Freedom = $1.05
Meryl was also buff in mgs1 it's just that it didn't come off as such given the limits of the psx
Why wasn't The Boss' will interpreted as "loyalty to the US above all else" since that's the actual thing that happened.
Although the Youtube Gaming UI is questionable given how 'busy' it is, I do love that it is much easier to search through archived content for two reasons. The first is that the tabs for each type of video content per producer is easily viewable, accessible and quick to load. It might be useful to add a search button within each category to make searching even easier. However, this is much better than Twitch. The second is given that Twitch players usually archive streams on YouTube, there is a near exhaustive list of content available.
Moreover, the stability, reliability and DVR functionality of YT livestreams means it makes it my preferable place to watch livestreams or search for content. I hope it grows fruitfully in the future.
that's not what happened at all.
Yeah, Twitch's technology is garbage compared to YT. I at least hope Twitch gets a HTML5 player soon.
The YT Gaming channel rules is a bit eh though, from teh looks of it if anything content id matches they take down your stream, as opposed to muting archives of it like Twitch.
That's the downside ._.
The YT Gaming channel rules is a bit eh though, from teh looks of it if anything content id matches they take down your stream, as opposed to muting archives of it like Twitch.
That's the downside ._.
Twitch does have an html5 player. Not sure when it rolled out in the past couple weeks, but I don't have the native widget player anymore on my fleshless Safari.
Twitch does have an html5 player. Not sure when it rolled out in the past couple weeks, but I don't have the native widget player anymore on my fleshless Safari.
Wasn't the whole thing that she sacrificed herself and her reputation to keep the US looking good?
Wasn't the whole thing that she sacrificed herself and her reputation to keep the US looking good?
Oh, I completely forgot about the creator standpoint. I wonder if this would affect GB. They're not part of a MCN on YouTube or a publisher partner program, but are allowed to make and comment on content on their own website and Twitch. I would guess they have a deal, helped by the fact they're part of CBS, to prevent this. They are probably monetising on all their YT content.
With that in mind, didn't Big Boss successfully understand her point then? What with founding multiple organizations that had no loyalty to anyone but themselves. I thought the whole thing was that Zero and BB misinterpreted her will in different ways. I guess Big Boss was closer to the mark but still ultimately wrong?
Going by Youtube history, I'd say no deal/partnership/arrangement can stop you getting screwed over by their nonsense. I doubt it'll be much of a problem for GB though - they don't upload trailers to YT and most of their live streams that could be flagged are Premium.
I'm almost certain its just the controls that are HTML5.
That guys best role ever is in HBO's The Pacific. So fucked up. Amazing.
I'm almost certain its just the controls that are HTML5.
As I said I do not have flash installed on Safari, I have their html5 controls controlling an html5 video. Probably a beta version for flash-less browsers before they offer it as a selectable version for everyone. I think the quality is still stuck at auto for the moment, though.
A couple weeks ago all I would get was the html5 native player, which was a little hanky.
To be fair you said "fleshless".
This has been a super stressful month for a lot of reasons I haven't mentioned--deaths in the family, school/money stress, stolen CC info...
My hope is that this somehow leads to Kojima being part of Pax Royal Rumble.
Maybe 'cos of this?
Poor Austin.
Stay safe, duder!
That sucks, rollin' into PAX with that added bullshit. Hope it all turns out alright Austin.
Sounds like he needs some sort of ring-based outlet this weekend.
I've wondered that too but then sometimes completely different things are posted on the different accounts. The mystery deepensI'ev always wondered if Kojima does his own tweeting in English or if he has someone who translates his Japanese tweets for him.
Not out of like "oh he probably doesn't speak english very well" but im just thinkin it would probably be annoying to have to maintain two separate twitter accounts in two languages.
I've wondered that too but then sometimes completely different things are posted on the different accounts. The mystery deepens
Htc is circling the drain as a company, I'd avoid that if I were you, who knows how long their phones will be supported
Motorola x.
Motorola x.
If you have apps on the apple ecosystem though you might as well stick with it.
DEALWATCH: Amazon Fire phones will probably be pretty cheap in the future.Guys... I'm about to change job which mean I will most likely have to change phone....
I've been an iPhone user since day 1 (started with a 4 then changed to a 5c).
Now I'm looking at my options... I could by an iPhone 6 or maybe go fucking wild and switch to Android... I could get an HTC One for half the price. I'm kinda scared of Android tho lol... I know nothing and never used it. I'm sure I could get used to it quickly but still.. It's daunting lol.
Also have no idea if the HTC One M9 is good... It has good reviews on Google but who knows.