couldn't let it pass.
Solid background image to the NFL16 QL:
I really, really hope it's a Jeff and Vinny coast-to-coast job.
The more things change
The more things change
Solid background image to the NFL16 QL:
man, zelda (nintendo?) fans back then were rough
two days before the game was even out, no less
seems like the mm collection has got some issues, especially on the sound side
so much for those ambitions, digital eclipse
Why was the TP score such a big deal back then? Was it being a Wii launch game a factor? No one really gave a shit when GS gave Skyward Sword a 7.5. I mean, I'm sure someone gave a hit but it isn't notorious.
Why was the TP score such a big deal back then? Was it being a Wii launch game a factor? No one really gave a shit when GS gave Skyward Sword a 7.5. I mean, I'm sure someone gave a hit but it isn't notorious.
Also sounds like the pc port doesn't even run for some people.
Probably not. You never know with the Bombcast.There a Bombcast today?
You never know with him. He said he wanted a full-blown crazy Kojima storyline recently.I just realized that Jeff is going to like MGSVs story quite a biy. He said it sounds neat on jeff.zone...and I know details about the story that lines up with Jeffs likes.
There a Bombcast today?
You never know with him. He said he wanted a full-blown crazy Kojima storyline recently.
2006 "official petition to gamespot for a re-review of Twilight Princess"
2014 "official petition to giant bomb for a re-review of Driveclub"
Drew shaved his beard again?![]()
Haven't you seen the latest review? It's because they don't like video games anymore.So is Giantbomb shutting down? Is it because Brad decided to leave?
The Order is just as good as Gears of War.
Lol what makes you immediately think this is a recent picture?
I think I just contracted ear cancer.frying pan, your avatar made me curious about how much better that fight's music would be on a genesis soundchip
and the answer is a whole damn lot
It could be worse...Genesis soundchip...imagine if the Mega Drive's soundboard just made everything sound like Phil Collins?!